Run out of flour

ramblerrebel304, Oct 6, 11:50pm
Hi I am wanting to make a cheese sauce but have run out of plain flour, Will SR flour taste gross! What else could I use!

245sam, Oct 6, 11:58pm
ramblerrebel304, I have no experience with using SR flour for plain bechamel or cheesey bechamel sauce, however in response to a similar question just a few days ago, another poster did advise against using SR flour.This is the advice/suggestion I gave on that occasion and it may be helpful for you too.

"Do you have any cornflour! If so, how about using that to thicken the milk, then add the grated cheese (and parsley too if you want) - and don't forget the seasoning (salt, pepper and IMO a little mustard and/or cayenne pepper goes well in a cheese sauce). If you really want to, you could add butter to the thickened milk although it's not really essential with the cheese."

Hope that helps.:-))

duckmoon, Oct 7, 12:53am
I would use cornflour

tiptruck, Oct 7, 1:10am
its finehave used SR and all good

buzzy110, Oct 7, 1:10am
I would use ordinary cream and cheese. This is always how I make my cheese sauce. Paprika is a perfect addition. S/R flour leaves a hideous aftertaste. Am I the only person who can taste that!

esther-anne, Oct 7, 1:17am
In a word buzzy"yes".

I have used whatever flour I happen to have in the pantry for years to make a white sauce and never noticed any difference in taste.

But then maybe my tastebuds are not that refined!

buzzy110, Oct 7, 1:26am
Probably not if you cannot taste that horrid metallic aftertaste. A person's tastes don't even have to be refined. Just aware of what they are eating. I like full senses of what goes into my mouth. I don't just stick stuff into it without making an effort to fully appreciate the flavours and textures that go into that food and doing it justice. If I didn't I'd probably be happy with the homogenised flavours of processed foods.

esther-anne, Oct 7, 3:03am
You failed to notice the "winky" smiley buzzy!

Oddly enough I don't do that ghastly thing you speak of i.e. sticking 'stuff' into my mouth-unless it's a nicely buttered piece of toast- not 'spread' please note lol!

Whatever happened to your sense of humour!

lythande1, Oct 7, 2:38pm
Self raising flour is just flour with baking powder. It's not going to make any difference to a sauce.

buzzy110, Oct 7, 10:47pm
OMG. I missed the winky face. What were you thinking! It was me you were addressing. You are always so trenchant toward me that I thought it was just more of the same from you and, so, I immediately assumed you were just being a little patronising. Well more than a little patronising really so you'll forgive me if my 'famed sense of humour' was reserved for another time.

indy95, Oct 7, 10:53pm
I have noticed that the addition of a little sugar disguises the aftertaste you sometimes get from SR flour.

esther-anne, Oct 8, 1:50pm
The truth of the matter is quite different from how you are painting it buzzy but I have no intention of defending myself on this thread.I haven't 'spoken' to you for at least a year and as I am not someone to hold grudges I thought the tentative olive branch might be a good place to go.Obviously not and I won't try again.

And I mentioned only your 'sense of humour' buzzy-I didn't know it was 'famed'.