Recipes - cooking with limited resources

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pickles7, Feb 12, 11:04pm
I hate BBQ's with grills, ours is a huge flat plate.uli so you won't get any flavourings from that. You can do so much more with a flat plate

rainrain1, Feb 12, 11:25pm
eggs 'n' beans 'n' bacon

rainrain1, Feb 12, 11:26pm
Oh.'n' sausages

uli, Feb 12, 11:53pm
Sorry to say - not a BBQ by my standards - but then my standards are not welcome here anyway LOL :)

cgvl, Feb 13, 4:20am
Uli, we freedom camp as well so yep if we are camping with power then we take a few xtra's eg the fridge. Freedom camping don't have power or showers hence the shower tent. The open fire is in a fire pit and with a bucket of water nearby but we dont do a roaring fire.
Prefer the freedom camp scenario but would like hot showers if nothing else.

pickles7, Feb 13, 12:54pm
Each to there would hate our BBQ
We used to freedom camp untill we had two insidences where we felt at risk.
Doc type camps very well may ban even gas BBQs right now, most camps being in heavily bushed areas, they have been known to start fires in the past.