Personalised nutrition: Is this the future of food

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uli, Nov 23, 11:18pm
I am not sure who "both of you" are kay141 - I have just stated that I am sick and tired of the responses I get here on the recipes board - and so I will "retire" for a while and watch you and others make fun of someone else.

awoftam, Nov 23, 11:19pm
Buzzy, you quoted part of a conversation I was having with another poster long after it had finished and without the context behind it. I wasn't implying anything of the sort.

I won't engage with your further on this, as I do not want to be pulled into the game playing that seems to be endemic on this Board and kept alive by a few. Which is such a shame.

wasala, Nov 24, 12:46am
Excellent news Uli. I hate to see you feeling sick and tired so I challenge you to retire from TMMB completely for the remainder of the year - for the good of your health. Let's touch base here again on January 1 2016!

wasala, Nov 29, 4:49pm

samanya, Nov 29, 5:26pm
A good read wasala & common sense, indeed.
"He says it is time for the experts to speak with one voice and spread that knowledge, above the din of the my-diet-is-better-than-your-di-
et claims. Because really, even a vegan and a paleo agree about healthy eating more than they disagree.

So what does that mean, practically, about how we should eat? It's simple. A diet made up mostly of minimally processed, plant-based foods in balanced combinations."

awoftam, Nov 29, 8:15pm
With a bit of dead animal thrown in every now and again

samanya, Nov 29, 9:24pm
Of course!

illusion_, Nov 29, 9:44pm
With regards to the KFC craving. Strangely enough it was KFC themselves who cured mine, PERMANENTLY.
No , no b/s dramatics about rats, birds or whatever. While the closest outfit is 80km away I used to allow myself a treat whenever, about every 4 months, I was over that way. The product slowly got worse and worse until the last time I found it simply unpalatable/horrible. Closest I come these days is drumsticks simply seasoned and fanbaked dry on a tray. Yummy, and fat comes OUT of them not the other way around.

samanya, Nov 29, 10:01pm
I so agree, I googled 'copycat' KFC coating recipes, found several & have experimented each time (& never can remember exactly how I varied the recipe mix, it's usually a combination of all recipes) & it is far superior to the manky, greasy mess that KFC sells.
I used to get a hankering for the stuff about once every couple of years & when I did get it, I'd think 'why did I bother. never again'!

kay141, Nov 29, 10:09pm
I feel like that about fish and chips. It's usually the smell as I walk past but not the ones where you can tell the cooking medium is rancid. I never but them as they always seem to be disappointing. Smell good but are greasy and soggy.

samanya, Nov 29, 10:26pm
I've never been keen on F & C . since I started throwing up after eating them! TMI? ;o)
I used to buy them from a shop that fresh battered & they were lovely, but heaps of fat soaked batter, with a dubious piece of fish inside, that most offer, has put me right off.

awoftam, Nov 29, 10:58pm
Yep for sure, I am hearing ya. Never buy them.

I make my own with fish caught within a few hours and stored in sea ice. Thin as thin potatoes rubbed in olive oil and salt and baked for 40 minutes and a simple green salad. Divine. Oh and some home made mayo with wasabi in it. Oh la la!

wasala, Nov 29, 11:11pm
Wow, that's a confession. I'm sure your DW didn't ever approve!

samanya, Nov 29, 11:54pm
Oh yes, indeedy!
I don't catch my own fish, unfortunately, so have to rely on the fishmonger's choices.

illusion_, Nov 30, 12:20am

wasala, Nov 30, 12:26am
Surely you haven't forgotten about her?

illusion_, Nov 30, 12:30am
you wouldnt have a clue

I suggest you go bother someone else

wasala, May 23, 2:07pm