Needed-ideas for simple easy vegetarian meals

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fruitluva2, May 30, 9:59am
Chickpea Rissoles. 2 spring onions, finely chopped; 2T oil; 1C cooked or tinned chickpeas (reserve liquid); 1/4-1/2C sunflower seeds; 1/2C sesame seeds; 3/4C finely chopped mushrooms; 3 cloves crushed garlic; 1/2C reserved chickpea liquid; 1/2t cumin; 1/2C dry breadcrumbs; salt to taste. Saute onion & mushrooms in oil about 5mins. In a FP combine garlic; chickpeas & liquid. Blend until smooth. Transfer to a lge bowl & add mushroom mixture. Coarsely grind sunflower seeds in a FP, add to chickpea mixture with cumin & salt. Mix well. Stir in breadcrumbs. Mixture will be soft. Form into patties & roll in sesame seeds & bake at 180C for 20 mins

fruitluva2, May 30, 10:00am
Garbanzo Burgers. 1/2C soaked garbanzos; 1C rolled oats; 1 med onion, finely chopped; 1t salt; 1T soy sauce; 1/2C water; 1C finely chopped walnuts; 4T soy milk (or dairy); 1t sage. Blend the garbanzos & water. Pour in a bowl & mix in the remaining ingredients. Form into burgers & bake at 180C for 30mins.

mandy1968, May 30, 2:44pm
mmmmmmmmmmm those wholemeal vegetable pancakes and vegetable casserole with herb dumplings sound like winners! Thank you so much for your posts... will keep an eye on this and print the ideas off

susiee, May 30, 9:13pm
Vegetable Casserole with Herb Dumplings Thought I'd post the recipe for you.
Herb dumplings: 125g s/r flour, 20g cold butter chopped, 2 tsps chopped flat leaf parsley, 1 tsp thyme, 1 tsp chopped rosemary, 80 ml milk. Sift flour and pinch of salt into bowl. Rub in butter until breadcrumbs, stir in herbs, make welll add milk and mix. Lift onto floured surface divide into 8 portions and shape into balls.
Casserole: 1tbsp olive oil, 1 onion chopped, 2 garlic cloves crushed, 2 tsp sweet paprika, 1 large potato chopped, 1 carrot sliced, tin chopped tomatoes, 375 ml vegetable stock, 400g sweet potato diced, 150g broccoli florets, 2 zucchini sliced thickly, 2 tbsp sour cream.

susiee, May 30, 9:16pm
Vegetable Casserole Heat oil in saucepan, saute onions 5 mins, add garlic & paprika for 1 min. Add potato, carrot tomato and stock. Boil, reduce heat, cover & simmer for 10 mins. Add sweet potato, broccoli & zucchini & simmer for 10 mins or til tender. Stir in sour cream. Transfer to 2 litre baking dish put dumplings on top. Bake for 20 mins or til dumplings golden & cooked.

fruitluva2, May 31, 9:14am
the spinach galetta is delish too

fruitluva2, May 31, 9:16am
Spinach GaletteP1. Tomato Sauce: 3T rice bran oil, 2 cloves garlic peeled & crushed, 2x 400g cans crushed tomatoes, 1/2t salt. Put oil & garlic in a medium pan over a gentle eat. Cook for a few minutes until garlic starts to change colour. Carefully add tomatoes, season with salt then bring to a gentle boil. Lower heat, cook for 30 mins, stirring often until thick & pulpy.

fruitluva2, May 31, 9:17am
Spinach GaletteP2. 250g frozen spinach, 8 eggs, 4T milk, ½t salt, handful of basil leaves, Oil for frying METHOD: Thaw spinach then squeeze out as much moisture as possible. Chop finely. In a bowl, beat eggs with a fork, add spinach, milk & salt. Heat a little oil in a small omelette pan. Add a small ladleful of the spinach mixture. Cook until golden then turn carefully with a palette knife & cook until the second side is also golden. Transfer pancake to a shallow ovenproof dish lined with baking paper & large enough to hold 2 stacks of pancakes. Repeat to make 10 pancakes in total. As the pancakes are done, layer them in the dish with chunky tomato sauce & a few basil leaves between each pancake. Top with more tomato sauce. Crumble some feta cheese over the top. Cook for about 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 190 degrees fan bake until golden on top & bubbling around the edges. To serve, cut each stake into quarters likes a cake. Garnish with some fresh basil

gr8stuf4me, Jun 1, 9:05pm
Bump! ! !

ange164, Jun 5, 10:28pm
I'm not letting this thread die but haven't time to type up some recipes yet. so bumping in the mean time.

