Food you hate

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greerg, Apr 8, 9:50pm
Brains, brussel sprouts and goose. Oh and mutton bird which I had to eat once = every swallow was an effort and I was so sick afterward.

elliehen, Apr 8, 10:49pm
This reminds me of a comment columnist/humorist/collector of domestic crafts Rosemary McLeod made recently. She was served a whole fish in an Australian restaurant, where the fish was 'plated' seemingly propping itself up on its elbow, staring at her. She had to send it back...

karlachikkidy, Apr 8, 11:01pm
tripe and celery

indy95, Apr 8, 11:42pm
I knew i would forget something. Can't bear either overripe bananas or kiwifruit.

fruitluva2, Apr 9, 12:51am
Toad in hole? blerk v=Pwxpm4rXQ3A

barloo, Apr 9, 2:05am
I second that

along with pepper (as in salt and pepper)
spicy food
beans (yip mes a veggie! ! ) as in bean salad but like baked beans!

jerrytravis, Apr 9, 2:09am
remember my grandparents, gone now, bless their souls :-)

dried shark and octopus on the line
rotten corn and
mutton birds and watercress
they'd try to feed me the stuff, i'd purse me lips and cry.
I was called 'Pakeha' hahaha

levintofu, Apr 9, 2:10am
anything with coriander particularly the leaves (not to much the seed)

and i have yet to have anything with okra that doesn't have a funky texture

and i dislike black licorice but i can tolerate it... i do pick the black jellybeans out too

elliehen, Apr 9, 2:22am
A not well-known fact - maybe a good place to mention it... Black licorice eaten in quantity can raise blood pressure; people with dodgy hearts should avoid it altogether.

eastie3, Apr 9, 2:32am
Walnuts, and almond essence (and marzipan)

wizzbikz, Apr 9, 2:37am
Why do all these food programs on TV use Figgs when it comes to deserts. Hell they are crapp there must be other thing they could use with more taste

lurtz, Apr 9, 2:53am
Porridge. I was made to eat a plateful every morning when I was a kiddie, and I just could not swallow it. Something about it's texturemade me gag. I'd sneak it into a large hanky I kept in my lap, under the table, and later, I'd feed it to the chooks. I have tried to like it as an adult, but I still can't eat it. Silly really, because it's the same consistency as risotto, and I eat that:-) I'd like to like it, but... ...

cookessentials, Apr 9, 2:58am
A good creamy porridge should be nothing like risotto! thats probably why you dislike it so much. if is well made, using milk ( and plenty of it) it is quite delicious.

lurtz, Apr 9, 3:28am
I supposed likening it to a risotto isn't quite correct. I just meant that I can a variety of textures; and yet, I've never managed to enjoy porridge. My father made stand-a-spoon-in-it porridge, which was pretty hard to stomach. He loved experimenting with food, and he once cooked mushrooms in honey; which the family still talk about:-) However, my mother was a wonderful cook, and she made creamy porridge, which she would often sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon, just for me, but I still could not eat it.

cap, Apr 9, 4:07am
Anything with an aniseed taste.
Cooked apple.
Brussel Sprouts.
Sultanas, raisins and the like.

levintofu, Apr 9, 4:17am
i was going to say that too... but apparently meat marinated with "Asian style" sauces have that aniseedy taste and i quite like that... but if you asked me to eat a soup that was largely spiced with aniseed i would balk

nadzalive, Apr 9, 4:20am
lemon cheese spread, dry reaching as typing blerk...

veejay13, Apr 9, 4:23am
Tripe - it's like trying to eat knitting! !

All shellfish - except for scallops which are yummy

kirinesha, Apr 9, 5:42am
I'm not mad on the texture of snails or lambs brains.

Apart from that pretty much everything. Steamed octopus with garlic (freshly caught and cooked) in Portugal is to die for!

elliehen, Apr 9, 5:45am
veejay13... very amused by your comment. I know someone who was forced to eat tripe as a child and she said it was like trying to eat boiled cardigan!

supercook, Apr 9, 5:50am
Ripe and spoty banana's - Taste is so strong only like just green/yellow banana's

beaker59, Apr 9, 6:52am
I'm not a fan of Cucumber but hate is a strong word there's no food I hate.

lucas08, Apr 9, 7:48am
pumpkin, brussel sprounts, broad beans, capsicum, rare meat, seafood, offal, black pudding, tripe, kidney, liver, cucumber, plus proberbly many more things

lucas08, Apr 9, 7:50am
overripe bananas, lemon spread, jam

vintagekitty, Apr 9, 9:03am
Fish and all seafood
brussell sprouts
baked beans and broad beans
raw capsicum