Shona's Fudge Cake Cook 1 beaten egg,40z butter and a small cup of sugar with a dstspoon of cocoa in a saucepan.Add a dash of vanilla essence and 80z of crushed wine biscuits and 1/4 cup raisins. Press into swiss roll tin and refrigerate. Ice with chocolate icing.
Jul 23, 6:00am
coconut slice pwetty please. my man is craving for it. so if you guys can help,i will get special
Jul 23, 3:01pm
mumofanangel query for you! Hi, just going to try the refridgerator biscuits.Have you made any other flavours!And how long do they last in the freezer for!THNAKS
Jul 24, 3:29am
Hi theblonde, is there any particular type that he likes! I have a devine coconut ice slice and various ones with coconut with a jam centre.
Jul 24, 11:02pm
yum! will have to make a slice tonight! I would like to make a raspberry icing for the belgium slice, does any one have a good easy recipe! I also have no icing sugar.can I just blend some caster sugar in the magi mix!
Jul 24, 11:05pm
Melting Moments 250g butter;1/3 cup icng sugar;1 1/2 cups plain flour;1/2 cup cornflour.LEMON CREAM:60g butter;1/2 cup icing sugar;1 tsp grated lemon rind;3 tsp lemon juice. Cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy.Add sifted flours,mix well. Put mix into piping bag fitted with fluted tube. Pipe rosettes onto lightly greased oven trays,bake in mod oven 10-12 mins until pale golden.Cool on wire rack.Join together with lemon cream. L Cream: Beat butter until smooth & gradually add sifted icing sugar,beat until light & creamy.Beat in lemond rind & juice.
Jul 26, 9:34pm
raspberry slice recipe please also one for custard square
Jul 27, 9:04pm
Coconut Slice 90g butter;1/2 cup caster sugar;1 egg;1/3 cup s.r flour;2/3 cup plain flour;1/2 cup raspberry jam (I use a little more though as we like plenty of jam) 2 cups coconut. Grease a 19x29cm Swiss roll tin.Cream butter & sugar and egg in small bowl until light and fluffy.Stir in sifted flours in two batches.Spread mixture evenly over base of tin.Spread evenly with jam,then topping. Bake in mod oven for about 35 mins.Cool in pan,cut when cold.TOPPING:Beat eggs lightly with fork,beat in sugar and coconut.
Jul 29, 6:02am
hehehe geuss who is doing lotsa baking I should come into recipes more often you guys rock!
Jul 29, 7:14pm
Bumped for judy126 who wanted biscuit recipes.
Jul 29, 10:25pm
Refrigerator Biscuits-Makes 6 dozen! This dough can me stored,wrapped in freezer for months.Also can be stored for up to two weeks in fridge. 185g butter;1 cup firmly packed brown sugar;1 egg;1 tsp vanilla;2 1/4 cups flour;1/2 tsp salt;1/2 tsp baking powder.Cream butter & sugar,add egg and vanilla,beat well.Sift fliour,salt & b.p.Stir into creamed mix.Wrap in plastic wrap or foil,freeze until needed. cont.
Jul 29, 10:27pm
Slice thinly Put on a baking tray and bake in pre heated mod oven for 7-10 mins.Can be decorated with cherries or almonds or brushed with egg white and sprinkled with sugar before baking. Makes 6 dozen.
Jul 30, 12:13am
don't know the name. can anyone help me with a slice that you get sometimes at cafes - its a biscuit=type base, a filling thats very creamy - a yellow colour, and solid chocolate topping!
Jul 30, 5:38am
Chocolate caramel slice! .
Jul 30, 5:41am
Sorry just went to copy recipe from previous thread for you. I have a recipe written down for this in my recipe book but it has gone walkabout. Posted by missmad:140g Plain Flour 55g castor sugar 85g butter Filling: 110g butter 110g brown sugar 2 Tbsp golden syrup 400ml tin Condensed Milk 1 tsp vanilla essence Topping; 140g cooking chocolate 1. Mix together castor sugar and flour for base. Melt butter and add to flour mixture. 2. Press into a 7/8 inch square tin and bake for 20 minutes in a moderate oven. 3. Place all filling ingrediants into a pot and cook on very low heat till butter is melted. Turn right down to a simmer and simmer till caramel colour, around 8 minutes. 4. Pour caramel over base and allow to cool. 5. Melt chocolate and pour over caramel. 6. Allow to set.
