The tree is full and I don't want them, tried kindy and school. Anyone want them! My phone numbers are on my puppy advert on trade me
Mar 31, 4:22pm
kindy and school said no! cant believe itif i was close i would be running makes the best jelly in the world .so kind of you
Mar 31, 5:10pm
You'll be inundated with locals offering to help unload your tree. I wish I lived closer and I'd be first in the queue:-)Lucky you having such a bountiful Quince tree. I have adored the special taste,and the versatility of quinces, eversince I first came across them when I was newly married, andwe were fortunate enough to live in a house with avenerable Quince tree growing in the garden. There wasMedlar in the garden also.I now growa Quince and Medlar,however, theyare youngsters, so I have a few seasonstopatiently wait through.
Mar 31, 5:53pm
It shouldn't be too many seasons for the quince.My quince was rootstock on agrafted pear.The tree grows both :-)See if you can get a damson as well.
Mar 31, 7:54pm
Oh I wish. I have just been in to Wellington to both the city markets. I was looking for quinces to have a first go at making paste using the slow cooker recipe posted on another thread. Is it me or do I sense an opportunity for an enterprising person to come over the hill to the city for a Sunday stall selling the more unusual fruit and vegetables. Why don't a few of you in the Wairarapa get together and bring quinces, nuts, feijoas, medlars, heritage apples etc etc - you may be really surprised at the demand.
Mar 31, 9:44pm
Two bags gone so far but there are heaps more
Mar 31, 9:46pm
I am coming to Lower Hutt on Thursday so if you meet me I can bring some. Appointment at Boulcott at 11.00am
Apr 1, 3:47am
What a waste of quinces. anyone!
Apr 1, 3:54am
Have you considered making a liqueur out of them - it's very nice
Apr 1, 4:04am
Oooh, if you are coming past the shop, feel free to drop some in
Apr 1, 4:04am
I would love some.we are coming through Masterton this Thurs late avo.what street are you in!
Apr 1, 4:58am
would you courier at my expense, they are hard to get in my area.
Apr 1, 1:53pm
spaniels give me a ring on my puppy advt and I will give you directions and leave some out.
cgvl do you want a small box or a larger box!
Apr 1, 3:10pm
md13- I can meet you at Boulcott Hospital on Thursday. Let me know otherwise. I assume that is where your appt is. I only want a small bag of them. Thank you for the offer.
Apr 1, 4:52pm
I've left a message on your phone. Thanks for your generous offer, and I am able to meet you at Boulcott on Thursday, also. I'll telephone youagain.
Apr 1, 6:19pm
No worries will bring some bags over with me.Text me on Thursday and you can pick some up.Hope to be there 10.30amish.Cell number is on my puppy advert here on TM. (lurtz and julie55)
Apr 1, 7:13pm
Lucky you!A pear and quince. I wish I had garden space for all the trees I'd love to grow:-)
Apr 1, 7:15pm
Thanks very much md13. I'll be in touch again. Your kind offer is so appreciated.
Apr 1, 7:32pm
elliehen your tree looks gorgeous. What a beautiful garden you have. Is that the sea beyond!It all looks so peaceful and welcoming.
Apr 1, 7:52pm
I'm supremely fortunate to live in the Abel Tasman National Park area.if there was audio with this post you would hear tui and bellbirds. There are native birds in the birdbath :)
Apr 1, 8:21pm
It must be heaven!It certainly looks like a fair slice of wonderful:-)We have tuis back in our garden, thanks to the initiatives of Zealandia. I do all I can to encourage the birds, and our local gang of tuis are dare devilhoons,They are the boy racers of the sky in our area., and it's such fun to watch their antics.No bellbirds though. I'm not sure of their habitat.
Apr 1, 8:37pm
md13, left a message for you, on your advert.
Apr 4, 4:09am
Julie 55 and lurtz I drive a blue colt and am going to Pacific Radiology at 668 High St Lower hutt.Boulcott centre 021 143 8344.Will have quinces but no worries if you cant make it as I have to be there
Apr 4, 4:24am
I discovered that a local Hospice shop had quinces for the taking yesterday - for a small donation.I love the perfume they give a room so will let them sit in a bowl for a few days.
Apr 4, 5:29am
Thank you:-)I will be there at about 10.30am. I think you said your appointment was at 11.00.I will text you:-)
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