Tried my first wholemeal loaf in the breadmaker which I was intending to have for breakfast with a couple of poached eggs today but it came out like a brick - taste was good so I'm sure the birds will enjoy it.Where did I go wrong!I used 2/3 wholemeal flour, 1/3 high grade white (450g all up), then added some mixed seeds (about 50g - sunflower, pumpkin, flax, chia, amaranth, kibbled wheat), 450ml water, 2 tsp sunflower oil, 2 tsp sugar, 1 1/2 tsp Surebake yeast and 300g of milk powder (this amount seems excessive to me).Anyone have a failsafe wholemeal bread with seeds added please!,
Aug 9, 11:45pm
Gosh what a bummer. Firstly looking at your recipe I think you maybe would need 3tsp of Surebake yeast, as it has improvers in it, ie not just yeast, you need to increase amount. Plus it is a very heavy loaf with the seeds and wholemeal flour. Alison Holst has a very good bread book called: 'Alison Holst's Bread Book (bread machine and handmade instructions for all recipes)' it is one of the small books and about $10. ps. she nearly always uses 3tsp of Surebake per recipe for the heavier breads.
Aug 9, 11:49pm
Gosh that does seem a lot of milk powder. Most of my recipes are a TBSP.milk powder, 1 TBSP oil. I have a Breville recipe for a 50/50 wholemeal loaf I can post if you like.(haven't tried it myself, but the Breville NZ recipes are usually quite good.) However I also had a bit of a failure: I made my fruit loaf the other day, new container of sure bake yeast, and even though the bread was light, it was a really small loaf, didn't rise anywhere near to it's normal size, so maybe a bad batch of yeast around at the moment as well.,
Aug 9, 11:52pm
Here's one I've done many times from the book: Five Seed Bread 3tsp Surebake yeast 1 1/4 cups plus 2 Tbs warm water 2 tsp sugar 1.5 tsp salt 2 Tbs lecithin granules or oil 1.5 cups high grade flour 1.5 cups wholemeal flour 1/4 cup each sunflower, pumpkin, poppy and raw or toasted sesame seeds 2 Tbs linseeds In bread machine, set to the normal/white cycle, medium crust and start or use the dough cycle and shape as you want. Notes: change the seeds around as you wish and if you do use sesame, they are really nice toasted first. It keeps well and makes good toast.,
Aug 9, 11:54pm
Agree with kinna on the milk powder front. I am sure that was a mistake as most recipes normally ask for 2-3 Tbs of milk powder, 300g would be far too much. Possibly it should've read '30g' which is just over an ounce.
Aug 10, 1:03am
Yeah that's what I think - it did seem a huge amount when I was putting it in.Will give your recipe a go as I've struggled to find one that gives seeds proportion to flour.Thanks!
Aug 10, 1:04am
I don't have lecithin granules so can I just use 2 Tbsps of sunflower or canola oil instead!I've seen the lecithin granules in the organic shop but didn't know what they were or what they were for.,
Aug 10, 1:56am
I don't use lecithin, use any oil instead. (Lecithin is a natural emulsifier produce from soya beans and slows the staling of bread)
Aug 10, 2:26am
Thanks for that - handy to know
Aug 10, 9:16pm
Here is A Recipe . 170 mls Water 150 Grams Flour 150Grams Wholemeal Flour 1 Teaspoon Yeast 2 Tablespoons Sugar 1 Teaspoon Salt 10 Grams Butter
Aug 10, 10:27pm
Made this last night - looks good but I really must remember not to take it out of the tin so quickly so that it doesn't collapse so much - still looks good though
Aug 11, 12:05am
Also, sarahb5, your chia and flax seed will be absorbing a lot of the liquid.
Aug 11, 12:51am
Probably but I always add them and haven't had a problem before - I think it was definitely a misprint with the amount of milk powder but that's OK, I know now and will just use this recipe instead.
Aug 13, 3:57am
Tastes even better than it looks - thank you
Aug 16, 8:05pm
YUM!I made this last night and it is delicious!Thanks for the recipe.
Question - how do you guys store your bread!Bread bin! Air tight container!Gladwraped in the pantry!Which works best! - TIA
Aug 16, 10:40pm
I usually just put mine in an old bread bag but I only have half a loaf in the bread bin at a time because otherwise I find it starts to go off and I have even had one start to ferment!The fruit bread that I make keeps fine for a week in a bread bag but not the rest.
Aug 16, 10:41pm
I might get some lecithin though because then it should keep better.
Aug 16, 10:44pm
Oh good to know. altho that loaf almost got demolished in one sitting last night byt the Mr.I'm guessing I will have to make another this arvo cos it will be all gone by the time I get home.
Yet to have a loaf that has lasted a week without being eaten haha.
Aug 16, 10:46pm
I make the fruit loaf for breakfast at the weekend and then hubby eats it when he gets home from work during the week.Kids are still resistant to homemade fruit loaf - their loss!I don't eat much bread at the moment (WW) and I make white bread for the kids.
Aug 21, 12:54pm
When you use pumpkin or sunflower seeds village green - do you put them in with the flour etc - my panasonic has a seed dispenser but doesnt encourage the use of larger seeds
Aug 21, 8:51pm
I put everything in at once - my breadmaker doesn't allow you to add anything once you've pressed start but this recipe works for me.I use a mix of sunflower, pumpkin, flax and chia seeds, as well as kibbled wheat and amaranth.I also add a couple of tablespoons of LSA and take away a couple of tablespoons of the wholemeal flour.Also, the recipe is Australian so be aware that the tablespoons are 20ml and not 15ml.
Aug 21, 10:09pm
Hi Gerry, does your breadmaker beep after about 20mins. if so, thats when i add seeds, curry powder or whatever.
Aug 21, 11:31pm
Korbo it has a compartment up the top to put seeds etc in and it will do it automatically but you cant use any of the larger seeds like sunflower - did try and they were still in there after the compartment after the loaf cooked- will try Sarahs method - isnt that so weird about the tbsp sizes - would explain a couple of the flops I have had - instead of using the spoon included with the breadmaker I used my old measuring spoons I brought over from NZ - will email you this afternoon korbo have a lovely banana cake recipe for you
Aug 21, 11:56pm
Mine beeps 40mins in to add nuts n fruit.But for the recipe given above I just put it all in at the start, works fine for my machine :)
Aug 22, 12:34am
cheers kirmag - next loaf that is what I will do
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