rosiemoodle, Jun 6, 3:58am
might try some of these as hubby has to loose weight and lower his cholesterol

darlingmole, Jun 6, 4:12am
you might also want to try some curry recipes like red lentil dhal with veges on rice? just a thought. Then there's always the vegetable lasagne, vegetable bake (basically scalloped potatoes but with a trillion other cheapo veges bound in either cream or tomato sauce, baked in the oven and a cheese topping). Then you can always have homemade tortilla's (dead easy recipe! ) with chili beans etc and salad, grated cheese, salsa. Being vegetarian is easy and unlimited - but you have to rethink your cooking habits of old

donnabeth, Jun 6, 9:14pm
I'd rather go without meat than have saveloys or sausages. My favourite is a bean casserole that I've made for years that I used to add chicken or bacon but is tasty on its own. I usually have a big bulk cook up of mixed beans and chick peas and freeze them so i can make large or small amounts. (remember to soak red kidney beans well and discard the water) Adjust the quantities to suit, but to 3 cups cooked beans I add 1 can of tomatoes, 3 tablespoons lentils, 1 onion, red and green pepper, celery, green beans and often a cup of Watties Chuckwagon corn. You can add anything you like. Gently simmer like soup and serve as a soup or a casserole with veges. For a soup add some saved bean cooking liquid.

xmakara, Jun 6, 9:22pm
Vegetarian chilli I use a tin of lentils and a tin of chilli beans - fry up some onion and chopped veges, whatever you have and add the lentils and beans. Its a real quick meal with rice. Can add more chilli if you wish or sometimes add Maggis cookin the pot chilli mix, but that makes it quite hot.

donnabeth, Jun 6, 9:33pm
I had a vegetarian guest stay last week and I loved the taste and variety of vegetarian. (she can come back any time as she cooked most days)I nearly wore out my food processor grinding this mix, but a coffee grinder is very expensive. Vege Burgers. Grind together 1/2C each, lentils, bulger wheat;sunflwer, pumpkin sesame seeds, rolled oats, wheat germ, white beans. This made a big tin full. Add herbs adn seasoning when you cook them. Mix 1/2 of mix with 1/4C water and add any grated veges, soak for 1 hour; form into patties and fry gently. I found them strong flavoured so next time I added breadcrums and an egg and I also added the mix to meat rissoles to 'stretch' it; as well as to soup. It's a very versatile mix.

ange164, Jun 8, 9:44pm
COUNTRY COTTAGE ROLLS (sausage rolls vege style) Ideally need a food processor; and they taste great, you would hardly know them from the meat sausage rolls. Makes 36 small “party size” rolls or 18 regular size ones.
3 eggs,
1/2 cup walnuts/pecans,
1 small onion,
1 T Soy sauce,
1 C cottage cheese,
½ C dry bread crumbs,
1 C rolled oats,
1 t mixed herbs,
3 sheets puff pastry – linseed or Mrs. Quick or Irvine’s (some other brands have meat fat in them. )
1 T milk or soy milk for glazing.
METHOD:Process eggs, nuts, onion, soy sauce and cottage cheese until fine. Transfer to bowl and mix in the dry ingredients. Cut pastry sheets in half and spoon mixture down one edge. Brush other edge with soy milk. Roll to enclose mixture and repeat with remaining sheets. Cut each log into 6 lengths, brush with milk, prick top with sharp knife or fork. Place on baking tray and bake in hot oven at 200 Celsius for 15-20 mins.

ange164, Jun 8, 9:50pm
MUSHROOM STIR FRY PASTA. Lunch Or Mains. Serves 4.
1 ½ T olive oil, 1 med onion chopped, 1 t crushed garlic (optional), 4 C sliced mushrooms, ¾ t salt, 8 sun dried tomato pieces soaked for 10 mins, drained and chopped, 1 T parsley, 3 C cooked pasta, OPTIONAL chopped olives or 1 T sweet chili sauce.
METHOD: Heat oil in frying pan and stir fry onion until soft. Add the garlic and mushrooms and cook for 1-2 mins. Add remaining ingredients and stir fry until well combined and heated through. Serve with a tossed green salad.

