Sponge fingers (savioardi)

angie117, Jul 23, 10:06pm
Can you buy sponge fingers (savioardi) for Tiramisu here. Would like to make Gordon Ramasays Easy tiramisu but cant find the biscuit?

cottagerose, Jul 23, 10:42pm
Ive seen sponge fingers at paknsave

245sam, Jul 23, 10:49pm
Although I haven't looked recently, I have seen those sponge fingers at PnS too and I would have expected them to also be at Countdown/Woolworths however I browsed on the home shopping part of their websites and there is no sign of them at all.

Just in case you're not sure of what theSavoiardi packaging looks like have a look at:-


Hope that helps.:-))

buzzy110, Jul 23, 10:58pm
They are usually sold in the shelving that is looked after by the Serve Over Deli staff at P-n-S. Look, or even ask, for them in that department. P-n-S staff are expected to look after customer's requirements and are only too happy to help you find what you want.

angie117, Jul 23, 10:58pm
Thanks 245sam, we only have a New World and Write price here. Will have to wait till we go away again.

davidt4, Jul 23, 11:07pm
Instead of commercially made sponge fingers you can use home-made sponge cake.Make it in a Swiss roll tin, cook it a little longer than usual, cool and cut into fingers.

buzzy110, Jul 23, 11:21pm
If P-n-S have them then New World is sure to have them as New World is the more upmarket offshoot of Foodstuffs, which also owns P-n-S.

However, I think davidt4's idea is a brilliant solution. That way you will have enough to freeze for another batch later on.

waswoods, Jul 23, 11:42pm
If you look in the International section at Woolworths or Countdown, there is a South African product called Boudoir Biscuits - these are sponge fingers

elliehen, Jul 23, 11:46pm
And here's an idiot-proof sponge from The Press, Christchurch.


Assemble all ingredients & have eggs at room temperature
Line sponge roll pan with baking paper

Sift 1/2 cup cornflour
2 teaspoons ordinary flour
1 teaspoon baking powder

Separate 3 eggs
Beat whites till soft peaks form
Slowly add 1/2 cup caster sugar, beating all the time
Add yolks and beat till rich mix

Add all sifted dry ingredients and stir to combine
Pour mix into pan and drop sharply onto bench from about 6 cms (releases extra air bubbles)

Bake 180*C for 15 minutes

Drop again on bench after removing from oven

Rest it for 5-10 minutes before removing from pan
Cool, cut in half, fill with fruit (or jam) and whipped cream and place other half on top

daleaway, Jul 24, 12:01am
Angie, Savoiardi are $6.64 for a 400g pack from Mediterranean Food Warehouse (a New Zealand chain) in the biscuit section, called Lady Fingers (Savoiardi).
You can buy them online.

gpmapm, Jul 24, 12:07am
You can buy sponge fingers in New World. Go to the bakery department.

smileeah, Jul 24, 12:26am
Our supermarket (Countdown) sells them in the biscuit aisle.

cookessentials, Jul 24, 12:37am
EEk, that's expensive. I buy mine from Moore Wilson for alot less for a large pack.

wildflower, Jul 24, 4:10am
There's a well known brand, been around ages, that they sell in the biscuit aisle of supermarkets.The brand name has slipped my mind but they're used in a lot of recipes in the Foodtown magazine.Yellow pack I think.

books4nz, Jul 24, 6:36am
I've seen them where the meringues, brandy snaps, etc are sold beside the pita breads, etc. in supermarkets.

245sam, Dec 1, 9:14am
wildflower, I believe you're thinking of Unibic brand as can be seen on the link I posted above at#3.:-))