Where to buy Buckwheat Flour in Wellington

zsazsa777, Jan 9, 4:34am
Thank-you redfire5 we got some @ Moore Wilsons yesterday for $7.15kg Incl GST. Unfortunately that was the last at that price. Will now be $7.90. Still a good buy at that price. Darker and smoother than others, but was good for breakfast this morning according to MOTH.

turtlet, Jan 9, 5:04pm
I saw it today in commonsense Organics. There were two different types, one was stoneground at 8.99 and Ceres brand at 12.50.Your price looks pretty good.

zsazsa777, Dec 29, 6:18pm
Does anyone have a provider for Buckwheat Flour (preferably under $8 kg) in Wellington. City New World used to sell it for $6/7 kg but they are always out of stock. Commonsense Organics has gone up to .$9 kg.

brish, Dec 29, 6:25pm
It's over $10 at Countdown, just checked online.

zsazsa777, Dec 30, 3:55am
Thanks Brish. Anyone else able to help!

gotmilk2, Dec 30, 1:13pm
You could try Bin Inn or some Asian food markets may have it.

redfire5, Dec 30, 7:15pm
Moore Wilson have got it, not to badly priced either