I have yet to see a recipe resembling mine LOL - but keep going - it is very entertaining!
I still reckon my recipe has been here in pre-European times and the Maori had the measure of it and made it successfully for centuries - until the English came and introduced the one with sweetened condensed milk .
It is a shame that thread with all those recipes with sweetened condensed milk disappeared - it had many very good "Old NZ recipes" with that absolute NZ staple - "sweetened condensed milk" . no need for eggs or cream!
Jan 23, 2:24am
I make a wonderful ice cream using condensed milk so I don't understand why you mock the stuff for.Have you made ice cream with it!Condensed milk boils down to milk and sugar or vice versa:-)
Jan 23, 2:59am
So.a flip flop then!
Jan 23, 5:34am
Just because you haven't seen something, does that mean it is not a fact! I haven't been to Niagara Falls but I know they exist .get it!
Jan 23, 1:47pm
You know the saying about scams! Seems to fit well here too.
Jan 23, 7:43pm
A pear tart and ginga ice cream.YUM!
Jan 23, 8:24pm
Just on another tangent, but still with home-made ice-cream - I have made ice-cream a few times, but each time it is icy.I have tried freezing it for a few hours, taking it out and re-beating but still icy.I am going to try Uli's as I don't usually use eggs, and that may be the secret!
Jan 23, 8:31pm
Katalin, I still make that evaporated milk one from time to time and do it exactly as you do, just add bit of vanilla essence, and I do re-beat it after 4-6 hours.Still a bit icy but that is the only ice-cream we had as kids in the 50-60's.
Jan 23, 9:36pm
It never goes icy with cream and condensed milk.
Jan 23, 9:39pm
thanks for that 2bakerz- I wondered if there was anything else I had forgotten about. Will give it a go over the weekend. I remember making it into 4-5 different flavours from the same basic mixture- scooping it into balls after it had frozen and placing it back in the freezer on a fancy silver platter and serving it up at dinner parties with a platter of fresh fruit. When you freeze it, do you need to re whip it or just a one off freeze!
Jan 23, 10:02pm
This Edmonds Cookery Book 1955 icecream recipe looks very similar. 4 Eggs (separated),300mls Cream,1/2 cup Castor Sugar, 1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence. Beat egg whites until stiff, add half the sugar and beat till glossy. In another bowl beat egg yolks with the remaining sugar until thick, add vanilla essence and fold in egg whites.Whip cream till it begins to thicken and fold into egg mixture. Add any desired flavours, eg chocolate chips, nuts, fruit, pour into a shallow container and freeze (about 2 hours).
Jan 23, 10:16pm
Katalin I really don't remember, but something is in the back of my mind of Mum re-whipping it if it wasn't needed til next night.I must actually try it again.I'm going to try that condensed milk and cream one and just see if it ices up.Nice to have a couple of choices, though.
Jan 23, 11:15pm
There you go - this recipe IS in NZ since Maori times and the English only improved upon it with the condensed milk later :) No need for me to bring it from Europe. I am glad we solved that problem!
Jan 24, 2:32am
What problem! Most of us knew that you didn't introduce the recipe to NZ.the problem was yours & your claims that you did. BTW .how did Maori freeze their ice cream, I'd love to know! Paddle a waka down the West coast to the glaciers, wrap ice chunks in flax leaves & cart it back to their Pa!
Jan 24, 5:40pm
And what mammal's milk were they using - bats!
Jan 24, 7:41pm
Most likely .dolphins, seals & whales might have been too difficult to milk.
Jan 24, 8:06pm
Difficult, but not impossible. I referred to dolphin's milk feta cheese in an earlier thread. The hard part is getting them to take the rohypnol. ;-)
Jan 24, 8:44pm
This is what I love about Recipes ! How on earth did this "morph" from an ode to Gingernut ice cream to a discussion on the challenges associated with milking dolphins !
Jan 24, 9:09pm
Guess! There is a catalyst ;o)
Jan 25, 2:52am
.more like a cat-among-the-pigeons ;)
Jan 30, 3:24pm
The Kapati once is lovely and creamy ( if a little expensive) but it also has bits of crystalised ginger in it to give it a real ginger zing.
Jan 30, 11:10pm
How come all of ellies posts are deleted! Have I missed something AGAIN! Too much offline maybe - out in the garden!
Jan 31, 12:34am
YOU don't know!
Jan 31, 1:38am
Sorry to say samanya - I just came in an hour ago and saw that ellies posts all vanished.
Not quite sure why you would think that I do know!
I never met ellie and so have no idea what she is doing.
Maybe YOU can enlighten me to what happened!
Jan 31, 2:48am
Why! and why would you even be interested or concerned!
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