Aluminium dishes that go under stove elements please! They are caked in well baked on grease & grime!
Jan 18, 8:22pm
Most grease and grime can be attacked somewhat by soaking them overnight in dishwasher powder and water, but you could just replace them with disposables.
Jan 18, 11:54pm
Will try dishwasher powder tonight, in the meantime, where would I get disposables from!
Jan 19, 1:14am
Try soaking in washing soda.
Jan 19, 1:24am
They seem to be called "bib liners".I wonder if a kitchen store would sell them here!
You could try spraying them with over cleaner and leaving overnight.Then using tin foil to cover the no so clean ones you already have!
Jan 19, 1:56am
I wouldn't use oven cleaner on aluminium.It is very corrosive.
Jan 19, 1:58am
Oh I would try if they are as crappy and disgusting as the OP describes them as being.
Jan 19, 9:32pm
That's where I thought I had seen them, although then I began to wonder if I had just seen stacks of pie plates.Certainly worth a look there first.
Jan 20, 1:23am
If I want to keep my exsisting ones, they're going to have to be attacked with sand paper now. I tried scrubbing with jiff, boiling them in a solution of vinegar & cream of tartar (google) which helped marginally, then soaked them in dishwashing powder & water overnight & that's got them a little cleaner but the blighters still have areas that are black & crusty.
Jan 20, 3:05am
Try the washing soda soak and see if that helps
Jan 20, 3:38am
I have them too . that is if they are solid aluminium. the only way I can get them clean easily is to lay newpaper down outside and spray them liberally with oven cleaner. I wear rubber gloves and a paper mask also when I am doing this. I find the red Mr Muscle is best and don't leave them "soaking" too long.I can't remember if I left them 10 or15 mins. However if you do leave them too long they will go a motley colour BUT then next time you cleanthem for a shorter time they will come right.
Jan 20, 5:34am
I have just gone back to an oven with those as I hated my ceramic top oven as it never looked 100% clean and I love my new one even if its old styles anyway the best and only thing I use are steelo soapads, but has to be the ones with the soap in, as the plain ones are too abrasive on aluminium, they really work and cheap as chips.
Jan 20, 11:55am
Correction that was EASY-OFF (Red can) oven cleaner Not Mr Muscle.
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