meat loaf made with kidneys and liver... . . my mother thought she was doing us a favour. Offal is only fit for cat tucker and she made me chop that up too. Sigh. One of the perils of being an eldest child I suppose. It wasn't all bad though. My mother did make wonderful baked goods... . ginger muffins, coconut ice cake, shortbread etc etc.
Apr 9, 8:12am
Oh and not keen on marmalade jam either.
Apr 9, 1:25pm
#30 Ewwwww links like that should come with a warning. . I like toad in the hole and thought it was tip on cooking etc... feel quite ill now lol.
I thought long and hard and I eat most things...
But Raw Oysters. . we call them sea snot in this house lol
Apr 9, 2:31pm
Swedes - I hate them! Love everything else
Apr 9, 2:36pm
love swedes, hate parsnips and tamarillo. Hub won't touch any milk puds. Said he has eaten enough in his life time when his Mum made them.
Apr 9, 3:09pm
Liver and kidney, ugh. Not too keen on fruit with meat, eg pineapple with ham or apricots with chicken etc.
Apr 9, 3:14pm
No offence intended but a lot of the foods mentioned here can be destroyed by incorrect cooking methods or over or under cooking. While not a fan of brussel sprouts myself, if cooked properly rather than boiled for an hour they can be very tasty. Same goes for squid, over cook it and you have rubber! ! A lot of people hate something just because of the look of it or the idea of what it is. For me that is brains, about the only "food" I have ever refused to try. I know people who hate parmesan because of the smell, they are missing out on some great dishes. Perhaps step out of your comfort zone and next time you are in a good restuarant try something a little differant. You never know you may actually like liver, (or you may barf), but you have to try! !
Apr 9, 3:57pm
Im sooooo happy to read that so many people DONT like bananas, I hate them - the smell almost makes me gag... . . and no-one I know can understand me reaction to them. I also dislike: offal figs oysters - they just wont go down, hate the texture, love the taste peas floury apples - they have to be crunchy ! !
Apr 9, 3:59pm
Why do people want to put fruit with meat that is sooo wrong, I agree with you. I also understand that fruit can be used as a tenderiser and maybe thats where it came from?
Apr 9, 6:58pm
nanberrie. I love you. I thought I was the only person in the world who severely disliked fruit in savoury food. It is just not right.
As well I'm not a fan of finding bits of apple, orange or other fruit in vegetable salads either. Blerk. It should be banned.
Really hate sugary salad dressings.
Can't stand anything with palm oil in it. Leaves an awful, greasy/oily aftertaste and makes food taste foul.
Hate factory food. I can taste every one of those addititves individually. Am I the only person in existence who can taste unnatural additives in food?
Apr 9, 7:39pm
Here is a recipe for Brussels Sprouts, according to a family legend (not mine) brought from Paris to Germany several generations ago:
BRUSSELS SPROUTS Small sprouts are better than large ones. Boil them in a lot of salted water until nealry soft (10-12 minutes). Drain them through a colander, trying to get as much water out of them as possible. Cover with paper towel. In a large cast iron pan, melt 2-3 tablespoons of butter. Add a heaped tablespoon of sugar. When the mixture just begins to brown, add the brussels sprouts in small amounts and fry over a high heat until they are nearly burned black. A delight even for eaters who normally hate brussels sprouts! "
Although swedes are thought of as animal fodder, some people like them boiled, mashed and then fried in butter to get a brown crust.
In North America the swede is known as a rutabaga from Swedish dialect 'rotabagge', which means 'baggy root'. I once sent to a Swedish /American friend a clipping from a packet of mixed vegetables which had 'diced swede' in its list of ingredients and got back a plaintive reply 'Please don't eat the Swedes. ' ;)
Apr 9, 9:03pm
Got put off swede at school in the UK when they used to serve it mashed into mashed potato *bleurk* and spoiled the potato too!
I don't like walnuts or pecans, boiled bacon, tinned salmon and cooked tinned tuna, macaroni cheese (even though I love pasta and cheese sauce), and coke.
I actually like Brussel sprouts though!
Apr 9, 9:04pm
Oh and "artificial" cream so that reduced cream that you add soup powder to and make dip is just so gross ...
Apr 9, 9:20pm
And don't forget apple sauce on roast pork... . ICK! ! !
Apr 9, 9:22pm
I'd be OK with that if the sauce was hot but I don't like cold sauce on hot meat.
Corned beef is another hate too - it always tastes so salty - I liked the canned stuff we used to get in the UK but this hot stuff you make down here is just awful ...
Apr 10, 5:02am
A lively bunch of young boys I used to carpool to sport would hold their noses and squeal 'black bananas' when we drove past a piggery en route.
Apr 10, 4:23pm
Dito, and cherries. and fizzy drink.
Apr 10, 9:09pm
I'm also not a fan of fruit with meat. Apple sauce just ruins the pork! I don't mind a spicy apricot sauce with chicken though but it has to be quite spicy and not sweet. All the foods I said I didn't like I have actually tried. I do think though that there are lots of people who say they don't like things and have never tried them. My dad hates mushrooms so my sister and I would never try them. Finally in my late teens a friend convinced me to try a Homestead Chicken mushroom and I fell in love and now love mushrooms. I should never have listened to my dad lol!
Apr 10, 10:45pm
Too true, cap, especially with children. My young ones thought they didn't like pumpkin, so I gave it to them as pumpkin soup, renamed 'Mexican Soup'. They loved it and it didn't resemble the dreaded orange lump they'd previously rejected so everyone was happy.
I think a little disguise of a new vegetable is quite legitimate - after a while a new taste is cultivated.
Apr 11, 12:02am
Tamarillos, lychees and feijoas. I think if you ate them as a kid you really like them. i cant stand mock cream either... give me the real stuff! ! !
Apr 11, 12:10am
I hate fruitcake especially traditional Xmas and wedding cake.
This is probably cos I am not keen on sultanas and mixed peel. Ewww.
Apr 11, 1:09am
So sorry for the lack of warning, pretty much put up for those anti - pink brigade that trash vegetarians threads vehemently.
Apr 11, 1:12am
Had figs as a kid but yuck I always got sick and headacheswith the tasteand smell. Totally agree with mock cream too, gross, real stuff anyday or go without.
Apr 11, 1:31am
No worries. . Fruitluva... I consider you a "Pink & Fluffy" person as well.
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