You could organize for the g/f and vegetarian guests to be served as there is only a few of you. ensure the helpers know what's going on and maybe put a different colored ribbon on the relevant chairs or something, (plus a bump)
Aug 15, 3:44am
. bump
Aug 15, 4:42am
bumping for someone wanting wedding canape' ideas.
Aug 16, 8:50am
bumpfor 21stin October
Aug 16, 3:46pm
and again to help perhaps put your ideas here instead of starting a whole new thread!
Aug 16, 6:28pm
=^.^= .
Aug 16, 8:43pm
Holy moly theres some delish recipes in there anyone want to come cater my wedding next year lol
Aug 16, 10:19pm
come on people more great ideas i know you got them
Aug 16, 11:44pm
Chillie Sweet Corn Fritters Hi everyone. What a great thread. (Especially since I am catering for a party next week. ) In my former life ,sigh, I worked for a company that frequently catered for staff functions at great cost. (I paid the accounts) The following two recipes were right up there. Chillie Corn fritters. (Off the Food in a Minute Web site. ) Now don't turn up your noses it is a real winner.
Aug 17, 12:05am
^*&yy*((*()(_)(_) Bugger ! I have just spent ages copying an Alison Holst recipe only to find it eas too long !
Aug 19, 5:32pm
It seems I'm not the only one to have a pavlova weep around the base.Any idea why!cheers Glenys
Aug 19, 7:25pm
bumped for stanap :-))
Aug 19, 9:41pm
bump. .
Aug 20, 2:28pm
PLEASE! Need more ideas have big birthday bash to host on saturday. what to make it a great one. What do guys age range of 25-40 like to nibble on!
Aug 20, 4:23pm
after dinner mints make your own after dinner mints there really easy taste really good and are heap cheaper than brought ones! 2c icing sugar,1 tsp strained fresh lemon juice,2tsp water,1 egg white(sz70 lightly beaten,1 tsp peppermint essence,a few drops green food coloring(optional),1x375g packet dark choc melts for dipping
Aug 20, 4:28pm
cont. mix all ingredients except choc to a smooth pliable paste roll into two thin sausages on an icing covered surface, slice into little rounds the size of 20c piece flatten slightly with a fork leave to dry completely(about 24 hours) dip in choc.I added more icing sugar as I made them on a wet day, great excercise in self control I couldnt wait 24 hours and ate them all in day
Aug 20, 8:51pm
Fillet mignons with bernaise sauce Uncooked fillet mignons can be assembled the day ahead. Cover;refrigerate until required.You will need 40 toothpicks for this recipe.2x 250g packets of bacon;90g pesto;700g piece of beef eye fillet,trimmed,cut into 2.5cm cubes.BERNAISE SAUCE:60ml white wine vinegar;8 black peppercorns;1 tbsp of finely chopped onion;2 tbsp water;2 tbsp finely chopped fresh tarragon;3 egg yolks;200g unslated butter, melted. Cut bacon into 2cmx14cm strips cont.
Aug 20, 8:55pm
Spread a little bernaise sauce on one side of each strip of bacon. Wrap each strip of bacon (pesto side against meat) around each piece of beef. Secure with a toothpick. Cook mignons in batches, on a heated.oiled grill plate (or bbg) until browned both sides and cooked as desired. Serve hot with bernaise sauce. SAUCE: Place vinegar,peppercorns,onion,wate- r and half the tarragon into a small saucepan;bring to boil. Reduce heat,simmer,uncovered, till liquid is reduced to 2 tbsp cont.
Aug 20, 8:59pm
Strain liquid into a small jug;discard solids. Place egg yolks into a small heatproof bowl over small saucepan of simmering water (make sure bowl does not touch water) whisk in reserved liquid;add butter in a thin, steady stream, whisking constantly until mixture thickens slightly,stir in remaining tarragon.
Aug 20, 10:46pm
wrap water chestnuts with streaky bacon, secure with a tooth pick and bake in oven til bacon is crunchy.If you want to , dot a little maple syrup on them.
Aug 21, 2:19am
Mini Muffins Make your favourite savoury muffin recipe in mini muffin pans. Stuff with a mixture of cream cheese and finely diced gherkin.
Aug 23, 4:10pm
And another. .
Aug 24, 4:29pm
Soooo spiked. what did you end up making for those hungry men!:o)
Aug 25, 4:28am
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