Jul 30, 5:42am
. Good luck with it, its one of my fave slices. I work part time at a cafe and the chef makes one there to die for- she also swirls white chocolate into the dark chocolate topping, it looks amazing
Jul 30, 7:31pm
thanks, but. I don't think the one I am after is a caramel slice -it definitely looks yellower than caramel slices, and tastes very creamy.but i might try the caramel slice anyway:)
Jul 30, 7:45pm
Elsie's Fingers. My grandmother used to make these - they're very simple, good for kids to make, and quite nice with a cup of coffee.Ingredients: 125g butter, 3 dessertspoons sugar, 1 egg, 1 and a half cups of flour, 2 tsp baking powder, walnuts or blanched almonds to decorate.Directions: Cream the butter and sugar.Break in egg, beat well, add dry ingredients. roll small pieces between hands, shape into fingers. Dip in sugar. Put walnuts or almonds on top. Place on oven tray and bake at 180 degrees celsius for 10 to 15 minutes. Best eaten cold.
Jul 31, 6:06pm
Quick Chocolate Brownies Mix 1/2 C oil.2 Lge eggs. 1C sugar. 1t vanilla. 1/2t salt and beat with a fork. Sieve in 1/2 C each of plain & self raising flours. 1/4 C cocoa. Stir in 1/4-1/2 c chopped walnuts(optional)Bake in prepared tin 180* for 20-30 mins. When cold cut and turn the cut pieces over in sifted icing sugar so all surfaces are covered.
Aug 1, 12:27am
Hi macca, I am sure someone will have both of those thatt hey can share.
Aug 1, 12:39am
post posting raspberry slice.
250gm butter,1/2 c sugar- cream together and add 1 egg. Add 2 cups flour,1/2 tspn bp. Mix to a stiff dough like pastry. Place a large piece of baking paper on the bench and put the blob of dough in the middle, put another piece of paper on the top and use a rolling pin to roll into a large rectangle so that the dough is about 3mm thick. Take top paper off and spread raspberry jam over half the dough and fold over the other half like a sandwich. Press down edges.Slide the whole thing (paper and all) onto an oven tray, this way there is no messy bench with flour on it from rolling bake at 150c for about 25 mins or until lightly golden. When cold ice with icing made with icing sugar, water and raspberry essence (no butter in the icing makes it taste like the real thing).
Aug 1, 12:43am
H&P custard squares Line 23 x 23cm container with Huntley & Palmers cracker biscuits to form base of slice. For the custard;; 1 pint milk - reserve some to mix dry ingredients below. Melt 4 ozs butter, add 1/3 cup sugar & milk. Bring to nearly boiling. Mix 2 heaped tsps custard powder & 3 heaped tblsps cornflour with saved milk. Vanilla to taste if liked. Take mixture in saucepan off heat, add custard/cornflour mixture. Keep stirring. It will thicken almost instantly into a gluggy, sticky custard. Spread over biscuit base. Put a layer of biscuits on top. Ice when cold
Aug 1, 2:44am
Raspberry Slice 125g raspberries,250g butter,1tblsp golden syrup,1tsp soda,1tsp bakng powder,250g oats,200g flour,100g coconut,100g brown sugar Crush raspberries @ set aside.Melt golden syrup and butter then take off heat @ stir in soda. Mix all dry ingredients together then stir in butter mixture.Mix well.Spread half the mixture into lined deep baking dish, spread crushed raspberries over top then cover in remaining mixture. Bake 180 deg 25 mins.
Aug 1, 5:18pm
better bump this up as I have guests visiting this week and wont be on much.Will add some more at the weekend hopefully.
Aug 2, 2:32pm
Bumping for a trader from Parenting :o)
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