I'm with buzzy on the high natural fats for children. It seem every second child isgluten intolerant these days. I believe they are not getting enough natural fats, and I proved this with my two year old grandson when my daughter was getting him tested for gluten intolerants. He was having a sore tummy and trotting off to the toilet often. I told her to give him fill fat milk, cream and lots of butter on his veggies. To cut out the packet cereals and give an egg or porridge for breakfast, and yes, it solved the problem. Not enought natural whole foods and fats. PLEASE look up this website, www.betterbods.co.nzthen scroll down and click on the Campbell Live TV3 (april 2009) link. You will hear about a gluten free child going back onto a full fat diet and getting well.
Apr 18, 3:43am
Thats great buzzy. Thank you. Any "out of the box" ideas are certainly worth looking at. Can you give me recipe? Id really appreciate it, I grow my own cucumbers (which I find are really good for me) and dill, Id just have to get the grape leaves from somewhere :)
Apr 18, 3:13pm
A lot of gluten free prepared and packaged foods have additives and preservatives etc in that some people react badly to. This made it very difficult for me, esp when I was new to the GF diet, trying to figure out what I could and couldnt eat. "Hidden" gluten, such as MSG, "natural flavouring", and other additives put in the food by manufacturers who arent aware these things can be made from gluten, also made it difficult. I found recipes that give ingredients such as vinegar or cornflour etc that dont stipulate cider vinegar or maize cornflour can be a trap too. Thanks for that link jubre, I'll check it out when I have more time :)
Apr 19, 2:19am
bumping for Monday evening :)
May 2, 3:30pm
I see the MFD is still listing Hansell's vanilla essences as GF. I rang the company quite a while ago and was at first assured it was gluten free but after questioning the Lab. technician for quite a while, she admitted in the end that because the alcohol base used was from overseas they couldnt 100% guarantee that it was gluten free. Consequently I always do my own research and dont necessarily take anyones word that something is gluten free. I always try to remember to check the label on anything I buy as manufacturers often change the ingredients in a product :)
May 3, 2:58pm
bumping for evorotorua :)
May 11, 3:07am
Bumping for kizzer
May 13, 3:30pm
Hi buzzy, thanks for that :)
May 13, 4:57pm
Even if you are a Coeliac you may find some helpful information in this thread.
May 13, 10:49pm
bumpinb for Fri evening :)
May 15, 2:57am
Hi, we had Orgran Brown Rice pasta spirals with home made mince sauce and our own salad for our meal this evening. It was the first time I had tried that pasta and I can recommend it, it was quite nice, I cooked it for 12 mins :)
May 16, 1:36am
Check out the thread titled: *Gluten Free Hints and Tips*, theres more information there :)
May 18, 2:43pm
Taken from:http://www.foodintol.com/coeliac. asp Around ½% of the world's population is Celiac. This means ~1 in 200 people. However new evidence shows Non-Celiac Gluten intolerance is around 30 times more prevalent. Up to 15% of people or 1 in 7 are Gluten Sensitive and suffer the same symptoms. These are people who test negative or inconclusive for Celiac Disease. They are known as Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitive (NCGS). Many people suffer from headaches, mouth ulcers, weight gain or weight loss, poor immunity to disease, and skin problems like dermatitis and eczema. But the common and well-known Gluten intolerance symptoms are gastro-intestinal (diarrhoea, flatulence, bloating etc. ). Also associated are miscarriage and infertility and malabsorption problems like anaemia.
May 18, 7:14pm
Contd from same website: Other diseases associated with Gluten intolerance are auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, autoimmune thyroid disease, and cancers of the intestine. It is also a cause of infertility, miscarriage and other serious conditions. All Gluten intolerance is easily identified by an Elimination Diet. However many people turn to blood tests as a first investigation. Because the most common test for Gluten intolerance is still the old-fashioned Celiac test (blood tests and intestinal biopsy), most Gluten intolerant people return a 'negative' or inconclusive test. That's not surprising because Celiac Disease is a very small part of Gluten intolerance.
