Needed-ideas for simple easy vegetarian meals

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ange164, Jun 9, 10:15pm
continued. METHOD: Line a loaf tin with a long strip of baking paper. Crease the tine and paper well.____ Melt marge in a pot or fry pan and sauté the onion for about 5 mins until tender but not browned. Remove from heat. _____ Grind the cashew nuts in a food whiz with the bread and garlic, and add to the onion, together with the stock or water and salt, basil, nutmeg and lemon juice to taste. _____ Mix all the stuffing ingredients together in another bowl. ____Place half the cashew nut mix into the prepared tin, top with the stuffing then spoon the rest of the nut mix on top. _____ Bake at 200 degrees Celsius for about 30 mins, or until firm and lightly browned. Covet the roast with foil if it gets too brown before then. ____Cool fora few mins before turning out and removing paper. Decorate with parsley and lemon slices.

ange164, Jun 9, 10:19pm
LENTIL DAHL (Any Meal) (curry lentil stew) INGREDIANTS
2 C red lentils,
1 T oil,
2 Med onions chopped,
1 t curry powder or to taste,
¼ t turmeric,
1 t sat,
5-6 cups water,
2 cloves crushed garlic,
METHOD: 1) Saute onion, garlic, tumeric and curry powder. 2) Add water, lentils, salt and cook about 30-40 mins until cooked. 3) serve over rice with pappadams.

ange164, Jun 9, 10:22pm
Most sweets are vege, so I won't post many but here's a fruit salad for dessert that's a bit different and very tasty.

1 C orange pieces, 1 C pineapple pieces or 1 can pineapple in natural juice,1 c grapes or kiwifruit, 2 bananas sliced, 1 C chopped apple, ½ C shredded coconut, ¼ C Plain natural yoghurt, 425g Can mango slices well drained.
METHOD: Prepare the fruit, discarding the juice, toss fruit with the coconut. Puree the mango slices and combine with the yoghurt. Add enough mango/yoghurt mix to the fruit to moisten it and a dollop on top of each serve. Garnish with mint leaves.

ange164, Jun 9, 10:24pm
Thats enough typing for today. I am a meat eater, and I like stuff that is flavored but not so strongly that one flavor kills the taste of all the rest. The recipes I've put in here I personally find yummy; and hope you will to.

ange164, Jun 9, 10:59pm
PEANUT TOMATO PASTA SAUCE (Lunch or Mains) Hot Cooked pasta shells or bows needed for this one. INGREDIENTS:
1T oil,
1 Lge onion, finely chopped,
2 t bottled crushed garlic or two cloves.
410g tin savory tomatoes,
2 T Tomato paste.
2 T Smooth peanut butter.
1 t basil.
1 t Oregano.
½ C water.
METHOD: 1) Heat the oil in a large frying pan and stir fry the onion and garlic until soft. 2) add the remaining ingredients and heat through. 3) serve over cooked pasta bows or shells and garnish with a tablespoon of chopped fresh parsley if desired.Serves 4.

ange164, Jun 10, 12:27am
OVEN FRIED RICE copy and paste from tanasha Oven Fried Rice. Serves 15 (but we are big eaters and theres 5 of us, and we eat it all) Ingredients: 3 cups uncooked rice (I always use Uncle Ben's in orange pkt, but the lady at tuckshop doesnt), 3 tbsp oil, 1 tsp crushed garlic, 3 cups mixed vegetables diced (I just use frozen), 1.5 cups ham diced, 3 tbsp stock powder, 1.25 litres water, half cup shallots chopped finely, soya sauce, and I always put a dollop of oyster sauce in too.

ange164, Jun 10, 12:28am
cont. Method
In a deep baking disk combine oils, garlic and rice, stirring well to coat rice. (This is the secret, make sure every bit of rice is coated in oil). Add ham, vegetables and stock powder and stir well. Add water, soya sauce and oyster sauce, stir in well, cover with foil. Bake at 200 deg for around 40 mins, until all water is absorbed. When rice is cooked and no water left, stir through with the spoon to fluff up.

