Madeira Cake. 175gm softened butter, 3/4c caster sugar, 3 large eggs, 1 3/4 cups self raising flour, 3T blue top milk (must not be trim), zest of 1 lemon. Cream butter and sugar until light & fluffy. Add in eggs 1 at a time. Sift in flour, then fold in milk and lemon zest. Spoon batter in lined 20cm round tin and bake @ 180°C for 35-40 mins.
Nov 19, 10:40pm
Bump bumping for (71.)Rhubarb Coconut Cake
Nov 22, 3:12am
ok here is one for those who loooove to bake. BLACK BOTTOM CAKE 225g Cream cheese, 1 egg, third C sugar, 175g chocolate chips, pinch salt Beat together first 3 ing. then mix in choc chips and salt. Place to one side sift following ingredients into seperate bowl 1 and half C flour, 1 t Baking soda, half C cocoa, half tsp salt.Now add 1 C sugar, half C melted butter, 1 C water, 1 tsp vanilla essence and 1 T Vinegar
Pour flour mixture into greased and floured 20cm cake tin. Spread the creamcheese mixture on top.
Bake at 190 for 45 mins. Allow to cool before removing from tin.
Nov 22, 3:15am
Black bottom cake continued. Icing for this cake. Melt together 1 x 125g energy chocolate bar and 2/3 C cream. Pour over.
This cake is rich and super yum.
Nov 22, 3:18am
This cake is from . "Grannys Cakes - 55 NewZealand favourites"I have not seen this book in a long long time and would love to know if anyone else has any thing from it.
Nov 22, 2:06pm
e. e
Nov 25, 3:13am
Was on P4 Not now though
Nov 28, 11:34am
well I didn't need to look lol marcs kindly gave me one which was lovely I am told (made it for a gift), also found on TM one with no butter from Mackenzie, so am going to try that one and report back (of course it may already be in this thread!):o)
Nov 28, 4:48pm
anyone out there remember the 'friendship cake'! I used to make it years ago with my SIL & m8s.the one where you make up a batter and 'feed it' then at the end of the week you give a cup of the batter away to a friend.sounds weird I know but the cake was truly delish!
Nov 29, 9:35pm
Time for another nudge to Page 1 I think.
Dec 1, 12:42am
Wow! This was on P5!
Dec 3, 4:04pm
Well, bumping again I am away for a month soon and wont be able to keep this towards the front and we don't want to lose it,so add some more favourites here please to keep it alive and well.
Dec 3, 4:11pm
To brianmac. I for one will help to keep an eye on things although I will have 2 special guests from the 24th to 4th. First time for them in NZ so I will be showing them a few places. In the meantime, i as noted above and hopefull a few others will do likewise in keeping our very good threads kept.Once again, Have a very good break.
Dec 3, 7:15pm
I'm not absolutely sure but I think this is a Ruth Pretty recipe. Whether it is or not it makes a lovely cake.
Almond Madeira (RP)
125g butter softened, ¾ c caster sugar, 2 eggs, 3 T milk, ¼ c natural yoghurt, ¼ - ½ t almond essence, 1 1/3 c SR flour, ¾ c ground almonds, ½ c slivered almonds.
Preheat oven to 180C and grease and line a 20cm round tin. Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy then beat in eggs one at a time beating well between each. Mix in milk, yoghurt and essence. Add flour and ground almonds and mix just until combined. Put in tin, scatter almonds over and press them gently into cake. Bake for 45 – 50 mins.
Dec 5, 2:32am
o. o
Dec 6, 2:48pm
Lemon Slice Cake Just posted recipe in 1kg lemons thread
Dec 6, 11:27pm
bumping again on page three and dont want to lose this as it is well used.
Dec 9, 3:03pm
special cake for the Christmas "do" .Baileys Liqueur Cake (This is best served the day it is made as a dessert cake. It is very rich.) Ingredients: 125g butter, melted; 1 cup sugar; 2 eggs; 1 cup Baileys Irish creme liqueur; 2 cups flour; 4 tsp baking powder. Method: Preheat oven to 180 C. Mix together melted butter, sugar and eggs and mix well. Add liqueur and sifted flour and baking powder. Gently mix together. Pour into a lined 20 cm cake pan and bake for 45 minutes. Topping: 300ml cream, whipped; 1 TBS coffee; 1 TBS hot water; 2-3 TBS Baileys Irish creme liqueur. When cake is cool top with combined whipped cream, coffee dissolved in hot water, and Baileys liqueur. A GOOD TIME WILL BE HAD BY ALL!
Dec 10, 2:53am
valentino - threads now last for a year after the last posting, so no need to bump.If no-one has posted on a thread for 12 months I think it's safe to assume that there's no interest!
Dec 11, 1:16pm
bumping again .
Dec 16, 1:40am
Has anhyone tried the Armenian nutmeg and walnut cake yet! It is divine and easy to make.
Dec 18, 3:51am
P5. Unbelievable
Dec 19, 6:20pm
Gosh. there's some nice cake recipes in here. Bumping to be kept going.
Dec 24, 3:09pm
This was on P6! Just imagaine if it dropped off!
Dec 26, 12:16am
b. ump.
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