My Simpson oven that is 6 years old needs every working mechanical part on it replaced- I have already replaced two thermostats for stove elements and the oven bake element. Currently two stove elements are either hot or not - the oven grill elemnet dosnt work, the external power switches are pushed in, the oven door handle has come off and the hinges to the door need replacing. The warrentee has expired but in my complaint to customer service their reply was that in 6 years you would expect some maintanence? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Well sure - but not on every working peice on the oven. To that comment I have received no reply.
SSSOOOO - anyone else got problems with their ovens?
I would never in my life buy another simpson product and I do have all my whiteware in my house simpson brand - which must tip the scale at 10k.
Jul 27, 5:53am
Simpson is the cheap nasty brand of Electrolux... It is Electroluxs version Haier. . built to a cheap price. .
Jul 27, 5:56am
Well, I have had a Simpson for 10 years and have never had a moment's trouble with it.
Jul 27, 6:03am
Simpson sucks. Everyone I know who has one hates them! They are too hot and burn your baking until you learn to turn the heat down and experiment with different heats and the elements have problems too.
Jul 27, 6:05am
I wish I could say the same indy95 - nothing BUT trouble for me - maybe Homer was on the production line when mine one was built.
I would never buy another one.
Jul 27, 6:08am
I admit that the oven is slightly on the hot side but this only affects baking and I just turn the temperature down 10 to 20 degrees depending on what I am making.
Jul 27, 6:12am
I think you're probably right about Homer, leon20 ! I would be making one almighty fuss about that oven if I were you.
Jul 27, 6:36am
I have a Simpson dryer that is a complete pig of a thing so would never buy anything else in the range.
Jul 27, 8:48am
lol. I had one on the colds side. It was so cold scones would come out the same colour as they went it. It was OK once it got fixed, took four visits from there service man though. It was under warranty. .
Jul 27, 9:04am
I too have a Simpson with the ceramic top, it is 4 years old and so far I have replaced the following, Dual element, top oven element, fast heat element (needs replacing again), all 4 simmerstats plus a second failure of the dual element simmerstat, oven light and side panel that holds the 3 pin socket, it is a lemon to say the least and I will never buy another Simpson again
Jul 27, 11:46am
Had a Simpson dishwasher and hated it- kept leaking and had to replace the seals several times; had to wash diiner plates by hand as they didn't fit. It was called Silencio because it was supposed to be quiet- well it wasn't. Have replaced it with F & P cheapie ( Elba) when it finally went to the big appliance place in the sky- and it has been great. Putting an Asko into new kitchen though. Have also recently discovered that Simpson, Electrolux and Westinghouse all come from the same factory. Have bought electrolux induction hob and westinghouse fridge/freezer and 1. 5 oven. Won't know for a few months how they work though.
Jul 27, 7:13pm
I have a Simpson Neptune bought about 7-8 years ago and had had untold trouble with Simmerstats they only seem to last about 1 year. also a design fault is when the oven is on grill the edge of the oven by the fromt hobs is EXTREMELY hot... . . touch it and you burn yourself (almost like taking a hot tray from the oven kind of burn)... Before I bought the Simpson I had a Frididaire Range and it was excellent... . made to last and gave me over 30 years of cooking time...
Jul 27, 7:16pm
Sounds a bit like their awful washing machines, nothing but trouble
Jul 27, 10:03pm
I actually have a great Simpson washing machine - but the oven is sooooooooooo bad I felt compelled to complain and then the response was so patronising I thought I might ask around and see others experiences. Sounds like some unhappy Simpson appliances purchasers... ... ... ...
Jul 27, 10:09pm
Given the range of problems over time, and the current ones, I would think you could get results using the Consmer Gurantees Act. An oven should realisticly last more than 6 years, and without that many issues.
Jul 27, 10:11pm
thanks cybertao - will look into it
Jul 27, 10:24pm
6 years does not seem like a long time in the life of an oven. I looked it up and this site says 17 years. http://www.demesne. info/Home-Maintenance/Appliance-Life-Expe ctancy.htmOur basic Fisher and Paykel oven is about 10 years old and we've never had a problem with it. The only Simpson appliance we have is a clothes dryer which is about 11 years old and we've never had a problem with that either.
Jul 27, 10:46pm
I have had 2 simmerstats go bung-are they easy to replace or should I buy the bits and call an electrician?
Jul 27, 10:50pm
leon20 wrote: I actually have a great Simpson washing machine - but the oven is sooooooooooo bad I felt compelled to complain and then the response was so patronising I thought I might ask around and see others experiences. Sounds like some unhappy Simpson appliances purchasers... ... ... ... [/quote
yes, They treated us the same, very poorly indeed. Not the ovens fault , even offered us a recipe. We cooked up some scones and delivered them to the show room, that got a spark of action. It turned out to be a faulty component. Four visits from the repair man, was over the top... In fact they sent us an account, for his time because the fault was "the recipe"not the ovens. We got a bit stroppy over that. After the fault was discovered, we were sent a letter telling us our account had been cleared. yeah right! ! !
Jul 27, 10:55pm
bosch products are fantastic
Jul 27, 11:03pm
I will just add this, if the repair man comes to your home, make sure he stays long enough to spot the problem. What was happening with us, the oven got up to heat, the oven was seen to be OK, the prob was removed, and that was it. After we got very stroppy the man was told by head office to stay while we cooked a batch of scones. That is how the problem was caught. After the oven reached the right heat, it never turned back on again, the switch was faulty. so darn simple. The repairman was always in a hurry, wouldn't listen, thought we were just wasting his time.
Jul 28, 7:13am
Yeah and give him the wonky scones to prove your point.
My oven had the opposite problem when new in that it wasn't cooling down. The service had a device he put in it to discover what was happening. All Ok now.
Aug 14, 11:15pm
Leon my Stovesame problems. same age I hate the bloody thing . I had a simpson washing machine for 15yrs . .come time for replacement we got another Simpson which was returned 3 times with faults within 6 weeks. Brought it from Bond and Bond and they were excellent. the end result was I got a Hiaer washing machine and Bond and Bond gave mea drier . I havent had any problems with it.
Aug 14, 11:17pm
I had a Simpson dishwasher which was fantastic... it just kept going. I have a De Longhi oven which so far is fine... only had it a year.
Aug 14, 11:28pm
We have one at work. If you put a tea towle on the oven door when it is open slightly the door falls all the way open.
I have one at home and it seems ok. Had to get 2 theromstats for the front elements replace.
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