I have stewedabout 1 kg with about a cup of water and nearly 2 cups of sugar and they are still sour.
Dec 29, 7:47am
1 kg of plums and 2 cups of sugar - that means they were not ripe.
1 cup of caster sugar (or normal white sugar) is approx. 225g, so 2 cups is 450g. That is heaps!
Of course you can add more sugar . but really it is a waste as it won't taste any better.
Dec 29, 8:48pm
a pinch of salt helps bring out the flavour!
Dec 29, 9:12pm
Sue164, I know I have seen a hint somewhere about something to add to the plums to reduce the sour flavour butat the moment I can't remember what it is. Could you add another fruit to the plums to take away some of their sharpness, maybe apple or some berries !
Dec 29, 10:07pm
I always throw in a few dates to sweeten sour stewed fruit.They mush up and no one who thinks they don't like dates can even detect them.
Dec 30, 12:39am
That sounds like a very good idea.
Dec 30, 1:01am
.and if they are cooked with the stones still in, this can add to the sourness as welll.
Dec 30, 1:01am
You could take say a quarter of the plums you have now to try to see what it's like if you double the sugar. So take 250 grams of the plums and add another half to one cup sugar to that just to try. Otherwise, use what you have mixed with apples in a crumble or over ice-cream. The ideas using berries or dates is good too.
Dec 30, 1:49am
OK.This is what I have done. I have made a Beef/bacon stew add a few other bits and the plums. It is slow cooking now and I can still get the bite of the plums but not too badly. I will serve with mashed potatoes & peas. If the plums are still too noticeable I will add sliced banana at the time of serving. Will let you know how it goes. If you dont hear from me.presume the worst.Happy New Year. XXXX
Dec 30, 5:20am
If it is really too sour you can always turn it into plum sauce :)
Dec 31, 1:36am
Well I added large chunks of Kumera and some chickien and, I think I may have invented a new gourmet (!)dish.
Dec 31, 3:17am
I hope the "chickien"made the plums taste better! Good luck with more recipes to use up those plums!
Dec 31, 8:39am
Think it was a mistake adding "Chickien".Should- have been"Chicken" Now I have wrecked it. Dinner for the eels now
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