May 19, 3:42pm
bumping for Thurs :)
May 20, 12:34am
Bakels flour mixes have additives in them. Of concern are the modified starch (1422) and additive 412 which is guar gum so if you have trouble with diarrhoea you will need to watch that one. The other additives in their flours mixes are 541, 500, 475, and 471, its said these generally dont cause problems. There are also milk products in there so this will be a no no for some people. It pays to be aware of what is in everything - even products labelled gluten free.
May 24, 3:07pm
It has been a year since the controversial concept of adverse reactions to gluten (without coeliac disease) has changed. The concept of gluten sensitivity was previously met with stubborn resistance from the majority of medical practitioners. Paediatricians and General Practitioners now endorse gluten sensitivity which is great because before this people who were gluten intolerant without testing positive for Coeliacs weren't believed or accepted and it made a difficult situation worse. Education is the key and Im hoping by posting here more people will learn about NCGI.
May 25, 3:17pm
The gluten-sensitivity (or gluten syndrome) diagnosis now hasofficial status. Overwhelming clinical evidence of gluten sensitivity has led to the adoption of the “gluten-sensitive diagnosis” by the Department of Paediatrics, Christchurch Hospital. The members of this Child Health Team include three paediatricians and seven general practitioners. Their guidelines are posted on their website http://www.healthpathways.org.nz. This is such good news for anyone who was tested for Coeliacs and had negative results. Simply it means you can be intolerant to gluten without being a Coeliac.
Jun 15, 4:31pm
If you have gone onto the gluten free diet but are still having problems you may need to look at the possibility you are gluten sensitive. Some researchers believe gluten most often damages other tissues, organs, nerves or even nerves in the gut, beside the villi, meaning NOT NECESSARILY including the villi. In these cases villi biopsy is negative. These researchers believe the mere presence of gluten related antibodies indicate the immune system has reacted to gluten and the gluten free diet is recommended. They also say cellular mimicry between the gluten related antibodies and many innocent body tissues is often the mechanism of damage. (This means the body tissues "look like" gluten enough to attract and bind with the gluten related antibodies which in turns attracts killer cells to that tissue and instigates autoimmune damage. Published research indicates that gluten may at times break down into a number of "pieces" or glutenins for which there are no tests at this time. For this reason, it is suspected that some patients may react to gluten in ways that cannot be confirmed by current inadequate antibody panels. Many patients choose to listen to their own bodies' message and are thankful the body was able to tell them something is not right. I have such a dramatically bad reaction I know when Ive eating something I shouldnt have and I put it on my "no go" list. Fortunately only a few natural foods have gluten in them so there are lots of foods that can be eaten, which often means a much healthier diet :)
Jun 15, 8:42pm
you can buy pills now that do something so you can eat gluten, its not soemthing you would use all the time, but good for speical occasions when you want to be able to eat gluten, oh and yes they do work! if your keen i will find them and post the name of them
Jun 15, 11:37pm
Herika, I couldn't get the health pathways link to open. Do you have a better one or what can I do to navigate to that site please?
Jun 16, 12:37am
Wow - we foudn what was my my Dh ill - Bath foam with wheat in it! Apparently it is quite common to be ill from bath products - who knew! ! ! ? ? ?
Jun 16, 3:24pm
Hi buzzy, Im not sure why you couldnt access that link (I will check it out again when I have time), you do need a password, here is their email addy if you would like to contact them: [email protected]
Jun 16, 3:27pm
Oh my goodness! Isnt it amazing where gluten can turn up! Dont forget about the gum on envelopes - I got caught with that one. Its great you figured out where the gluten was, one more item to put on the "no go" list. Thanks for posting that information here, its good to know these things :)
Jun 24, 2:47pm
bumping for Friday :)
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