Change the station please!!!!! or, better still, I will take my puppies for a walk.
May 21, 1:07am
good choice. We went for a nice walk. When we got back it was all over.The puppies had a drink , they are now, all tuckered out.
May 21, 2:30am
O my gosh, yet another program, on prime, this time. AND HE WIPED HIS NOSE with his hand , and then makes a salad.
May 21, 4:26am
Tell us about your puppies.
May 21, 4:52am
I'm over them too and I love to cook and usually love watching them but they are already advertising the next masterchef!!
May 21, 5:10am
Is Masterchef a cooking programme? I thought it was some sort of competition reality show. There is no real advice on how to cook the dishes and I thought you had to go to a website to get the recipes. I could be wrong. I've only watched one because I was staying with someone who wouldn't miss it. I lasted till the first set of adverts then I went and found Saturday's Herald cryptic crossword to do instead. My friend was so offended because she really wanted me to talk to about it but all I could see was people trying to stay in a competition that I wasn't remotely interested in.
I didn't see anything even remotely educational in a cooking sense, at all.
Now River Cottage is a cooking show that I actually watch parts of - the cooking parts. I've even recreated some of his recipes from the show alone, with no written recipes, and they have been superb.
May 21, 5:16am
Two Chihuahua's, .... buzzy110... We have to sedate the bitch to cut her nails. After her walk today she collapsed . Both my husband and I said, twice the distance and she won't have any fight left. It was funny. He has to deal with the teeth end, while I cut her nails. The problem with little dogs, they are very testing. The dog is gorgeous, we are his fourth home poor thing, we got him at seven months of age, so sad. He has the nicest nature. We sort of wonder if we should have let the bitch, have babies, she mothers him so much, baths him from top to toe. Do you have any pets?
May 21, 5:44am
You are so right there ....buzzy110....the program is "a show". There would not be a commercial kitchen that would be as calm as what they portray. They run on, blood sweat and tears, most all of the time, no back ups. I loved my working life, but I did work for myself. If I had to work for someone like"Gordon Ramsay" I would have been imprisoned, for life. lol. For that reason they turn me into a "Gordon Ramsay" watching them.
May 21, 5:57am
I used to have a Rhodesian Ridgeback. She was the light of my life. I loved that dog. I never replaced her though because dogs and cats are quite a big responsibility and we quite like to be free. However, I always love hearing about other peoples (op's) dogs and I have cultivated op's cats around the neighbourhood to come for a belly rub now and again. I wish I had an animal to curl up by the fire in the winter though. Lucky you.
May 21, 6:04am
From my brief waitressing experiences I understand that chefs already know many recipes, especially the recipes for the food on their menus. Seems a total waste of time to have people making up ideas and recipes on the spot and trying to make them in a given amount of time. Sometimes foods can take a long time to cook or preparation has to be carried out hours, sometimes days before. My favourite chef used to have big bain maries filled with various Cordon Bleu sauces simmering before I even showed up for work. All his prep was done and vegetables were prepared. Desserts were made. All of this had been worked out months in advance and test cookings and recipes were created and adhered to. No way can a decent restaurant churn out beautiful, tasty, well presented meals in 30 - 40 mins from scratch. the whole programme is a joke.
May 21, 6:40am
I know how it is when you loose a pet, we lost a foxy two years ago, broke our hearts. I know what you are saying. These will be our last pets. We won't be replacing our cat. We just hope we keep in good health for the dogs.
May 22, 12:00am
Change the station please! or, better still, I will take my puppies for a walk.
May 22, 4:52am
I'm over them too and I love to cook and usually love watching them but they are already advertising the next masterchef!
May 22, 5:10am
Is Masterchef a cooking programme! I thought it was some sort of competition reality show. There is no real advice on how to cook the dishes and I thought you had to go to a website to get the recipes. I could be wrong. I've only watched one because I was staying with someone who wouldn't miss it. I lasted till the first set of adverts then I went and found Saturday's Herald cryptic crossword to do instead. My friend was so offended because she really wanted me to talk to about it but all I could see was people trying to stay in a competition that I wasn't remotely interested in.
