in Auckland or online, without creating a sizeable hole in one's wallet!
Jul 12, 12:13am
I've seen it at New World Victoria Park.
Jul 12, 2:43am
Thanks david.I didn't think it would be available at regular NZ supermarkets - I'll check and see if it's at my local countdown.If not, then I'll check out New World.
Jul 12, 7:13am
I've bought it at countdowns recently. In a brownish 1kg box and the brand is laucke. think it was just under the $7 mark
Jul 12, 7:23am
Is 00 flour also called strong flour !
Jul 12, 8:38am
That term, when seen in recipes, often indicates high grade flour - for bread making.
00 Grade flour, by comparison, is fairly essential for making good pasta.
At least that's my understanding, but maybe I'm incorrect!
Jul 12, 9:50pm
00 grade flour is very finely milled and is used for pasta and Italian bread doughs.Its gluten content is much the same as NZ High grade flour, which can be used instead, although the texture of the dough will not be quite as silky.
Jul 12, 10:22pm
MAKES GREAT PIZZA DOUGH.and you can buy it on trademe
Jul 13, 1:41am
I saw some at Bin Inn a few days ago :)
Jul 13, 4:27am
Thanks for all the suggestions - I will check out some of these options.StillI'm not sure if I'm prepared to pay $6 - $7.00 per kg of flour.
I've had pasta made with high grade flour and, for my preferences, it just doesn't produce a desirable effect, especially considering the added effort that the cook has to go to.So I'll probably stick with dried pasta, unless making ravioli or similar varieties.
Jul 15, 10:13am
Molini Pizzuti 00 Flour is also a brand
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