Start checking after about 30
mins, as it depends how hot your oven is. Just make sure there's no water left in baking dish

ange164, Jun 10, 12:29am
tofu casserole ideas. copy & paste from infinityjr Why dont you try using the tofu in either a
thai green curry with rice, and vegetables, or in a stir fry dish as the main and some nice feta and pea or feta and spinach fritters with a little salsa and hummus on side first, personally i do not like tofu cooked in stews, it is a very bland food, in a stew everything takes on the strongest taste and so vegetarian stews can be beany and bland, two nice zesty but easy dishes may be better use of tofu than a stew!

ange164, Jun 10, 9:55pm
STIR FRY WITH SESAME STRIPS. lunch or mains. Have your hot cooked rice ready. Serves 6. The sauce has a very strong flavor, but it’s tasty. Where it states to use plum sauce, it was recommended to use Delmaine brand because that has no vinegar in it. This is for nutritional purposes; vinegar destroys vitamin B’s. INGREDIENTS: 425g can Sanitarium Tender Bits. 1 C Tomato puree. ¼ CPlum sauce. 1 T soy sauce. 2 t Sesame oil. ½ a red and half a green capsicum cut into julienne strips. 1 medium carrot, 1 med zucchini, 1 stick celery all julienne strips also. {cheats way is to use frozen stir fry mix 3 Cups.} 1 C mung bean sprouts. 1 T sesame seeds toasted.

darlingmole, Jun 13, 8:55am
bumping - because vegetables are a lot cheaper than meat and we can all do with eating cheaper/healthier too ...

esawers, Jun 13, 10:04pm
Vege filos stirfry onion, brocolli, cauliflower, red peppers, carrots, in fact almost any vegetable, make sure they're cut small and similar sizes. stir in some crushed ginger, mustard and salt and pepper. then at the end add a dollop of sour cream and some sun dried tomato pesto, mix it all up. wrap it up in filo pastry to create long filo rolls. and bake for 20 minutes... yum, we've had this twice this week

esawers, Jun 13, 10:27pm
Vege cottage pie Chickpeas, stirfry veges, a can of crushed tomatos, some of that Taco seasoning mix, and stirfry it all together. Put it in a casserole dish and top with mashed potato and cheese and cook in the oven. Another yum.

esawers, Jun 13, 10:32pm
i'm vegetarian and dp is not so we have alot of meals he just adds meat to. Burrito wraps with salad and beans (and beef or chicken), Nachos with bean stirfry and cheese (and mince), Burgers with falafel and salad (or mince patties), Hashbrowns spaghetti and eggs for breakfast (and bacon), Vege filos and salad (he adds chicken to the filo), Vege indian curry on rice, green thai curry on rice with veges and tofu (or fish), Pita breads filled with salad (and salami), Mini pita bread pizzas with spaghetti cheese onion, etc (and salami)

andy_dixon, Jun 13, 11:36pm
Vegan Brown Lentil burgers (lunch or dinner) 1 cup brown lentils - cook first in water until soft - about 20 minutes. Lightly mash (having some still whole gives more texture to the burgers).

1 tsp each of mustard seeds, cumin, coriander. Dry fry then into the mortar and pestle.

Some onion and garlic - fry in a little oil and then add to the cooked lentils.

Breadcrumbs - add until burgers are the desired consistency.

For a touch of greenery some fresh parsley and/or coriander would be good.

These are best pre-prepared and put in the fridge for a few hours. Are freezable (to freeze, form into desired shape then put on a dish covered with glad wrap in the freezer. Once frozen, they can go free-flow in a bag).

MEAT-free & DAIRY-free. Brown lentils are used because they are easy/quick to cook and give a lot of flavour.

catatonik, Jun 14, 1:06am
Roast vege lasagne... easy and to die for! 1/4 Pumpkin, 3 med courgettes (halved lengthways), 2x red caps (quartered + deseeded), 1Tbsp olive oil, 2x 400g cans chopped/seasoned toms, Lasagne sheets, 200g ricotta cheese, salt+pepper, 1c Bechamel Sauce, 1/2c grated parmesan.
Heat oven to 200c. Cut Pumpkin small (1cm slices) & toss with courgette + caps in oil. Roast on tray 20mins. Set aside. Turn oven down to 180c. Bottom layer: 3rd toms - Lasagne sheets - Middle: 3rd toms, 1/2 veg, 1/2 ricotta - lasagne sheets - Top: 3rd toms, 1/2 veg, 1/2 ricotta - Lasagne sheets - Bechamel sauce - parmesan. Bake 30mins until golden. This is our new favourite - and we all love meat.. LOL!!

darlingmole, Jun 14, 8:55am
bumping - because vegetables are a lot cheaper than meat and we can all do with eating cheaper/healthier too .

