does somebody have a boiled chocolate cake recipe! i had one for years then loaned out the original recipe on paper and havent come close to finding it HELP! ! also would love it if someone had a lovely chocolate icing... ...
Oct 10, 10:30pm
Just bumping this thread, unsure on time now allowed for threads to be kept.
Currently with some, now over 10 days and still being increased.
Being watchful all the same.
Oct 30, 3:51pm
bumping .
Nov 3, 10:44pm
more homework to add in here
Nov 7, 11:29am
pp... pp
Nov 10, 10:08pm
Best Ever Cupcakes... . 2 eggs, cream, 1 tsp vanilla essence, 3/4c caster sugar, 1 c self raising flour. Crack eggs into a 250ml measuring jug then fill to the top with cream. Transfer to a bowl and beat with electic beaters for 1 minute. Add vanilla and sugar, beat 3 minutes. Fold in flour gently with wooden spoon. Spoon mix into 12 muffin tins lined with paper cases. Bake @ 180°C for approx, 15-20mins until light golden and cooked. Cook and ice with your favourite icing.
Nov 15, 12:02am
Easy Apple Fruit Cake This cake has all the flavours of Christmas but wont take ages to make. You can decorate it any way you like. Makes a great wedding cake too. 200g butter , softened plus extra for greasing 200g dark muscovado sugar 3 eggs , beaten 1 tbsp black treacle 200g self-raising flour 2 tsp mixed spice 1 tsp baking powder 2 eating apples , grated (approx 100g each) 300g mixed sultanas and raisins
Nov 15, 12:03am
Cont... . . Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C. Butter and line the bottom of a deep, round 20cm cake tin with greaseproof paper. Beat the first seven ingredients together in a large bowl (electric hand- beaters are best for this), until pale and thick. Using a large metal spoon, gently fold in the fruit until evenly combined. Spoon the batter into the tin and bake for 50 mins-1 hr or until the cake is dark golden, springy to the touch and has shrunk away from the tin slightly. A skewer inserted into the centre will come out clean when it's ready. Cool completely before decorating. Will keep, wrapped in an airtight container or iced, for up to a week, or can be frozen un-iced for up to a month - defrost fully before decorating.
Nov 15, 11:23pm
bump ... .
Nov 16, 6:36am
That sounds delicious Pam. . yum! and. . bumping for Puhapatch
Nov 18, 6:49pm
madeira cake would like a recipe for madeira cake just like bakerys sell very close grain the ones i make are quite course grain thanks brian
Nov 18, 10:12pm
Madeira Cake... 175gm softened butter, 3/4c caster sugar, 3 large eggs, 1 3/4 cups self raising flour, 3T blue top milk (must not be trim), zest of 1 lemon. Cream butter and sugar until light & fluffy. Add in eggs 1 at a time. Sift in flour, then fold in milk and lemon zest. Spoon batter in lined 20cm round tin and bake @ 180°C for 35-40 mins.
Nov 21, 2:06pm
e... e
Nov 24, 7:43pm
bumpin up for me to look thru later for a Banana Cake :o)
Nov 27, 11:34am
well I didn't need to look lol marcs kindly gave me one which was lovely I am told (made it for a gift), also found on TM one with no butter from Mackenzie, so am going to try that one and report back (of course it may already be in this thread! ):o)
Nov 30, 3:25am
Bump ;;
Dec 1, 9:01pm
Heaps of great recipes in here especially for this time of the year.
Dec 4, 2:32am
o... o
Dec 8, 3:03pm
special cake for the Christmas "do" ... Baileys Liqueur Cake (This is best served the day it is made as a dessert cake. It is very rich. ) Ingredients: 125g butter, melted; 1 cup sugar; 2 eggs; 1 cup Baileys Irish creme liqueur; 2 cups flour; 4 tsp baking powder. Method: Preheat oven to 180 C. Mix together melted butter, sugar and eggs and mix well. Add liqueur and sifted flour and baking powder. Gently mix together. Pour into a lined 20 cm cake pan and bake for 45 minutes. Topping: 300ml cream, whipped; 1 TBS coffee; 1 TBS hot water; 2-3 TBS Baileys Irish creme liqueur. When cake is cool top with combined whipped cream, coffee dissolved in hot water, and Baileys liqueur. A GOOD TIME WILL BE HAD BY ALL! !
Dec 9, 1:58am
it was like a angel made it
Dec 9, 2:53am
valentino - threads now last for a year after the last posting, so no need to bump. If no-one has posted on a thread for 12 months I think it's safe to assume that there's no interest!
Dec 12, 1:21pm
Mmmmm doree LOVE Baileys, thanks for that one :o)
Dec 15, 6:12am
bump got to copy
Dec 18, 12:50am
bump bumping
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