Sr Flour

lynd1lou, Jul 4, 12:13am
Does anyone have this problem! When I use Self raising flour, the scones or cakes have a bitter taste,especially when the scones are cold.Prob the baking powder, I have thought of using plain flour and baking powder but feel as though the same thing will happen.

tjman, Jul 4, 12:18am
Yes.I know what you mean.They do have that sort of taste.Not sure what to do but I have just bought some butter milk and will try them using that.Sorry not much help.

jag5, Jul 4, 12:29am
I have never bought or used SR flour.always use plain with probs

whitehead., Jul 4, 4:06am
i can even taste it in shop brought cakes its really bad .people look at me like im nuts when i refuse to eat the supermarket cakes and scones yuk

lynja, Jul 4, 2:23pm
I use S/r flour all the time and have never noticed any prob. Anyone know where you can by S/R wholemeal flour! it is often in recipes but I have yet to see if anywhere here., Aug 9, 4:25am
For scones, it's best to use cream of tartar and baking soda to avoid the metallic aftertaste of the baking powde.r

For each cup of standard flour, add 1 tsp cream of tartar and 1/2 tsp baking soda instead of bp.