bumping for the 101 cooks who are just finding their way in here.It's a great concept!
Nov 25, 4:06am
collrob I'm not sure, I'm pretty sure she used yeast, made it up at night and in the morning I think she added a tsp of yeast and stir vigoursly and it fizzed up and was like a fizzy drink, so maybe it was some type of overnight ginger bear, it is meant to be good for people who have skin problems like acne. Anyway I loved it.
Nov 26, 11:41am
s. s
Nov 29, 12:01am
Getting too far down the list. Maybe some good basic STOCK recipes, Chicken stock, vege stock, fish stock etc etc. I'm always looking for good simple ones.
Nov 29, 2:22am
easy peasy poached eggs The idea here is to create a small plastic baggie (from gladwrap) for the egg to sit in to put in the water.
Boil 3/4 pot of water. Line a small cup with gladwrap with enough extra glad wrap so that the edges meet up and can be twisted at the top to stop any water from getting into the egg. crack egg into cup. twist the top. put into boiling water for 2.45-3.00min only. take out, slowly untwist and unwrap it from wrap onto plate.i found this way easier then letting the egg free float in a pan =)
Dec 1, 3:23pm
Very simple Lovely Kiwi Crisps - biscuits 225g butter softened (microwave for a few seconds only if required), 1/2 c( cup) sugar, 1/4c condensed milk, 2c flour, 1 tsp (teaspoon) baking powder, & 1/2c choc bits. Preheat oven to 190c, cream (beating) butter in a bowl, beat in the sugar & condensed milk, until the mixture is light & fluffy. Sift the flour & baking powder, stir into the mixture with choc bits. Roll into balls 2-3 cm diameter. Place on lightly greased oven tray and press down with a fork. Bake in oven for 14-18 minutes or until the biscuits are golden brown, do not over-cook.
Dec 1, 4:53pm
Yay me Finally got a hundy!Yipeeeeee LOL
Dec 2, 9:38pm
Shouldn't forget this as well.
Some very good hints and recipes more so for Christmas.
Dec 9, 11:51am
q. q
Dec 11, 7:44pm
Chocolate SyrupA simple easy recipe and it . keeps in the refrigerator as long as you wish ready for use. 1 Cup sugar, ½ cup cocoa, 1 tablespoon cornflour, 2 cups hot water and 2 teaspoons vanilla essence. Put all the dry ingredients into a saucepan and stir well. Mix in the hot water and vanilla essence. Heat until boiling stirring constantly. Boil for 3 minutes. Makes about 2 ½ cups.Ready for a hot drink or a cold drink by mixing 2 – 3 tablespoons per 1 cup of hot or cold milk.
Dec 13, 8:26pm
A Simple Strawberry Sauce 1 punnet strawberries and 1 tablespoon icing sugar. Wash, drain and hull the strawberries. Place in a food blender or food processor. Process until smooth then if personally required, push the puree through a sieve to remove seeds. Stir in the icing sugar and chill ready for use.
Dec 17, 4:28pm
Frying Steak. Neat little hint. When frying steaks, brown each side for a couple of minutes then remove from pan or BBQ onto a dish. If one is doing onions ( recommended with steaks ) then slice the onions and cook them in the juice that remains in the pan, also from the dish where the steaks are, one can use the excess juices from there as well with the onions. Once cooked remove onions from pan, quickly clean the pan but keeping pan warm as possible, lightly oil the surface and return the steaks for a quick further cook not to overcook and finally replace onions on top and serve immediately. Doing it this way saves "resting" time, ensures meat is hot and less chance of turning to leather.
Dec 17, 9:40pm
Strawberry Whip whip a medium bottle of cream. seperatly mash or crush with a fork 2 punnets of strawberrys.Fold strawberrys in with the cream till it turns pink.Add in a packet of small chocolate fish. chill for an hour then enjoy! the kiddies luv it and so do the adults! simple and yum
Dec 18, 3:46pm
Bumping #139 for someone with no Condensed Milk.
Dec 21, 12:16pm
Kelly151. Hmmm adding choc fish is an interesting thought. sounds like a good alternative sweetener. Cheers
Dec 21, 10:44pm
Old Fashioned Butterscotch Sauce INGREDIENTS: 1 cup light brown sugar-firmly packed, 2/3 cup light corn syrup, 65 grams butter, 2/3 cup evaporated milk, 1/8 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon vanilla. PREPARATION: In a medium saucepan combine sugar, syrup, and butter. Cook, stirring constantly, over medium heat until sugar has dissolved and mixture comes to a full rolling boil. Allow to boil, without stirring, for exactly 1 minute. Remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes. In another bowl or large measuring cup, combine evaporated milk, baking soda, and vanilla. Stir into the slightly cooled sauce. Pour into jars, cover, and refrigerate. Place jar in a pan of warm water to reheat.
Dec 24, 2:21pm
A very good hint on the Edmonds Fudge . When measuring sugar - make sure one uses heaped cups full plus a spoonful, Milk at precise measure, cocoa just slightly heaped, butter at least the measure preferably slightly over and the vanilla at least the measure plus a dash - helps the smooth taste. Bring to boil on the lowest heat, it allows good time for sugar to dissolve, once at boil then simmer with a slight rolling bubbling boil for at least 10 minutes ( Take the first 2 figures of temperature when boiling sugar in minutes to allow this ). Then definately leave for 5 minutes of the heat before beating. Beat until one can "plonk-pour" the mixture rather than liquid-pour - ensures and knowing it is setting. Cut straight away. Cheers.
Dec 30, 8:43pm
Bumping for these great recipes and suggestions :-)
Feb 15, 9:24pm
Good to see it back on page 1!
Mar 13, 3:59pm
To jen92. Just bumped up that thread. Had noted a comment re your thoughts. Re this other thing, I'm a little disheartened with this removal, had no addy in it, just mainly instead of me just bumping to perhaps put in something to assist and that is why one needs to know what was wrong, what did I do that offended someone or someones. Cheers jen92.
Mar 13, 4:04pm
Valentino, the way to find out why that post of yours was removed is to maybe contact TM themselves!You can email them for assistance in this matter and I'm positive they will tell you and put your mind at rest.Just so you know, it happens often to others on the message boards and is no negative reflection on yourself.Don't let this put you off from posting in the future, but to ease your mind I think the best bet will be to contact TM about this matter.I will sorely miss your input if you decide not to post again.Cheers Valentino.
Mar 13, 4:07pm
Thank you jen92. might just do that. Cheers. Got to go now. and thank you for your confidence.
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