I have tried to find this recipie online but have had no success - anybody got their old kenwood mixer book and could give me the recipie - used to make them all the time but left the book in NZ
Jan 25, 2:33am
gerry64, I have checked in both of my Kenwood mixer books and there is no recipe, for chocolate chip cookies, in either of them so sorry I can't help you with that recipe.:-))
Jan 25, 2:35am
I couldn't find it in mine either.
Jan 25, 2:57am
thanks - it was a very old book - will try one of the condensed milk recipies I found online - it was a terrific recepie for making a quantity of biscuits
Jan 25, 3:17am
my sister has just told me I am nuts - she thinks it was the book that came with my first fan forced oven all those years ago!! she inherited all my old recipes when we shifted so she will go through them all just to prove me wrong!!!
Jan 25, 6:39am
I have a fabulous recipe which makes in the region of 48 biscuits. Brilliant for lots of hungry mouths. Choc Chip Cookies 1 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 2 eggs 2 tblsp Hot Water 2 tsp vanilla 31/4 cups flour (Three and a quarter) 1 tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda 1 to 2 cups choc chips or drops. Preheat oven to 180 deg. Cream Butter and sugar. Add eggs, hot water and vanilla then beat until fluffy then scrape into large bowl. Sift together flour, salt, and baking soda. Stir into the butter mix. Stir in choc chips. Drop in teaspoonfuls onto tray with baking paper on it. Bake 8-10 mins until golden brown. Makes enough to feed a family for a week plus friends and hangers on.
Jan 25, 7:51am
that sounds great will give it a try
Feb 28, 3:07pm
she was right it was the thermowave book!!!
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