esawers, Jun 14, 10:04pm
Vege filos stirfry onion, brocolli, cauliflower, red peppers, carrots, in fact almost any vegetable, make sure they're cut small and similar sizes. stir in some crushed ginger, mustard and salt and pepper. then at the end add a dollop of sour cream and some sun dried tomato pesto, mix it all up. wrap it up in filo pastry to create long filo rolls. and bake for 20 minutes. yum, we've had this twice this week

esawers, Jun 14, 10:32pm
i'm vegetarian and dp is not so we have alot of meals he just adds meat to. Burrito wraps with salad and beans (and beef or chicken), Nachos with bean stirfry and cheese (and mince), Burgers with falafel and salad (or mince patties), Hashbrowns spaghetti and eggs for breakfast (and bacon), Vege filos and salad (he adds chicken to the filo), Vege indian curry on rice, green thai curry on rice with veges and tofu (or fish), Pita breads filled with salad (and salami), Mini pita bread pizzas with spaghetti cheese onion, etc (and salami)

catatonik, Jun 15, 1:06am
Roast vege lasagne. easy and to die for! 1/4 Pumpkin, 3 med courgettes (halved lengthways), 2x red caps (quartered + deseeded), 1Tbsp olive oil, 2x 400g cans chopped/seasoned toms, Lasagne sheets, 200g ricotta cheese, salt+pepper, 1c Bechamel Sauce, 1/2c grated parmesan.
Heat oven to 200c. Cut Pumpkin small (1cm slices) & toss with courgette + caps in oil. Roast on tray 20mins. Set aside. Turn oven down to 180c. Bottom layer: 3rd toms - Lasagne sheets - Middle: 3rd toms, 1/2 veg, 1/2 ricotta - lasagne sheets - Top: 3rd toms, 1/2 veg, 1/2 ricotta - Lasagne sheets - Bechamel sauce - parmesan. Bake 30mins until golden. This is our new favourite - and we all love meat. LOL!

ange164, Jun 16, 9:08am
good eating everyone. will hopefully add tofu with mushroom gravey over noodles for you all tomorrow when my toddler has her nap.

ange164, Jun 16, 11:20pm
MUSHROOM TOFU OVER NOODLES. I love this recipe; especially accompanied with the bean and pineapple salad I’ll also post, and crusty fresh bread with butter on. You need your hot cooked noodles ready for this one.INGREDIANTS: 300g firm tofu, well drained. 2 T oil. 1 T lemon juice. ¼ t garlic powder (or crush garlic). 3 T soy sauce. 1 t mixed herbs. 2 T peanut butter.METHOD.Dice the tofu into small cubes.– mix remaining ingredients and marinate the tofu for several hours. (I do it in a zip lock bag). Spread on a greased cookie sheet and bake at 200*c for ten mins, turn over and bake another 10 mins. (I cheat and just fry it.) Mushroom Gravy recipe to follow.

ange164, Jun 16, 11:25pm
DARK MUSHROOM GRAVY INGREDIANTS: 1 T oil. 450 g mushrooms sliced. 1 and ½ cups water. 1 & ½ T corn flour. ½ t mixed herbs. 1 t marmite. METHOD: sauté mushrooms in the oil, add remaining ingredients and stir until thickened. PLACE TOFU OVER COOKED NOODLES OR RICE AND TOP WITH MUSHROOM GRAVY. Note: Because I “cheat” and fry my tofu, some of the yummy marinade comes off and sticks to the pan, so when I remove the tofu from the pan, I use the same pan to make the gravy in and the left behind bits all go into the gravy.

ange164, Jun 16, 11:34pm
BEAN AND PINEAPPLE SALAD serves 8 lunch or dinner (If halving this recipe just 1 can of four bean mix in brine with the brine rinsed off and drained, works well.)
400g red kidney beans drained, 400g tin cannelloni beans drained. 440g can unsweetened pineapple pieces drained (keep a bit of the juice for the dressing). 1 red and 1 green capsicum, cut into julienne strips. 2 sticks of celery, cut finely on a diagonal. 6 spring onions cut on a diagonal. (the fancy cutting makes it look prettier when done.) DRESSING: ¼ C Oil. ¼ C Lemon juice. 1 T pineapple juice. ¼ t each of salt and basil. 1 clove garlic crushed.
METHOD: Combine salad ingredients in a bowl. Put the dressing ingredients in a jar and shake it to mix it up. Fold dressing through the salad and chill. (best made at least an hour before serving, if not all day, so the flavors have time to blend.) Toss well before serving, garnished with mint, and serve with crusty bread rolls for a healthy lunch.

ange164, Jun 17, 2:37am
Any suggestions what to serve with that dhal elliehen?

frances1266, Jun 17, 8:51am
Am sure elliehen will be along to answer this.I make dahl often and serve it with brown rice, steamed silverbeet or stir fried veg.Raitas such as cucumber, banana with coconut sprinkled with a little chilli, chutney, pappadums, tomato finely sliced with finely sliced onion and a little vinegar sprinkled over and sliced basil on top.