jimminette - much worse - why sugar in salad dressing? I nearly died of shock when I first came here. Mind you that was still the time when people called sweetened condensed milk with vinegar mayo ... :(
maxwell. inc. MAF does everything to discourage such ideas like you just had, so I won't say anything to that... However there is no need to even think about doing the unspeakable, as you can buy them on TM now: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing. aspx? id=249688016
And here a bit of trivia: Peanut butter was invented by St. Louis physician Ambrose Straub, who, concerned about the nutrition of his elderly, toothless patients, concocted a health-food product that was high in protein and easily digestible.
Oct 28, 1:07am
Peanuts have been grown successfully in Northland since the 1980's. I very much doubt that there would be enough hot days further south to let peanuts ripen. They need warm temperatures (of at least 15 degrees) from late October to early April when they get harvested. Our main problem up here is the humidity at harvesting time, so they really need a drying room - but then, so does the garlic and the onions LOL - (if you grow enough to store them until next Xmas when the next lot starts to ripen).
Oct 28, 1:07am
Here's an auction for peanut seeds, seller has quite a variety of other seeds as well. no. 250053944
Oct 28, 1:48am
Mmmmmm - Pics 'really good' peanut butter ... . I buy it by the 1kg jar now! Take your empty jar back & the next one costs less ...
Oct 28, 2:06am
I think its because companies taste test food on younger people and as its a blind test they go on the tasters findings. I did one when at uni for a new pumpkin soup, I didn't particularly like any of the 6 choices but one was better than the others and this is how Companies do it. So put 6 different Peanut butters in front of 100 people, some with and some without sugar and young people will generally go for the sweetest one there. Why because they tend to like sweet stuff and as we all get older often our taste buds change and we find that sweet becomes tooo sweet. I tell you its a blooming nusiance as a diabetic to have to read the label to find one without added sugar.
Oct 28, 2:18am
I certainly do remember your catalogue uli! A fine assortment you grew to eat andfor sale. Such a shame it was curtailed by the accident. I wish I had perservered with a few Peanut plantsway back in the 80's as we can do 5 months of growing and ripening here. We grew Soybeans and yams then too. V
Oct 28, 2:43am
Thats quite simple Jimminette... think about it... Sugar creates a chemical dependancy in your brain, much in the way some drugs do, you become hooked on it, your brain tells your body you WANT IT, and you WANT A LOT OF IT - so by putting sugar in every god damn thing on the shelf, they get you hooked on their product, you WANT more of it, you BUY more of it, you EAT more of it.
Thats why sugar (read sweet) is one of the hardest food dependency to break.
Oct 28, 2:47am
Woohoo! peanut seeds... *puts tin foil hat on in case MAF is watching*I shall look at their other seeds too... even If I dont get any peanuts off it, I'm wondering if the plant it self is or would be toxic, I like to grow lots of interesting stuff for the parrots to eat - read, destroy - gives them something fun to do.
Oct 29, 3:38pm
Reallygoodpeanutbutter is deliscious you can order online, its amazing, I am a big peanut butter fan and this is the best by far, made in nelson, nuts from aussie.
Oct 29, 5:06pm
Well lucky I have a savory taste and just don't have peanut butter now. But after reading this thread I might just have a look around some of the 'not supermarket' shops and support them instead. Have a daughter with low salt tolerence and we used to have to get unsulted peanut butter when she was little. Would hate to have to shop for her these days. You would think it would get easier to get more natural foods these days - but no. Still think NZ should go totally organic. The world would beat a path to our shores.
Oct 29, 6:50pm
Well I am totally savoury and only eat real tortes as in the Blackforest variety, I never liked cakes and muffins etc. However a peanutbutter sandwich with cheese and cucumber and onions or garlic goes very well down my throat :)
Oct 29, 7:09pm
Interesting - I always think of Peanut butter as a savoury food too. Especially as it makes a nice full-on savoury loaf for my dinner ocassionally. And although it can be used in biscuits it is the sugarin the recipe that makes it sweet food. It is nice with jamon a cracker but a savoury sandwich is my first favourite. I have ordered online to be delivered from the adress above. In some parts of Africa it is the staple food. V
Oct 30, 12:21am
Pic (really good peanut butter) does a salt free version too ...
Oct 30, 2:12am
They still do ... and the ONLY ingredients are ... ... PEANUTS.
Best peanut butter you can get, and you get to choose how fine or coarse you want to make it.
Oct 30, 3:02am
I used to buy the 'Bin Inn' variety but find Pic's far superior. Same ingredients - (salt optional) but the Bin Inn peanuts were often a bit stale for my liking & also did not state country of origin ...
Oct 30, 12:29pm
Bin Inn would be China for sure winnie - cheapest option :) Have tried to get dried beans for ages now - even the organic ones come from China now... .
Oct 30, 7:22pm
I wish reallygood pic (not sure what pic stands for) sent an automated acknowledgement of receiving my order. Disconcerting to give a card details etc and get nothing to say it went to the right place. Wondering now if I will be told it has been sent so I am home when it arrices. Customer service needs bucking up. V
Oct 30, 7:50pm
Ring them Val and tell them off :)
Oct 31, 2:12am
Definately let them know your concerns Val ... I haven't bought online as I live in the Nelson Region but Pic & his partner are lovely people - still learning in a very rapidly growing biz & would welcome your suggestions.
Oct 31, 2:24am
Pic's is also available at Moore Wilson's. BUT I still think the best peanut butter is from the Dutch shop, either the Albert Heijn brand or Calve. The secret (apparently) is that they also roast and include the skins on the outside of the peanut, which gives it a lovely toasty flavour and a darker colour. Het heeft meer MMMMMM! ! Oh any my favourite is peanut butter on bread with sliced tomatoes, or sundried tomatoes.
Nov 2, 2:42am
My peanut butter has arrived. I have received a 1kg jar and a 380g jar. I I ordered 1x 380g jar and 3x 200g glass jars. No consultation and nothing in the packaging or by email. Very poor service. The 200g jars were to go towards Christmas gifts for my kids goodies baskets. Damn! V
Nov 2, 3:02am
Val, as I said regarding your last concern with Pic's - let them know. They are good people, trying to learn a business while it is growing much faster than they had ever imagined! I can understand your frustration though when you had ordered the small jars to use as presents. My guess is they thought they were doing a good thing by effectively 'giving' you 400g peanut butter for free.
Nov 2, 3:03am
Pretty bad Val!
Certainly let them know that you will NOT recommend them any further (quite contrary) if they think THEY can decide whats good for you without even asking!
Nov 2, 3:06am
winnie if they don't know how do customer relations they need to make a course, otherwise their business will NOT continue to grow.
I am always very direct and let people know exactly how I feel if they think they can decide for me without asking.
It should NOT be up to Val to ring them - it should be up to them to ring Val!
Nov 2, 3:11am
Hi winnie - No it's the lack of communication. I have had nothing from them at all - not even a little packing note or a bit of explanation. I understand beginners in business but they need to look at COMMUNICATION or customers will not return. I am disappointed. However I have eaten two toasts with the Peanut Butter and the product cannot be faulted. Full-on flavour. V
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