Are you able to post the recipe please! I'm looking for a good one. Thanks.
Jan 1, 1:15am
No problem, picxie, here it is.
Plum Jelly
2 kg dark red plums stoned and roughly chopped ( I always use Black Doris ) 1 litre water 1/3 c lemon juice Approx 3 c sugar
Put plums water and lemon juice in pan and simmer until the plums are soft and pulpy. Strain the mixture through a cloth or jelly bag letting it drip slowly and avoid squeezing the bag. Measure the liquid and add sugar according to your taste. Heat until the sugar has completely dissolved then boil for about 15 minutes or until setting point is reached. Pour into hot sterilised jars and seal.
Jan 1, 1:28am
Jelly turned out really well, thanks. :)I didn't have theAWW recipe so just cooked up the plums left on the tree - some really really ripe and some not quite ripe - barely covered with water. Added approx 3/4 cup sugar to each cup of dripped juice. Even though the plums were yellow fleshed with red skins the resulting jelly is a lovely rich darkish red.
Feb 28, 4:28am
Could I use yellow plums for the jelly recipie.
Mar 1, 5:53pm
Actiongirl1, I have never used yellow plums for this so I don't really know but maybe someone else will. You could add some grated or chopped apples to the the plums for the initial cooking to help it set or use some jam setting mix.
Mar 1, 5:53pm
Actiongirl1, I have never used yellow plums for this so I don't really know but maybe someone else will. You could add some grated or chopped apples to the the plums for the initial cooking to help it set or use some jam setting mix. I have just noticed that kaddiew said she used used yellow fleshed plums and was very happy with the resulting jelly.
Mar 1, 8:13pm
I have just made it with the yellow plums.It is not setting as fast as my apple jelly, it is actually the same colour as apple jelly and cooked up the same. hopefully it is going to set.tastes nice.
Mar 2, 2:34am
Hmmm will have to make jelly.never thought of plum jelly.not a fan of jams, but love jellies.
Mar 3, 8:50pm
I had to boil mine up again as it didn't set Iadded the jam setting mix and that worked a treat.It tastes great.
Dec 27, 3:58am
I've just made plum jam and sauce, and thought I'd try making plum jelly (first time). All the plum jelly recipes I've googled have what seems to be quite a lot of water added when cooking the plums. Wouldn't this make the eventual dripped juice rather diluted in flavour! Does anyone have a plum jelly recipe they've made successfully! Many thanks.
Dec 27, 12:13pm
Kaddiew, I use the recipe in my AWW Book of Preserves for plum jelly and I have never noticed any dilution in flavour. Last time I made it I used Black Doris plums with 500 ml of water per kilo of fruit. This makes a lovely well-flavoured jelly with a beautiful colour.
Jun 2, 8:18am
Great thanks indy95. :)
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