Anyone like Bounty Bars?

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nauru, Nov 14, 12:03am
I have made these a couple of times and they are very near the real thing.I have also rolled the mixture into balls before dipping.
1 cup coconut, 2 tbls. icing sugar, condensed milk as needed, 200g chocolate dark or milk. Mix together icing sugar, coconut and enough milk to need to a paste.Shape into pieces and chill for 15 mins. Dip in melted chocolate and leave to set.

madshazza, Nov 14, 12:50am
mmmm yum im guuna have to try this

tumbleweeds2011, Nov 14, 2:37am
Ohhh yum,thank you :) Bounty Bars are a weakness of mine, I shall try.

pickles7, Nov 14, 4:02pm
....nauru... you are naughty, they sound so yummy. I love bounty bars, and these could be even Would make a nice treat to take as a "plate" over the "festive" time, fast shape them like strawberries, then kid yourself they are good for you.

buzzy110, Nov 14, 5:34pm
Whew!!! Roll on diabetes.

pickles7, Nov 14, 6:08pm
Not a lot of bad in those,.....buzzy110.....unless-
you would make a pig of yourself....

bedazzledjewels, Nov 14, 6:09pm
I used to love Bounty bars in my high carb days, but now it's enough just to open my jar of Celebes coconut oil and get a whiff!

buzzy110, Nov 14, 8:32pm
Duh #6. I see two of the four ingredients are mostly sugar (condensed milk and chocolate). One ingredient is pure sugar (icing sugar) Add to that the carb high coconut and the highly processed milk component of the condensed milk. Also the chocolate probably has processed vegetable fats, which are actually transfats. I say no more.

tazzaboy2, Nov 14, 8:47pm
sound yumo!!! might try these as xmas! eat well.drink.celebrate!! dont care bout high fat crap..that can wait till after xmas lol..

nauru, Nov 14, 11:29pm
buzzy110, Making this recipe for an occasional treat to share at Christmas time is fine, you aren't meant to pig out on them.There is only 2 Tbls icing sugar and about 2 tbls con milk needed in the recipe. Using dark chocolate is better than milk anyway, esp if 72% and making them into balls gives smaller portions. Homemade is always better than bought.

earthangel4, Nov 14, 11:38pm
umm all that sugar,not for me,count me out,lol lol

uli, Nov 14, 11:39pm
I would suggest you make a triple recipe of these bars at once, then dip half of them into white-flour batter (could add some more sugar to the batter too) and then deep fry them to really make it worthwhile. The other half of them can go into the freezer for tomorrow :)

jmonster, Nov 15, 12:29am
These sound like fun to try for xmas!
Thanks for sharing Nauru!

susan21, Nov 15, 12:44am
I made these today, as a special treat.They are absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much for the recipe, will definately be making them again for christmas.

munkatunksmum, Nov 15, 12:49am
Thanks for sharing the recipe nauru.I am looking forward to trying this (even though I probably shouldn't LOL)

nauru, Nov 15, 1:07am
Pleased you liked them susan21. At least most posters were happy with the recipe. But I say, uli's suggestion is REALLY unhealthy.

uli, Nov 15, 3:32am

davidt4, Nov 15, 3:04pm
uli I didn't realise you were so innovative!What about good old deep fried Moro Bars?How about deep fried lolly cake?Deep fried ambrosia?

red2, Nov 15, 3:17pm
is the duh ? polite language - no

kaddiew, Nov 15, 3:51pm
nauru thanks for the recipe; it sounds sinfully delicious. :)

We're all intelligent enough to figure out for ourselves that this would be an occasional treat - so just ignore the unnecessary & sarcastic comments. Nobody is forcing anyone to eat it!Cheers.

indy95, Nov 15, 3:59pm
Hmmmm, I really like davidt4's suggestion for Deep Fried Ambrosia although I think it may prove to be technically challenging, don't you?Maybe you could pass the idea on to Heston Blumenthal as I'm certain he would be able to overcome any difficulties that may arise. Seriously, nauru, that sounds like a delicious OCCASIONAL TREAT idea and I have added it to my Christmas file. Thank you very much for the recipe.

kiwitrish, Nov 15, 4:08pm
Thanks for the recipe. They sound yummy and so simple.Will give them a try.

kcak, Nov 15, 4:18pm
Yep, I'll be trying it too, and couldn't agree with you more Kaddiew.

rebecca12, Nov 15, 4:23pm
I wonder what it would be like with toasted coconut.

uli, Nov 15, 6:44pm
Don't wonder rebecca12 - deep fry them in coconut oil then they are toasted and you can try it out :)
Let us know how you got on