What food thing made your stomach turn?

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elliehen, Mar 21, 1:31am
Pizza being eaten from a cardboard take-away tray by my passengers in the back of the car.

dolphin9, Mar 21, 2:13am
whats wrong with that!

tehenga288, Mar 21, 3:24am
Haha I like nearly everything you have all mentioned except the commercial pizza and rotten crayfish, wouldn't eat anything off a hairy chest either.

elliehen, Mar 21, 5:22am
It smells like BO.

eastie3, Mar 22, 12:22am
Kidneys, fennel and walnuts.

I like tripe and lamb's fry.

tjman, Mar 22, 12:45am

lilyfield, Mar 22, 1:12am
Mc Donalds

tarawera99, Mar 22, 3:42am
Blue cheese!

rainrain1, Mar 22, 4:21am
watching someone eat raw kina:-)

karlymouse, Mar 22, 5:25am
Its not about what good for you. its about what you find repulsive.so fine if you find this stuff fine dining.

antoniab, Mar 22, 4:42pm
I LOVE olives BUT in Malta we ordered a platter and the olives on it were ROTTEN! I didnt even know they could get so foul tasting, it tasted likethe smell of sewerage (sp), only time I have actually spat my food out at a restaurant. Needless to say we got them to take it back and just ate our side of chips. (Hasnt put me off olives though)

antoniab, Mar 22, 4:44pm
Thats alright just chuck it on the sink with salt water for a bit before prepping - they all come out. What my Mum and Grandma always used to do :)

feebee10, Mar 22, 6:29pm
Any milk puddings ie custard, rice pudding!

horizons_, Mar 22, 7:05pm
cream, milk, tapioca, baked custard, jumket, tripe.

mumstu, Mar 22, 11:43pm
Any internal organs of an animal.slimy.eeeewwww

lambrat, Mar 22, 11:47pm
yeah, all that except the scallops!

kaddiew, Mar 22, 11:55pm
Fresh basil smells like cat pee to me.