Cooking Utensils that should NOT go in dishwasher?
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Oct 19, 2:41pm
Can I have some help with this please. I say not my cooking knives, sieves and a few more am I on the right track Thanks.Oh yes and anything bonehandled
Oct 19, 2:49pm
Not Crystal, it can go cloudy, or anything that has silver or gold on it, eg, silver edged coffee cups, dinner service, wine glasses.
Oct 19, 3:45pm
Sharp knives, anything that includes wood, crystal, bone, bakelite, gold or silver. Antique crockery and glassware.
I don't think sieves are a problem unless they have wooden handles.
Oct 19, 3:54pm
cast iron cookware
Oct 19, 3:55pm
As advised by davidt4 + anything aluminium. I have several sieves - some are plastic handled and others are all stainless steel, including their handles, and they all go in the dishdrawer with no ill effect. :-))
Oct 19, 4:07pm
Thanks everyone thought I was on the right track, my husband getting annoyed with me saying not this, not that and was thinking it was just me! Sure he just wats to put everything in to save any hand washing!
Oct 19, 4:50pm
I would be concerned that they would rust which is why I have never put mine into the dishwasher. I could be wrong. My present dishwasher doesn't dry quite as efficiently as dishwashers once did so I thought there would be even more risk of the fine wire mesh rusting.
Oct 19, 5:16pm
buzzy110, we have had a dishwasher or dishdrawer for almost 30 years and I have always put sieves in the dwasher/ddrawer and have never had a problem with them rusting. In general though our dwasher/ddrawers dry very well and if anything is not completely dry it's usually because of the shape or design of the article allowing water to be retained which of course, is not likely to happen with sieves. :-))
Oct 19, 5:26pm
Thanks 245sam.
Oct 19, 5:30pm
Everything goes into our diswasher is except the cast iron frypan, and one chopping board cos its too big. Haven't had an issue with rust on sieves or knives
Oct 19, 7:42pm
Not any of my good knives, any part of my magimix, none of my fry pans. A few favourite plates as my machine chips them, nor my best coffee mugs. Shops are a long way off, so I take care of my fav's Oh yea, nor my hand beater or stick blender. not much left eh? lol
Oct 19, 8:10pm
Not my crystal glasses and thats about it - my good knives go on the top rack lying flat and haven't had a problem with that but my good knives may not be as good as soneone else's - if they're an all stainless construction in one piece why is the dishwasher a problem?
Oh and my small Tupperware lids because they always fall through and melt on the element.
Oct 19, 8:13pm
Oh yeah that too and my other non-stick frying pans because they're too big - seems pointless having a dishwasher if you're not going to use it. I tend not to put baking tins in either but thats simply a size issue rather than anything else.
Oct 20, 2:05am
I made the mistake of putting my steak tenderiser into the dishwasher - I ended up not using it again - I threw it out
Oct 20, 2:31am
Oh I don't have one of them - just bash the steak with my rolling pin. Very therapeutic
Oct 20, 3:03am
the hot water and high pressure dulls the blade of any sharp knife they need to be hand washed also wooden end grain chopping boards as they will split eventually if put in dishwasher or submerged in water for an amount of time.
Oct 21, 4:53am
We don't put any metal cake tins, or metal graters in, prefer to wash those by hand.
Oct 21, 12:53pm
No rubber, cast iron or hand painted things. Knives? Can't see the reasoning on that.
Oct 21, 1:48pm
Really, your good knives? (not talking table knives here) Wowee, they'd be the last thing I would ever dream of putting in the dishwasher. You would stuff the handles eventually. love my knives, even my tiny vegetable knife doesn't go in. I kiss it and put it back in the drawer :-)
Oct 21, 3:43pm
Never put your knives in a dish washer, the high heat ruins the edge. They are easy enough to wash under hot running water with your dish brush. I have stainless steel sieves that I would put in the dishwasher ( but I don't have one in this house)
Oct 21, 4:46pm
High heat ruins the edge? Water boils at 100C. Not exactly hot enough to damage good metal. Any real proof that hot water damages the edge?
Oct 21, 4:53pm
Ask a butcher if he likes his best knives put in the dish washer?
Oct 21, 10:59pm
Yes I have heard this for years about the heat blunting knives, although like some I have wondered about why. Do people who put theirs through the dishwasher have very sharp knives still that slice through meat, onions like a dream? How often would you sharpen yours? My MIL poo poos the idea too. I will have to check out the state of her knives. Her son would put everything that fits in the dishwasher although he rarely helps. And he's never emptied it to see the state of objects not rinsed. And never hand washed in 14 years. Not that I'm bitter. Lol!
Oct 22, 1:16am
I use the economy wash on the dishwasher and the blades stay sharp. I would never put my chopping block in the dishwasher - it is 5cm thick solid wood - it would never dry out again. I clean it by pouring a jug of boiling water over it and never cut raw meat or fish on it anyway.
Oct 22, 1:23am
Our last house we didn't have a dishwasher and I certainly haven't noticed that I have to sharpen my knives any more often now we do have one than when we didn't (I really hope that makes sense - sounds a bit garbled)
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