katalin2 I Highly Recommend you get theSanyo hand mixer. They are cheap but they have heaps of power when making big lots! ! Then its just a case of standing there and mixing for a good few mins when creaming but and sugar! When it comes to adding the dry stuff, I change to a good woodenspoon. I promise, you will Never regret buying this:)
Jul 13, 4:01pm
katalin2 ya will also be able to make Soo much more as alot of good food needs to be creamed:) Ya kids and hubby will Love ya for it:)
Jul 14, 4:02am
I don't cream butter as I love cooking/baking/entertaining but I am really busy and like to make cakes that are quick- I tasted a melt butter fruitcake recently and it was lovely. If all fails I will do the creaming thing- was hoping someone might have had a melt one... . .
Jul 14, 5:13am
whats a baba pan? brian.
Jul 14, 5:01pm
Hawaiian Macadamia Cake 3c sr flour, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 1/2c caster sugar, 1c coconut, 5 eggs lightly beaten, 440g tin crushed pineapple in syrup 1 1/2c oil, 100g macadamia nuts chopped. Sift flour, cinnamon into lge bowl. Add sugar & coconut & stir to combine. Add eggs, pineapple & oil & nuts. Mix well. Spoon into a 23cm round tin that has been lined. Bake at 180° for 1 hr 15 mins. Cover cake with foil if it browns too much during cooking. Ice with cream cheese icing. 1/4c cream cheese, 30gm butter, 1 tblspn lemon juice, 1 1/2c icing sugar. Beat together till creamy.
Jul 14, 9:58pm
A baba tin is a ring tin with fluting inside, makes a nice shaped cake, but I am sure a ring tin will suffice.
Jul 16, 10:53pm
Melt N Mix Coffee Cake 125g butter, chopped;130g brown sugar;75g caster sugar;125ml milk;2 tsp instant coffee;2 eggs;225g s. r flour. Grease a 14x21cm loaf pan, cover base with baking paper. Combine butter, sugar, milk & coffee in med saucepan, stir over low heat, without boiling, until butter is melted. Stand 10 mins. Stir in eggs & flour. Pour into pan. Bake in mod oven about 40 mins. Turn onto rack to cool. Top cold cake with coffee glac'e icing and walnuts if desired.
Jul 16, 10:55pm
Biranmac! ! Thankyou for those cake recipies! ! YUM!
Jul 16, 10:56pm
Coffee Glac'e Icing 240g sifted icing sugar;1 tsp soft butter;3 tsp instant coffee;2 tbsp milk approx. Sift icing sugar and coffee together. Stir in butter and enough milk to give a firm paste. Stir over hot water until icing is spreadable;do not overheat. Spread icing over cold cake immediately.
Jul 16, 11:40pm
NEVER fail Sponge I never had success with a sponge til I used this recipe 4 eggs... . . 3/4 cup sugar 2 Tablesp. water... . . 1 1/3 cups cornflour... . 1 heaped teasp Baking powdervanilla Beat the egg whites well Boil water & sugarthen add to whites while hot Beat again... add yolks... beat Fold in dry ingreds Bake at 185 C for 15 mins USE 2 biground tins ( approx 22cms ) If you have smaller tins make 3/4 of the recipe
Jul 16, 11:44pm
Aunty Daisy's Block Cake 2 heaped cups flour, 230g butter, 1 cup sugar, 450g raisins, 100g cherries, 75g peel, 450g sultanas, or the last 4 can be replaced with 1 kg mixed fruit, 75g almonds, 2 eggs, 1 cup milk (+ 1 tblspn), 1 teaspn baking soda, 1 ½ teaspns vanilla, 1 tblspn plum jam (op).
Rub butter into flour until like crumbs, add sugar, mix well. Add fruit and nuts. Break eggs into milk, beat well, microwave full power 1 ½ mins, stir well. Allow to stand until cool but not cold. Add vanilla. Pour into flour mixture, mix baking soda with extra milk and add. For darker cake, add the jam, but it can easily be omitted. Bake in roasting dish 2 hours, 150, or 2 tins about 1 hr 10 mins.
Jul 16, 11:46pm
Chocolate Cake for a Crowd 225g butter, 2 cups sugar. Creamed together then add: 2 tblspns golden syrup, 2 eggs.
Then alternately: 4 cups flour, 4 tblspns cocoa, 4 teaspns baking powder. with: 2 teaspns baking soda dissolved in 600ml milk, plus 1 teaspn vanilla.
Bake in meat dish 170 for¾ hour.
