bump this is great.im going to be baking for ages! lol
Apr 13, 8:42pm
Tjis probably sounds stupid. but when a feijoa recipe calls for them to be peeled and chopped.Does that mean peel the skins off or scoop out the flesh.Major difference and it is a little confusing.
Apr 14, 3:49am
Coconut Feijoa Cake 150 gms butter, 1 1/2 cups castor sugar, 4 eggs,2 cups deiccated coconut, 2 cups SR Flour 1 tsp Baking powder pinch salt, 1 cup milk, 1 cup of peeled and chopped feijoas. Method.Beat the butter and sugar until creamy, Beat in the egg yolks.Fold in the coconut and sifted dry ingredients with the milk and fruit. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold into the cake mixture. Turn into a well greased and lined 23cm or 25 cm cake tin. Bake at 180 degrees C for 1 hour or until cooked.Cool for 10 minutes before turning out. Ice with a Cream Cheese Icing
Apr 14, 5:33am
fejoa, fiejoa, how many ways can you spell it? (think I only spotted those two spellings) Just a bump for a couple of people looking for ways of preserving/cooking them (and hopefully making it easier for those not sure on the spelling, if they do a search). (and due to the fact it's either in season or just about there) :) I got two off the tree today, but not sure if that was due to me mowing or if they really think they're about ripe.
Apr 15, 5:20am
Traded a bag of feijoas for a bag of kiwifruit today YAY!
Apr 15, 5:33am
fejoa, fiejoa, how many ways can you spell it! (think I only spotted those two spellings) Just a bump for a couple of people looking for ways of preserving/cooking them (and hopefully making it easier for those not sure on the spelling, if they do a search). (and due to the fact it's either in season or just about there) :) I got two off the tree today, but not sure if that was due to me mowing or if they really think they're about ripe.
Apr 15, 5:45pm
feijoa muffins do i leave them in their skin!
Apr 15, 8:47pm
I love feijoa's! Anyone in Chch want to sell me some! They are still criminal prices in the supermarket - did you know you can get small jube type lollies that are feijoas!!
Apr 15, 11:14pm
Feijoa Jelly I have just made some feijoa jelly - yummy.I needed to add somw jam set though.Absolutely delicious on yoghurt!
Apr 16, 4:12am
because I can . . . . . . . hehehehe . . . . . . . BuMp:)
Apr 16, 6:56pm
Feijoas in Dunedin When I lived in Dunedin we would sometimes walk around the student 'ghetto' and find boxes of feijoas that people's well meaning family had sent from up north rotting on the footpath. I guess they were not feijoa fans, and dumped them out for rubbish collection. Just scooped some into a shopping bag and scamper away. Watch out for broken glass.
Apr 18, 3:07am
just bumping to the top . so I don't loose this thread . need it for all the recipes that are here
Apr 18, 8:01pm
bumpity. ,
Apr 20, 12:12am
anyone have a feijoa cheesecake recipe. saw someone post earlier about a cheesecake,anyone have the recipe.Thanks awesome recipes on here yummy.
Apr 20, 1:47am
Anyone with excess fejoas in Wellington! Would loooove to make some of these recipes but so expensive, even at the vege market
Apr 20, 1:48am
Nice drink When you are making a vodka and lemonade next add some crushed fejoas (pealed of course) with the ice!!The fejoa floats to the top so you can enjoy the drink and the fruit very nice. :-)
Apr 20, 2:42am
245sam..thanks for cheesecake recipe Yum,will try that on the weekend.Thanks alot.
Apr 20, 7:02pm
Cheap in Tauranga Please! Can someone poont me in hte right direction for chaep Fejoas , I live in Bethelhem, so handy wouild be great.TIA, Murray.
Apr 20, 8:10pm
bumping for cheesecake . does sound nice dos'nt it em007.May have to go back and see who it was,lolz Have a good day.
feijoa and chocolate cake My gandmother is in the Waikato Rivertones (a singing group) and a few years ago they held a fundraiser selling cookbooks. I dont know where mine is but I do remember there is a recipe in there for feijoa and chocolate cake, so if anyone has that book lying around.
Apr 21, 1:48am
Nice drink When you are making a vodka and lemonade next add some crushed fejoas (pealed of course) with the ice!The fejoa floats to the top so you can enjoy the drink and the fruit very nice. :-)
Apr 21, 2:42am
245sam.thanks for cheesecake recipe Yum,will try that on the weekend.Thanks alot.
Apr 21, 8:58pm
Bumping thread to top so I can find it. Hmmm does anyone have the feijoa icecream recipe!
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