Hey all, I have a whole lot of plums that I have boiled up in just water and want to make into jam. How much sugar do I use and is there anything else I need to put in it? I made some last year and was told how by a relative who has since passed and cant for the life of me remember how to do it. I have about 2L of plums in a fairly think stew. Thanks :-)
Jan 31, 10:31pm
It's usually equal parts fruit to sugar - so 500gms sugar to 500gms fruit. I added lemon for added pectin when I did blackberry jam.I also cut back on the sugar by 1/3.
Jan 31, 10:45pm
Thanks heaps :-)
Jan 31, 11:18pm
Aunt Daisy Jam 5lb plums 6lb sugar 1 pt water juice of 2 - 3 lemons Boil plums for 20 mins. Add half sugar & boil another 20 mins. Add remainder of sugar & lemon juice & boil 3/4hrortill it sets. Add a kob of butter to obviate the scum. Remove stones as they rise to the surface.
Feb 1, 2:56am
i used edmonds recipe 2 kgs plums , halved and pipped 1 1/2 cups of water Boil these 2 together until thick and pulpy, then add 7 cups of sugargradually stirring all the time until melted and boiling .. keep it at a rolling boil until set .. which took about 40 mins for my lot!
... i wish i knew about the lemon cos it took absolutely ages for my to thicken and then it went a bit to far and has set way too thick, its still yummy though.
Feb 1, 4:32am
I made plum jam a couple of years ago for first time. Used recipe as tielfan has listed. Worked great and converted my kids. They now call it Mums Special jam and they love it. Still have heaps and my daughter had it for lunch today. Good luck.
Mar 15, 12:51pm
1.5kg plums, ½ cup water boil stones and all until mushy. Put through a sieve to remove stones and skins, you dont have to but gives a smooth plum jam. 750g -1kg sugar depends on how sweet you like it juice of 1 lemon or 1 unripe apple or a stalk of rhubarb to add pectin which aides setting. Keep at a rolling boil until some tested will set.
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