Jul 16, 11:47pm
Cold Tea Cake Boil together for three minutes: 225 g butter, 225 g sugar, 2 teacups cold tea. (quite nice if one of the cups is Earl Grey or herbal! )
Sift dry ingredients together. Melt butter, sugar, marmalade. Pour onto dry ingredients beating well. Add eggs and lastly boiling water and orange rind. Beat until bubbles appear on the surface. Pour into lined tin, 170 50 mins.
Jul 16, 11:51pm
I know this following recipe does needing creaming Katalin, but it's excellent, an Alison Holst, and I make three of them every Christmas cos my husband is such a guts and loves it, and I have made these for all my girls' weddings, doubled etc the quantities and made three tiers. It's so yummy. I don't ice it for a Christmas cake, just put cherries and nuts over it before I bake, but for the wedding cakes had them iced professionally, and they were superb I have to say.
Line a 23cm tin with one or two layers greaseproof or baking paper. Measure spices and flour into bowl and set aside. Cream butter, sugar and essences until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time with a spoonful of flour mixture after each to prevent curdling. Add prepared fruit and pineapple to remaining flour. Add flour and fruit to creamed mixture and mix thoroughly. Press evenly into prepared tin. Use almonds and cherries to decorate top. Bake at 150 for 1 ½ hours, then at 130 for about 2 hours until skewer comes out clean. Sprinkle hot cake with brandy.
Jul 17, 1:15am
thanks libby I have made this cake regularly too- it is a great recipe! thanks.
Jul 18, 4:33pm
One egg Sultana Cherry Cake 375g plain flour;75g s. r flour;1 tsp baking soda;250g butter, chopped;200g brown sugar;240g sultanas;140g glace cherries, halved;1 egg;180ml milk;60ml white vinegar. Line base & sides of a deep 19cmsquare cake pan with 3 layers of baking paper, bringing paper 5cm above sides of tin. Combine flours and soda in bowl, rub inbutter with fingertips. Stir in sugar, sultanas and cherries, then egg, milk & vinegar. Spread into pan. Bake in slow oven about 2 hrs. Cover hot cake tightly with foil, cool in pan.
Jul 18, 4:50pm
thanks Brianmac love cakes where you don't cream... have in fact made Alison Holst's Love Cake- called that cos you only make it for people you love- takes 3 days... and yes, do have to cream butter... and it has 2 cups of ground almonds in it as well as SR flour and the fruit soaked in brandy... sounds yum. But will try above recipe too.
Jul 18, 8:21pm
HIII... ... So wot would be a great cake for the "Golden Cream Cheese Frosing" ? ? That frosting just sounds soo great! ! !
Jul 18, 9:12pm
The frosting is for the ginger cake recipe above it.
Jul 19, 12:37am
Moist Coconut Cake with Coconut ice Frosting This cake is deliciously moist. 125g butter;1/2 tsp coconut essence;1 cup caster sugar;2 eggs;1/2 cup coconut;1 1/2 cups s. r flour;200g sour cream;1/3 cup milk. Grease a deep 23cm cake tin, line base with paper, grease paper. Cream butter, essence and sugar in small bowl with electric mixer until light & fluffy;beat in eggs, one at a time, beat until combined. Transfer to lge bowl. Stir in half the coconut and sifted flour with half the sour cream and milk, then stir in remaining ingredients;stir until smooth. Pour into prepared tin bake in mod oven about 1 hour. Stand 5 mins before turning onto wire rack to cool. Ice with Coconut Ice Frosting when cold.
Jul 19, 12:39am
Coconut Ice Frosting 2 cups icing sugar;1 1/3 cups coconut;2 egg whites, lightly beaten;pink food colouring. Combine sifted icing sugar in a bowl with coconut and egg whites;mix well. If desired, tint pink with a little colouring.
Jul 19, 6:47pm
Triple Choc Orange Cake 125g butter, chopped;1 tbsp grated orange rind;165g caster sugar;2 eggs;150g s. r flour;50g plain flour;2 tbsp cocoa;100g dark choc, finely grated;80ml milk (1/3 cup)130g choc bits. Grease a 20cm ring tin, coverbase with baking paper. Combine butter, rind, sugar, eggs, flours, - cocoa, choc and milk and beat with electric mixer on low till just combined. Increase to med until mix is smooth & changed in colour cont... . .
Jul 19, 6:49pm
stir in choc bits. Spoon & spread mixture into tin Bake in mod slow oven (160) for about 1 hour. Stand five mins before turning on to rack to cool. Top cake with citrus frosting and orange shreds if desired.
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