I purchased some monk fish last week from a local fish supplier near the port.Looked and smelt ok, monk fish is yum (normally) and quite a firmish fish bit like warehou in taste. This time after I had pan fried with bread crumbs in pan coated with oil, it was disgusting, went all mushy, texture bit like mashed banana (best comparison I can think of) and really didn't taste that great....hmmm bit cheesed off as not $ cheap and ended up binning the whoel lot. Weird as it looked fine and to me, did not smell off. Any ideas?They assured me that it had not been frozen, I asked, as it was last week when we had the terrible weather and I would of been amazed if boats had gone out in 4 m swell & storm, she said they did!This is the second time I have purchased not quite right fish...gets way too exp to bin...
May 5, 9:59pm
you could have made a fishpie with it- or fritters- instead of binning it.
May 5, 10:01pm
I would've made fish cakes with it! Sounds like it had been frozen previously..bstrds..
May 5, 10:10pm
It tasted pretty disgusting, otherwise I would of done that...thanks - what I thought too, it had been frozen, usually why fish does this on cooking.WellI will go back to Tangaroa Fish supply in Ahuriri and tell them that I was not happy...
May 5, 10:13pm
give em an ear full!!That stinks when they sell you crap fish - should be fresh as...that's what you pay for!
May 5, 10:16pm
They lied. It was frozen.
May 5, 10:23pm
I feel you knew the boats would not have been out fishing....Go with your instinct's. They are supposed to put on the price tickets, if the product has been previously frozen!!!I would check that out.
May 5, 10:25pm
I asked them if the fish was frozen - they said no - I trust that people DON'T lie....
May 5, 10:37pm
Unfortunately , they do. They want to shift the product, rather than take a loss. I would still check out the price tickets. Staff are not always told the truth, if the boss wants to off-load, frozen goods.
Sep 2, 6:47am
i was on a trawler in 1983 out of ahuriri...sundays we always sold our mornings catch fresh at the warf...was our beer money for the day at the union hotel..(before quota)..in those days you got real fresh fish.......sorry but your monk fish which is very nice fresh....waz frosen
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