Well one small sausage roll, half a pack of burger rings and a bite of a cookie and im guessing today wasnt exactly low carb :-)
I have lost 4 lbs though (when nekked, after a pee and no jewelery!)
Dec 12, 1:38am
Well done for the weight loss.Why did you CHOOSE to eat those things when you WANT to change!
Dec 12, 1:43am
Olivergrant - what's done's done. Don't worry about it. You're doing very well.
Dec 12, 2:02am
I wasnt prepared for today. Didnt have time to make lunch or eat breakfast so fell off the wagon.
Tomorrow is a new day and all that!
Dec 12, 2:16am
Yup being prepared is key.It is hard to find something to buy that is suitable when you are out.Having lots of leftover meat in the fridge is handy - chicken drumsticks, roast meat, meatballs etc.But the best way to learn I always reckon is through our mistakes.All the best.
Dec 12, 2:28am
I cant believe anyone thinks this diet is healthy, unbelievable.
Dec 12, 3:14am
Unbelievable but true is the changes in health for the better with this diet.
Unbelievable that people think vegetarianism is healthy but they do.
Unbelievable that people think a combination diet of meat and vegetables (low carb in a nutshell) are not healthy but they do.
Dec 12, 3:44am
Doctors like it for Diabetics so they must know something.
Dec 12, 3:58am
I still find it incredible that grains are like poison for my body, 44 years of thinking they were healthy and 1 year finding that they are incredibly unhealthy for me. Edited to add that it is 44.5 years not 44 and .5 of a year instead of 1 year :-)
Dec 12, 4:19am
Really!All of them!Or just the self-promoters!Or is it just the media filling column inches with rubbish again!
Dec 12, 4:40am
Unbelievable! I too, have found that media do indeed fill column inches with rubbish as well- the sort of rubbish that recommends people chow down on 11 or more servings of bread, pasta, starchy vegetables or b/fast cereals a day. Our neighbour, a heart attack survivor, has been eating just such a media recommended healthy diet for the last 30 years and is now diabetic as well!
Dec 12, 6:14am
There is heaps of research showing low carb diets contribute to cancer, heart disease etc but who in their right mind would think a diet high in animal fat is healthy.
Dec 12, 6:40am
if diabetics on insulin lowcarbed they'd be up shitters ditch in hypo land
Dec 12, 6:48am
I often wonder whether the people who knock the low-carb diet have actually tried it.Or are they just so brain washed by the current theories of the doctors, dieticians and drug companies and they can't think for themselves.Having been on both sides of the fence I know this way of eating works.So I say to you knockers - 'Don't knock it till you try it'.
Dec 12, 7:10am
Not high in fat, protein which is good fat!
Dec 12, 7:12am
Exactly my DH tried for years to lose weight on a low fat diet all it did was make him fatter!He also had high cholesterol & blood pressure, since going on low carbs he doesn't need his cholesterol lowering meds!
Dec 12, 7:59am
What about the Chinese and the Japanese! They have a diet which are high in carbohydrates, and they have long and healthy lives. How do you explain that!
Dec 12, 8:21am
They also eat lots of fermented foods such as kimchi.This is life giving food.They also eat lots of veges and meat and fat.
Dec 12, 8:42am
Asians do not eat lots of meat and fat.They eat a high carb diet with very little meat and fat.Animal protein causes cancer cells to grow, plant protein doesnt.Simple as that.
Dec 12, 9:07am
And if they low carbed then they wouldn't need insulin LOL :)
Dec 12, 9:31am
Somehow, I think that she is talking about type 1 diabetes.
Dec 12, 10:34am
thier carb is mostly rice though and only when they can't afford meat and veg, they generally don't have a taste for simple carbs like sugars. When the Cambodian half of our family eat together its the deep fried chicken wings and fish then green veg that goes first Oh and those gorgeous sour cabbage and green mango salads the rice is almost an after thought and back home thier diet is as good as paleo which a bit more rice. Against your argument to is asians living a traditional diet live longer lives than the modern Japanese who are turning to western diets.
Dec 12, 7:02pm
there's a huge difference between low carb and no carb.
Good weight loss Olivegrant and slip ups occur from time to time dont beat yourself up about it.
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