Looking for a stand mixer , which one is the best

jo2005, Jul 6, 5:28am
one ?I am in Christchurch so not easy for me to compare prices.The ones listed on Tm seem high in price for being 10 or more years old.TIA

shop-a-holic, Jul 7, 12:48am
KitchenAid available at the Homestore in Merivale rrp $995.
Trademe prices vary :-)

deluxe4u, Jul 7, 1:50am
Agree KichenAid all the way (mines baby pink!).

cookessentials, Jul 7, 2:57am
They are not available new on trademe as it is against the distributors rules for them to be sold here.

buzzy110, Jul 7, 3:02am
I have been looking lustfully at the Breville, 700w, self scraper, mixer. If anything should happen to my trusty Kenwood, that would be next on my list. Which surprises me because I've always classed Breville as cheap and cheerful and not for serious cooking jobs. Ahh. How times change. Fortunately they are sold at Briscoes and Briscoes is always having these storewide 30-50% off sales. I'd buy one then.

jo2005, Jul 7, 4:06am
Thanks would love a kitchenaid but not in budget.might start saving for one.thanks.will look in the Breville one too

eastie3, Jul 7, 7:08am
I have a Breville and think it's excellent.It makes a great pav among many other things,and I have been happily using it for a couple of years or so now.It's called a Whizz Mix Professional and it is a very good option for those whose budget doesn't stretch to Kenwoods or Kitchen Aids.I probably paid $300+ at the time I bought it.

duckmoon, Jul 7, 8:47am
I have a 30 year old Kenwood and love love love it

nimbus, Jul 7, 9:06am
I have a Breville BEM800 and love it.I did some serious research when looking to buy a new mixer and so pleased I went with the Breville.The scraper beater makes easy work of creaming butter and sugar and it's reasonably quiet too.


bunny51, Jul 7, 9:16am
I have a kenwood too

cookessentials, Jul 7, 9:30am
The older Kenwoods are great, however, th newer ones are not a patch on the trusty old ones.

buzzy110, Jul 7, 9:36am
That is good to know. I wish I could destroy my Kenwood now so that I can get one of those - **gulp**. I'm not even a gadget freak and have hardly any gadgets and use even less than I own!!

kernal1, Jul 8, 8:31am
Bide your time and buy an old Kenwood! Nothing will compare,least of all the new ones! A few years ago used to be like hen's teeth to buy but many now being listed. Click your area and get notified of new listings! Many don't want to ship! I have 2, one a standby, both over 40 years old and I promise nothing compares!! Sorry! Many things over 10 years old are still going as good as new!!

jo2005, Jul 9, 1:26am
Great thanks for all advice.

shuzbut, Jul 15, 2:10am
I have Sunbeam bench cake mixer now onto my 3rd on in 37years. But good luck with your choice.

nauru, Nov 24, 1:09am
Yep, older Kenwood models are the way to go.My Kenwood is well over 40 years old and it works as well today as it did when it was new. I broke the kenlite bowl some years ago and replaced it with a SS one which is great.