Does any one have any healthy recipes that I would cook with my Pippins (girl guides 5-7yrs). Fruit kebabs...? lost for ideas
May 22, 11:48pm
My Miss 11 was a Pippin.I remember she enjoyed making savoury pinwheels and vege soup as a mid winter feast.I think they may have all made the pinwheels and soup in the afternoon and then watcheda dvd together while they ate what they made for dinner.
May 23, 4:01am
gosh I remember my first foray as a keas scout leader. We made pikelets, and popcorn. All the kids went home covered in pikelet mix, and the pop corn didn't pop. We progressed to cooking pancakes on a hobo stove. We had a mid winter feast as well, where the kids made vege or minestrone soup, (they all bought an ingredient from home which we added to a basic stock) damper and choclate self saucing pudding for dessert. A kind parent provided cream. We were lucky enough to have a scout hall with a kitchen so that was helpful.
May 23, 6:26am
Thanks, hadn't thought of making a soup. What a awesome idea.
May 23, 7:47am
not really healthy but my grandaughters pippin group have just made anzac biscuits
May 23, 8:06am
smoothies - not cooking but healthy
May 23, 9:53am
we have made pizzas as well as the other suggestions. Last week they made scones. ( I had a recipe for individual scones so they each made their own scone.) MAde pumpkin soup last week at school in class of year 1&2's. Made ice cream on a PIppin and Brownie camp last eyar. (not healthy though) Corn fritters and cornmeal muffins,
May 23, 11:42pm
Does any one have any healthy recipes that I would cook with my Pippins (girl guides 5-7yrs). Fruit kebabs.! lost for ideas
May 24, 4:01am
gosh I remember my first foray as a keas scout leader. We made pikelets, and popcorn. All the kids went home covered in pikelet mix, and the pop corn didn't pop. We progressed to cooking pancakes on a hobo stove. We had a mid winter feast as well, where the kids made vege or minestrone soup, (they all bought an ingredient from home which we added to a basic stock) damper and choclate self saucing pudding for dessert. A kind parent provided cream. We were lucky enough to have a scout hall with a kitchen so that was helpful.
May 24, 6:26am
Thanks, hadn't thought of making a soup. What a awesome idea.
Sep 27, 11:56am
we have made pizzas as well as the other suggestions. Last week they made scones. ( I had a recipe for individual scones so they each made their own scone.) MAde pumpkin soup last week at school in class of year 1&2's. Made ice cream on a PIppin and Brownie camp last eyar. (not healthy though) Corn fritters and cornmeal muffins,
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