But it is now cauli mash or celeriac mash or something similarly exciting .
And the gravy now always goes towards the big slab of beef!
Jul 30, 2:00am
Nauru it is quite a challenge isn't it? My 3 year old grandson is the same the food must not be touching on the plate, no sauces, gravies or condiments of any kind. The food must be consistent in flavour and colour, any change he wont even look at it let alone taste it. Other people just don't understand autistic children are extremely picky and will in fact starve themselves, It has nothing to do with naughtiness.
Jul 30, 2:28am
I was right in this case though. the child isn't a fussy eater at all, just as I thought. I also think OP's second link to the Ernie and Bert plate looks like a lot of food, I don't have to be a mother to see that. heck I don't eat that much for breakfast (and haven't as a toddler either). http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/laleh-mohmedi-mom-food-art_55b670eee4b0a13f9d19688b
Jul 30, 4:03am
As I have no idea about autistic children (having only met the odd one at friends places) - what is going to happen if they do not eat their food for weeks at a time - surely they do not simply starve themselves to death?
No human does that - as far as I know. So is it just the parents that are worried or is it really that these kids do not eat for weeks at a time?
This sounds terrible to me.
Jul 30, 5:02am
My grandson didn't eat for a week and we sought medical help. He then started eating but he is so picky and a lot of things influence his intake of food. See this site http://www.autism.com/treating_picky.
Jul 30, 5:26am
Yes I wonder about that too. is it simply the parents become so scared they will die they pander to the demands - so they have no survival instinct to eat when they are starving . ?
Jul 30, 7:50am
Well most of us know what low blood sugar does to a kid. And would try to avoid it. Behaviour issues if you don't know. I don't think any parent wants that, particularly when the child already has behaviour outside the norm! I have a fussy 6 yr old who regularly had no dinner because I refused to cook him sausages and chips every night. If you haven't experienced it, you don't know what your talking about. It is very exhausting and demoralising to have to go through this with every meal. He is getting better but it is a slow process of making him try foods and gradual acceptance. I think he is a "super taster", and needs bland food. Also is a sugar addict which his father can take the blame for.
Jul 30, 3:48pm
A burst dam, I wouldn't like to live below your place
Jul 30, 4:09pm
Ahhh life in Recipes. let the sanctimonious judging begin.
Jul 30, 4:12pm
just like the old days eh. holidays are sooooo good. lol
Jul 30, 4:46pm
Many parents around the world with autistic children have found that the GAPS diet resolves the issues of fussiness. Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr Natasha Campbell McBride. She has a section in her book especially for the fussy eater on how to introduce new food. How to heal the gut that is causing the fussiness and behaviour.
Jul 30, 4:51pm
Seems like some grinches in here, what kid wouldn't want their food served up like that?! Where does it say she only ever serves his food like that (ie the comment 'this is how he is trained up to eat food?').
Naturally all parents want to encourage their kids to eat their food, particularly healthy/nutritious food and try new things. What's wrong with being creative doing it? Don't we all like to do cute things like this with our children? I remember in the 70's my mum making pikelets in animal or letter shapes, I loved it. She put alphabet pasta in our vegie soup. I have myself in the past made faces or shapes etc with my kids fruit and veg (obviously not to the standard in the article lol). It's not about training them, it's about having fun and giving your child a little joy.
Maybe some people need to lighten up a bit, or maybe some are envious their parents didn't do the same. I don't understand any negative criticism towards the article.
Jul 31, 1:00am
Jul 31, 1:05am
Thanks for that!
Jul 31, 1:38am
Autistic children can/are frightened to an extreme point of change with many things, food included sometimes. Attempting to add a new food to their diet can be traumatic to a point that many people can not comprehend.
I don't believe the above article was referencing an autistic child, just a mum that is artistic and loves showcasing her ability to be so within her preferred medium.
Yes I ve read it but decided my most fussy child is not depressed or anxious. I have An anxious one but she's only fussy about textures and psychological things. ie is very easily psyched out of eating things. A thought or careless comment can put her off. Worries about best before dates a lot and what is that brown spot etc. She will eat hot curries no probs.
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