ange164, Jun 8, 9:56pm
TANGY CAULIFLOWER SALAD. 3 cups cauliflower finely sliced;1 small onion, finely diced;¾ C unsweetened crushed pineapple;1 C diced cucumber;1T chopped parsley;COMBINE IN A BOWL WITH THE DRESSING. DRESSING: 1T lemon juice, 1 T oil, 1 T pineapple juice, shake them all together before pouring over the salad. Salt and pepper to taste. ¼ t crushed garlic if you like it could also go in the dressing, or sweet chili sauce

ange164, Jun 8, 10:04pm
LENTIL AND OLIVE PARCELS lunch meal serves 4 A good tasty toasty pie sandwich (and I don’t even like olives much).
1 T oil…. 1 small onion chopped…1t mild curry powder…425g can savory brown lentils or 2 cups cooked brown lentils (= 1 C dry ones)…1 T tomato paste…8 pitted olives sliced (optional)…1 t oil extra, … 8 slices whole meal bread. METHOD: heat oil in small fry pan and sauté onion until soft and tender. Add curry powder and sauté a further minute. Add lentils, tomato paste and olives and simmer for 5 mins or until liquid has been absorbed. Divide mixture between 4 slices of bread, top with remaining slices of bread. Lightly grease a heated toasted sandwich maker and cook until golden brown on both sides. Serve as a savory toasted sandwich for breakfast or lunch or along with vegetables for dinner.

ange164, Jun 8, 10:15pm
CASHEW NUT ROAST WITH HERB STUFFING. SERVES 6-8. Ideally need a food processor at one stage in this recipe, otherwise just finely chop the best you can. Serve with roasted veges etc done in oil for a full meal.
INGREDIANTS: 1 T marge, 1 Med onion chopped, 223g cashew nuts (brazil nuts if you wanted a cheaper alternative. ) 100g white bread crusts removed (4 slices toast, 5 of sandwich) 2 lge cloves of garlic, 20ml water or light vegetable stock, 1 t salt, 1 t freshly grated ginger, 1 t basil, ½ t ground nutmeg, 1T lemon juice. FOR THE STUFFING: 100g white bread crumbs, 1 T marge, 1 Small onion chopped very finely, ½ t each thyme and marjoram, 5 T parsley chopped, ¾ T water.

ange164, Jun 8, 10:15pm
continued... METHOD: Line a loaf tin with a long strip of baking paper. Crease the tine and paper well. ____ Melt marge in a pot or fry pan and sauté the onion for about 5 mins until tender but not browned. Remove from heat. _____ Grind the cashew nuts in a food whiz with the bread and garlic, and add to the onion, together with the stock or water and salt, basil, nutmeg and lemon juice to taste. _____ Mix all the stuffing ingredients together in another bowl. ____Place half the cashew nut mix into the prepared tin, top with the stuffing then spoon the rest of the nut mix on top. _____ Bake at 200 degrees Celsius for about 30 mins, or until firm and lightly browned. Covet the roast with foil if it gets too brown before then. ____Cool fora few mins before turning out and removing paper. Decorate with parsley and lemon slices.

ange164, Jun 8, 10:22pm
Most sweets are vege, so I won't post many but here's a fruit salad for dessert that's a bit different and very tasty.

1 C orange pieces, 1 C pineapple pieces or 1 can pineapple in natural juice, 1 c grapes or kiwifruit, 2 bananas sliced, 1 C chopped apple, ½ C shredded coconut, ¼ C Plain natural yoghurt, 425g Can mango slices well drained.
METHOD: Prepare the fruit, discarding the juice, toss fruit with the coconut. Puree the mango slices and combine with the yoghurt. Add enough mango/yoghurt mix to the fruit to moisten it and a dollop on top of each serve. Garnish with mint leaves.

ange164, Jun 8, 10:24pm
Thats enough typing for today. I am a meat eater, and I like stuff that is flavored but not so strongly that one flavor kills the taste of all the rest. The recipes I've put in here I personally find yummy; and hope you will to.

ange164, Jun 9, 12:27am
OVEN FRIED RICE copy and paste from tanasha Oven Fried Rice. Serves 15 (but we are big eaters and theres 5 of us, and we eat it all) Ingredients: 3 cups uncooked rice (I always use Uncle Ben's in orange pkt, but the lady at tuckshop doesnt), 3 tbsp oil, 1 tsp crushed garlic, 3 cups mixed vegetables diced (I just use frozen), 1. 5 cups ham diced, 3 tbsp stock powder, 1. 25 litres water, half cup shallots chopped finely, soya sauce, and I always put a dollop of oyster sauce in too.

ange164, Jun 9, 12:28am
cont... Method
In a deep baking disk combine oils, garlic and rice, stirring well to coat rice. (This is the secret, make sure every bit of rice is coated in oil). Add ham, vegetables and stock powder and stir well. Add water, soya sauce and oyster sauce, stir in well, cover with foil. Bake at 200 deg for around 40 mins, until all water is absorbed. When rice is cooked and no water left, stir through with the spoon to fluff up.

Start checking after about 30
mins, as it depends how hot your oven is. Just make sure there's no water left in baking dish