I didn't see anything even remotely educational in a cooking sense, at all.
Now River Cottage is a cooking show that I actually watch parts of - the cooking parts. I've even recreated some of his recipes from the show alone, with no written recipes, and they have been superb.
May 22, 5:16am
Two Chihuahua's, . buzzy110. We have to sedate the bitch to cut her nails. After her walk today she collapsed . Both my husband and I said, twice the distance and she won't have any fight left. It was funny. He has to deal with the teeth end, while I cut her nails. The problem with little dogs, they are very testing. The dog is gorgeous, we are his fourth home poor thing, we got him at seven months of age, so sad. He has the nicest nature. We sort of wonder if we should have let the bitch, have babies, she mothers him so much, baths him from top to toe. Do you have any pets!
May 22, 5:44am
You are so right there .buzzy110.the program is "a show". There would not be a commercial kitchen that would be as calm as what they portray. They run on, blood sweat and tears, most all of the time, no back ups. I loved my working life, but I did work for myself. If I had to work for someone like"Gordon Ramsay" I would have been imprisoned, for life. lol. For that reason they turn me into a "Gordon Ramsay" watching them.
May 22, 5:57am
I used to have a Rhodesian Ridgeback. She was the light of my life. I loved that dog. I never replaced her though because dogs and cats are quite a big responsibility and we quite like to be free. However, I always love hearing about other peoples (op's) dogs and I have cultivated op's cats around the neighbourhood to come for a belly rub now and again. I wish I had an animal to curl up by the fire in the winter though. Lucky you.
May 22, 6:40am
I know how it is when you loose a pet, we lost a foxy two years ago, broke our hearts. I know what you are saying. These will be our last pets. We won't be replacing our cat. We just hope we keep in good health for the dogs.
May 22, 8:46am
I am so with you Guys,if its not a Poof doing a I do a straight Guy or cooking show . There must be some JJournalistthat is not Gay or cooked out ,or is just so easy to do inside jobs , Well that will get the Retro boy girls going on this A better go walk my Poodle Now ni nilol !!!
May 22, 9:38am
oh pft go away ...i adore cooking shows of all types its people being creative...go get a life then im not suprised to see buzzy here moaning again, cos her life is so perfect ha ha yeah thats a tui ad
May 22, 9:49am
motorbo wrote: oh pft go away ...i adore cooking shows of all types its people being creative...go get a life then im not suprised to see buzzy here moaning again, cos her life is so perfect ha ha yeah thats a tui ad[/quote AYE, are you nuts? ....buzzy110....was not moaning. You probably use the T.V. as a baby sitter....motorbo....if you care to admit it
May 23, 1:35am
???? what are you trying to say. Odd But yes, over cooking programs, like reality type programmes. I used to love Gordon Ramsey, now find myself cringing and thinking "what a arse" when he loses the plots, foams at the mouth and screams like a unhinged banchee
May 23, 1:39am
I am over cooking progs too, I used to love them...big yawn now, even the countdown ads are annoying. However, I like the Junior Masterchef, those kids are just so clever and jolly confident.
May 23, 1:48am
its all part of the show VK. i have a customer who knows him well and he is nothing like that in "real" life. I very rarely watch the cooking shows as i am surrounded by cooking and cookware six days per week. I do like to watch Rick Stein on the odd ocasion if I remember and NZ Masterchef leaves me cold.
May 23, 1:56am
I realise everything is edited, but what I used to find shockingly funny, I now think he;s a dick. I think the shock factor has well and truly worn off. And i'm sure he's not anything like that in real life. I imagine you must have a sensory overload to do with cooking!. I must admit I am looking forward to the Aussie show My resturant rules starting, I really enjoyed it last time.
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