I used to do thaqt with the grandchildren but alas, no longer. They are too old. I'm waiting for the next generation. Congratulations to your daughter on her degrees. I know how expensive that can be so I hope she can get a suitable position to utilise that education.
Dec 17, 7:47pm
I hope the flax wrap recipe has been deleted from where it originated on the Dark Side.Some of us on this side acceptthe many invitations to go there and pick up an occasional recipe for our 'managed carb' meals.Would hate to think I'm being slowly poisoned by what I find there ;)
Dec 17, 7:54pm
Re the flax wraps. Not everyone tolerates flax that well. My mum makes flax muffins & they have no effect on her, I on the other hand.eating flax is akin to eating wheat.squitters.
Dec 17, 8:40pm
Yes, I am well aware of the need and uses of saturated fats, thank you. If you read back you would see that I was referring to the statement " I believe many people are so scared of fat that they don't include it in their diet. It is very healing and sustaining." Which to me appears to promote eating lots of fat (Which probably was not the original authors meaning). The fact still remains that people today generally eat saturated and unsaturated fats in quantities beyond what is necessary or healthy. The concern I have with the paleo diet is where i have read promotion of eating lots of fats. I do not claim to be an expert on this, however, I was raising the issue that if you are going to follow a diet where people thrived from eating lots of fats, you also need to match there exercise/energy usage.
Dec 17, 9:01pm
You only need "lots of fats" if you use lots of energy. (As fat storage used to be the human "battery").
If you sit at your desk all day then go out for half an hours jog or a few rounds of the gym machinery - then no - you wouldn't need as much.
However to NOT eat saturated fats is not healthy either. So you will have to find out yourself really how much you use in a day or week.
Dec 17, 9:15pm
Exactly - there needs to be a balance.
Dec 17, 9:58pm
Go to vegsource.com to read Prof Colin Campbell's answer to Denise Minger and the Weston Price organisation Buzzy.Bet you can outsmart him though.
Dec 17, 10:02pm
she has had several fantastic positions.Her last one was to be in charge of 5,000 employees out of 32,000 so no problems for her. She then moved to Aussie and got offered, immediately, 12 high paying jobs at once, but she is now sick of working indoors and is looking to change course, once again. She is definitely not afraid of change and very adaptable.
Dec 17, 10:08pm
Thank you and also thank you for the nasty comment at the end. I am delighted to know you think I can outsmart him. It was not me who wrote the very detailed, exacting and very erudite refutation of his original work btw.
Dec 17, 10:36pm
Tedious in the extreme. Did you understand Denise Mingers reasoning about the China study frances! Or did you just read second hand vege reports about it! .
Dec 17, 10:37pm
I think you would have to ask Jo/kirinesha to delete it :) Not sure that she will grant your wish as it is one of her favourite recipes as far as I can tell.
Dec 17, 10:58pm
Actually the answer was tedious as well. Full of meanness and nastiness. Just like one would expect from the vegos that inhabit these threads. I was also thrilled to see all those photos other 'glamourous and sexy elderly vegetarians:
You're basing you thoughts on the scaremongering that the authors you like to read tell you. You can not back up a lot of the things you say with valid science. far easier for you have have a belief, and not allow the facts to change it. And you say you have an open mind. I really think you mean empty.
Dec 17, 11:48pm
buzzy110 wrote:
"Very few people have lost BODY FAT on the low fat diet."
"Without insulin the body cannot store it. With insulin, fat is not neutral it is fattening."
"In a low carb eater, fat is metabolically neutral because excess or unutilised fat is always excreted rather than stored, as it is in a high carb dieter."
"even though a low fat, high carb diet may have a lot of food in it, you are also starving on a cellular level because food stores (sugars) are being locked away as fat, before they can be used as fuel."
"I know with 100% certainty that fat, if not combined with all the other useless carby foods you listed, is actually metabolically neutral and, rather than make you fat, actually helps to keep you from getting fat or fatter (depending on your starting point)."
"good, wholesome natural fats can be eaten with no weight gain, so long as they are not combined with the true fattening foods."
Quoted verbatim by you, no9t made up by me.
Utter nonsense.
Dec 18, 12:01am
Are you implying that there's something wrong with these photos!They all look pretty good to me actually.Put your own photo up and we'll assess your diet on the back of that.I'm sure that will be a "thrilling" exercise.
Dec 18, 1:21am
As far as I know - fat is how your body stored excess energy. Regardless of the source it is acquired from.
Dec 18, 1:24am
Dr Esselstyn and Prof Campbell are I think close to eighty year old.Both are energetic and with great minds.Not sure what age Dr Barnard is but he looks fine to me.
Dec 18, 1:29am
For sure Frances. Dr. Bernard made me feel quite cougarish.
Dec 18, 1:54am
In general, ingested fat is stored as fat. For an average person, carbs and protein generally aren't. Obviously, a calorie surplus has to occur for any fat storage.
Dec 18, 2:15am
Exactly - so if you ingest the correct amounth of calories for your energy requirements (whether protien, carb or fat) you won't have fat storage. Pretty much every energy source is changed into glucose for your body to use (as this is the molecule used by muscles, your brain etc for energy) If there is excess of this glucose, glycogen and lipids are produced. Anything can be stored as fat. Fat eaten is such a high energy source generally it is stored as fat.
Dec 18, 9:30pm
That is more like it. Then we also have the insulin response and a few other hormones in that game.
Dec 18, 10:09pm
So glad I'm not 'average'. Bacon & eggs for brekkie, big salad & meat for lunch, a nice cold 'fat' shake (not every daythough) of equal quantities coconut cream& water, an egg, a little sweetner & some vanilla ess blitzed together. Meat & veg (not starchy) for dinner. Plenty of tea with mik & water throughout the day. Love watching the scales drop after a menu like this!
Dec 18, 10:24pm
jcsolgier's statement isn't contradictory to mine - excess calories (energy) is stored as fat. Generally it's fat that is stored that way - carbs are usually stored as liver or muscle glycogen, and under rare circumstances, they can be converted and stored as fat. Fat doesn't need insulin to be stored.
Dec 18, 10:25pm
And they drop from the simple fact that you eat less calories than you utilise in a day. You could do the same with eating cake.
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