I have read about it some time ago - and was not aware the results were out already. Have not yet accessed the original research documents either.
Nov 21, 12:23am
I like the replies to that article, but there is also sense in personalising diets. As the author noted. different people respond differently to the same food. Nutritionists usually offer the 'normal' diet options and then tailor it to the individual needs. I'm not sure how surprised diabetics and coeliacs would be, personally. But thanks for showing the article.
Nov 21, 12:28am
Why are you looking at that? I thought you had it sussed with your own 'personalised' (perfect) nutrition?
Nov 21, 12:34am
To bring it to the attention of those considered less well educated?
In case it gets missed by those who need it, there are three threads, each in a different category.
Nov 21, 12:52am
Nov 21, 2:14am
I haven't read a alot about this kind of thing Uli however I do wonder as to why it is needed - and is it yet another way to make billions off people who are too busy, ignorant or whatever to understand what they should eat and why. The food industry had lathered us in so much gobbledygook that it is very difficult to understand what is and isn't good for us; and the younger generation are so dependent on social media and the like they tend to believe what they read or see as opposed to actually seeking true knowledge and understanding. A sweeping generalisation, I know.
Food for thought, however. The way of the future perhaps.
Nov 21, 2:49am
Why have you started this same discussion in three different categories, Uli?
Nov 21, 3:04am
Maybe she has a stutter. Does it really matter? Recipes has been an excellent Board and targeting anyone, for any reason would be a shame. I dunno but reading some of the responses on this thread one would have to wonder. Peas to all, is my sage advice.
Nov 21, 3:14am
Carrots too, don't forget Forrests sage advice.
Nov 21, 3:18am
Ahh yes. A thymely reminder.
Nov 21, 4:21am
Love it, nothing like a bit of seasoning to make things more palatable.
Nov 21, 5:02pm
You have a problem.?
Nov 21, 5:18pm
Not at all . do you?
Nov 21, 6:20pm
"Imagine if you could create your own diet"
Er. you can. Some people live on junk. Some people are vegetarians or vegans. Some people like their meat.
No-one forces you to eat a certain way.
Nov 21, 11:17pm
Exactly, lythande. As I see it, it seems that 'science' is working out what each individual responds to in a good way re nutrition . most of us, over 25, with any nonce, have worked it out already. Wait for it . I will be shot down for sure ;o)
Nov 21, 11:49pm
Absolutely. Some have no clue tho - a bit fik, maybe? And some ignore. Its just another way for some BS artist to make money out of those who ignore their body's needs or want an easy way out or a reason for their fattiness/ill health.
Nov 22, 12:09am
OK awoftam , I agree, but I suppose there are a lot of people who are not in tune with their body's needs & keep stuffing themselves with crap foods with no real nutritional value & they do need help. My body tells me what I need (others may call it 'craving') eg. I have been eating a lot of cooked veges lately (broad beans are ready, along with other seasonal stuff in the garden) & tonight I was hanging out for a fresh raw salad . that's the way it goes. & shock horror . I sometimes even crave something sweet, I'm doomed! ;o)
Nov 22, 12:22am
Yea, I agree. What does annoy me is when people are told how to eat healthily, they ignore. I mean most people I would think (?) would understand that feeding kids pies and coke for breakfast isn't good - or not feeding them at all. However. It is what it is you can't help everyone and people need to want to help themselves. I also don't understand how people can rip others off for profit by selling BS diets and stuff.
Well tonight I am craving what I eat very rarely so I am having bacon, eggs, fried potato and peas. All done in butter. And I am going to blardy LOVE it! All washed down with a nice chardy.
Nov 22, 1:13am
Couldn't agree more! Hey, I seldom have bacon & eggs . but sometimes, needs must & it's damned good! Cheers & I raise a glass of G & T to you . you'll love it & won't be any worse off. I crave KFC occasionally . but satisfy the cravings with air fried ,copy cat recipe for the coating.
Nov 22, 3:55am
Sorry to go against the touchy feely good vibes that are supposed to be prevalent in this section, but. within 48 hours of posting in this section I have to say my piece. I feel like it is yourself that has a problem. You came out of the blue at me in the market stall thread and your reply had absolutely no bearing on my comment, even though you quoted me. Then your 3rd degree run down in the diabetes biscuit request thread. And here again, clearly the 2 posters above have a history but you had to butt in. Are there new rules in this place? We are only allowed to post in here after receiving your blessing? Or only allowed to comment if our opinion meets your approval? Because I've just re-read the MB rules and your name isn't mentioned at all. A TM oversight? Why not just let those of us who have an opinion to offer, offer it, and maybe learn something? Like the cream cheese icing thread?
Nov 23, 6:16pm
Interesting thought. The research was carried out by "Professor Eran Segal and Dr Eran Elinav of Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science, will be published in the journal Cell." A quick search shows that the Institute appears to be a reputable institution.
Do you think that there isn't a doctor living who would consider using the results to help their patients with diabetes, diet related illnesses or obesity and not expect to make a lot of money by doing so? Do you think they would ignore it, thus leaving the way clear for some "BS artist to make money out of the results instead?
Nov 23, 7:15pm
What makes you think Doctors aren't already doing this for some of their patients? And that some of those patients are not following it? Of course, that does not have the advertising cachet of the pop diet proponents. It would be extremely hard for them to tailor individual diets when their prime occupation is with the mass media and how to increase the income. That does not stop them trying as shown in the past with the blood group diet, the body type diet, etc. but they will try to find a way. I'll read the ensuing publicity with interest and a very large grain of salt.
Nov 23, 10:42pm
What are you on about?
If you carefully read my post, I was asking another poster a question relating to her post. She was the one implying that the research will be used by BS money makers rather than properly used by doctors to actually help their patients, not me.
Nov 23, 10:52pm
I am watching sadly how this very interesting piece of research is again being "digested" by the few that know most. Post 3 to 10 just condenses it all - no-one has any real interest in the subject - and no-one has anything to add.
So get on with it people, slay the person who brings you fresh research and go on your own old ways (insulin included) - however I am not really interested anymore to post anything worthwhile here. Just a real waste of time and effort.
So you can hold a great big party to have "gotten rid" of me once again. Happy Holidays!
Nov 23, 11:03pm
I hope you both feel better now you have had your thrills.
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