400g flour is how many cups

m41, Oct 18, 10:56pm
plaease any one fast than my dail up please !

korban, Oct 18, 11:04pm

jessie981, Oct 19, 12:07am
Google says
3 cups + 1/8 (3 tablespoons

tjman, Oct 19, 1:24am
I thought IC = 250 gms

gardie, Oct 19, 1:57am
1 cup = 250mls - not grams.When it comes to dry ingredients, some ingredients are denser therefore a cup of sugar weighs more than a cup of flour.

jesse83, Oct 19, 2:03am
400g is just under 2 heaped breakfast cups of flour.

sarahb5, Oct 19, 8:38pm
1 cup of flour is 125g so 400g is 3.2 cups or 3 1/5 cups.

sarahb5, Oct 19, 8:38pm
Depends how big your breakfast cups are .

jesse83, Oct 19, 9:31pm
true, but a good old fashioned breakfast cup size is what i'm meaning, as in not a tiny teacup.Basically, 2 good big cups of flour should be about right for 400g. (and you can always add a bit more if mixture is too sloppy, whereas at 3 cups i think it's going to be more like concrete.)

sarahb5, Oct 19, 9:46pm
But a standard cup of flour only weighs 125g and I don't have any actual cups to use for measuring, just measuring cups