Tradititonal Plum Pudding Recipe please

ladyhawke68, Dec 18, 1:58pm

I am wanting to make this but dont hace a recipe.if anyone has one I would appreciate it. Thank you!

ladyhawke68, Dec 18, 6:19pm
Bumping up for a recipe.

gardie, Dec 18, 6:29pm
Carrot Plum Pudding.My family's favourite for the past 50 years.From what I can gather, it was originally an Edmonds recipe.So, so easy and it wasn't until I was old enough to make it myself that I realised it had carrots in it.Mum and Nana used to put coins in it for us as kids but I find that kids these days don't see any value in'd have to be $20 notes to have the same kick as it did for us lol.Anyhow, heres the recipe:

Carrot Plum Pudding
1 cup flour
1/2 c sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp mixed spice
1 grated carrot
1 cup mixed fruit (we just use sultanas in our house)
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp baking soda
3/4 c warmed milk
pinch salt.

Dissolve soda in milk then add butter.Mix dry ingredients, add fruit and carrot.Add in wet mix and stir well.Steam for 3 hours in a greased basin (with lid on).

To microwave:Double the recipe and cook covered in a greased 2L pyrex jug for 28 mins at 40% power (you may need to adjust time dependent on microwave power - this is what works for me).

Pudding can be made ahead and just zapped in the microwave or popped on the back of the stove for piping hot on Christmas day.

ladyhawke68, Dec 18, 6:40pm
Thank you so much . just noticed it doesnt actually have plums in it :)