Has anyone seen these this year!I think Food in a Minute had a Recipe using them so maybe the Stores have all sold out.Need them to make the Raspberry Tiramasu.If you have seen them, can you remember what brand they were! TIA
Dec 7, 9:59pm
Dont remember what brand but saw at Papamoa Paknsave. Will check brand next week if you like
Dec 7, 10:01pm
campmother2002, I have just checked Countdown's website and they don't appear to have them - in fact I'm not sure if any of the regular supermarkets do have them now, they used to, but I feel sure that you'd find them at speciality shops e.g.Mediterranean Food Company.:-))
Dec 7, 10:29pm
type Sponge Fingers in the box thingy over to the left & put last year. There's a thread from earlier this year about the same thing with some ideas.
Dec 7, 10:43pm
sue1955 - Don't need ideas, I have a Recipe, thanks anyway.
Dec 7, 10:45pm
cottagerose - thanks for you reply, no need to find Brand, just wondered if anyone had bought them this year and if they remembered the brand! Thanks
That's ok, but I did notice that there were a lot of comments were they could be found. In my New World they used to be in the International section or in front of the deli on a shelf. I must have a look tomorrow.
Dec 8, 12:43am
I posted a recipe long time ago here, they are easier to make then driving to a supermarket!
Dec 8, 12:52am
campmother2002, I have just had another look at Countdown's website. searched last time for sponge fingers - no luck; searched this time for savoirdi and success!I found:-"Vitt Biscotti Savoirdi 200g$4.49" at:-
Our local Four Square has them, I saw them there today, couldn't really tell you the brand (sounded foreign, Dutch maybe!) nor the price, but they weren't outrageously expensive.
Dec 8, 1:58am
B ought some few weels ago from Pak'n'save called Elledi Savoiardi quite a few packets
Dec 8, 3:11am
I saw some in Bin Inn this week.
Dec 8, 4:03am
Wow, thanks everyone for replies - saw the Savoiardi ones but they are too thin and appear to have a kind of icing on them, just want the "old fashioned ones", will check my local 4 Square tomorrow, neither P & S or Countdown in Taupo have what I want.Will have a look in Bin Inn too.
Dec 8, 4:23am
Hi does anyone have a recipe for Neopolitine pastry cakes. Used to buy then from the shops when I was young but havn't seen them for years.Want to include them as small cakes for a Christmas platter. THANKS
Dec 8, 5:58am
The Sivoiardi ones I have seen in Countdown are plain and work fine in Tiramasu
Dec 8, 12:42pm
could someone post their sponge finger recipe please Could save some serious money cheers and merry christmas x
Dec 8, 1:45pm
They are very easy to make. 3 eggs, 90gms of sugar, 100gms of flour cream yolks with sugar.add flour.make stiff snow from egg whites.combibe.pipe on tray lined with paper(even from a plastic bag with corner snipped off) sprinkle with sugar wait till it dinks in place in preheated oven.moderate.bake few minutes
Quote makespacenow (111 )8:17 am, Fri 27 Jan #17
Dec 8, 2:39pm
That sounds really easy.Might have to try it.How many does the recipe make!
Dec 8, 5:38pm
depends on the size you want. We also make them as small rounds for babies and kids to dunk in hot drinks. They are super easy. Fast too. Cheaper & faster to make them at home.
Dec 8, 10:51pm
Makespacenow, many thanks. that recipe, will be well used.x
Dec 9, 12:02am
savoiardi are the "proper" ones to use, they soften when your soft ingredients are added.
Dec 9, 1:59am
Not a terribly helpful answer I'm afraid.Seeing as they are "sponge fingers" I would normally try to make them finger sized, not football or foot sized.I was really only wanting a rough idea of whether the recipe would make 20 or 30, or more like 40 or 50.
Dec 9, 2:07am
was going to say what you posted cookessentials as the ones I bought are the proper ones
Dec 9, 3:34am
yip and its not icing on them is sugar crust.
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