An acute butter shortage in Norway, one of the world's richest countries, has left people worrying how to bake their Christmas goodies with store shelves emptied and prices through the roof. The shortfall, expected to last into January, amounts to between 500 and 1,000 tonnes, said Tine, Norway's main dairy company, while online sellers have offered 500-gramme packs for up to 350 euros ($604)
.the ballooning popularity of a low-carbohydrate, fat-rich diet that has sent demand for butter soaring.
Dec 12, 3:15pm
Linda McCartney was a vegetarian.
Dec 12, 3:35pm
Paul McCartney was a Beatle.
Dec 12, 4:42pm
Maybe she didn't eat enough plant protein according to the above logic .
Dec 12, 6:44pm
She ate lots of dairy.
Dec 12, 6:52pm
Bet is was the pasteurized, homogenised, sweetened rubbish.Not the pure straight from the animal dairy.
Dec 12, 7:07pm
OOOh bun fight!
Dec 12, 7:09pm
Always happens when the vege trolls pop in!
Dec 12, 7:34pm
Yup, happens everytime someone starts a LC thread!
Dec 12, 7:34pm
Ah - the terminal animal protein. I am amazed that anyone would know what Linda McCartney ate, she is dead how many years!
Dec 12, 8:55pm
Ever been to an Chinese Asian country! I used to visit often and diets were a balance of vegetables, animal protein, fish protein, eggs and rice. The fat on animals was never removed. Just try getting Chinese pork belly with the fat removed or the skin taken off your chicken. They'd politely look at you like you were crazy.
The reason Asians are not fat is because they do not eat sugar in any great quantity. In fact they do not eat it very much at all. Desserts and sweets are not part of their traditional cuisine - unlike sugar rich western diets. Another reason they are not fat is because they do not have much wheat in their diet. Chinese people do not eat toast and marmalade or sweet processed cereals and low fat milk for b/fast, muffins for morning tea, sandwiches for lunch and biscuits for afternoon tea. They eat meat/fish/eggs, vegetables and rice.
Therefore it is unrealistic to try and compare their carbohydrate intake to that of the average overweight, diabetic risk NZer.
Dec 12, 9:00pm
She died of breast cancer when she did die. The same breast cancer that researcher have found has a higher incidence among vegetarians - (The Nurses Study) - go figure.
Dec 12, 11:21pm
You have any proof that the reason Asians don;t get fat is because of sugar! Of course you don't, because you made it up. You twist every culture's diet around to suit your little stories. Pathetic.
Dec 13, 12:05am
She is right though (see what I said in #25)! Come up with a valid point rather than attacking the poster.
Dec 13, 12:15am
You "validating" her doesn't make it right. I am asking her to provide any proof that the lack of sugar is the reason they are slim. Your Cambodian diet is entirely different from, say, the Chinese diet. Sugar is used quite a bit, both in pre-made sauces, and in the cooking of meals. Calories are what will make someone fat or slim. You can happily eat all your daily amount of calories from sugar and not gain fat - it is far from a good diet obviously.If someone doesn't gain fat, it is predominantly because they don't overeat, not because they don't eat sugar.
Dec 13, 12:54am
Maybe you should look for new researcher (sic)
"Premenopausal fat intake and risk of breast cancer."
RESULTS: "During 8 years of follow-up, 714 women developed incident invasive breast cancer. Relative to women in the lowest quintile of fat intake, women in the highest quintile of intake had a slight increased risk of breast cancer (RR = 1.25, 95% CI = 0.98 to 1.59; P(trend) =.06).
***********The increase was associated with intake of animal fat but not vegetable fat; *********
RRs for the increasing quintiles of animal fat intake were 1.00 (referent), 1.28, 1.37, 1.54, and 1.33 (95% CI = 1.02 to 1.73; P(trend) =.002). Intakes of both saturated and monounsaturated fat were related to modestly elevated breast cancer risk. Among food groups contributing to animal fat, red meat and high-fat dairy foods were each associated with an increased risk of breast cancer."
CONCLUSIONS: "Intake of animal fat, mainly from red meat and high-fat dairy foods, during premenopausal years is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer."
"A prospective study of vegetarianism and isoflavone intake in relation to breast cancer risk in British women."
Conclusion: "In summary, in a population of British women with heterogeneous diets, we found no evidence for a strong association between vegetarian diets or dietary isoflavone intake and risk for breast cancer."
Dec 13, 9:30pm
Whatever knowsley. You don't have breasts. You are not a woman. You do not have a predominantly estrogen driven body so what do you care! I prefer to stay healthy and not use myself as a guinea pig to prove the point of researchers who are skewing their results to conform to a pre-conceived paradigm. And who cares what you think about Asian diets and their sugar intake. My local Chinese takeaways have lots of vegetable dishes with meat and seafood and even egg foo yong but the only dessert item on their menus is deep fried battered banana.
Dec 13, 10:57pm
So we should discount all the male researchers for breast cancer! And I never knew that Chinese go to eat at their local takeaways. In fact, I can;t actually remember any Chinese ever being present at a Chinese takeaway on the occasions I have been there.
But a great rebuttal, by the way. as well thought as, and as scientific as all your other posts. Simple fascinating.
Dec 13, 11:07pm
olivergrant - how are you doing today!
Dec 14, 3:00am
Sweet potato and ginger soup (dessert soup)
400g sweet potato, peeled and cut into cubes 1 bar of chinese brown sugar 2 slices of ginger 300ml water
Pour the water into a pot. Add ginger and bring to the boil. Add sweet potatoes and cook over low heat until soft. Add brown sugar, and cook until dissolved. Discard ginger and serve warm. Serves 2.
Dec 14, 5:30pm
Very impressive that you were able to read my comments about local Chinese takeaways but couldn't understand my comments about multiple trips to several Asian countries over the course of many years. Cheers and good luck to anyone who wants to believe research done on behalf of vegetarian diets. It is about as trustworthy as statin trials funded by statin makers.
Dec 14, 5:35pm
Thanks hestia - I'll save this over in the vegetarian thread :)
Dec 15, 2:11am
I'll see you your "multiple trips to several Asian countries over the course of many years" and raise you "my partner is Chinese". I think I win. Again.
And it's all a conspiracy with research on vegetarian diets now! Is that because the research proves so many of the wild statements you make, wrong! The old "dismiss anything that doesn't agree with my wild, unsubstantiated beliefs" trick.
Dec 15, 3:55pm
And I suppose your 36kg Chinese partner eats lots and lots of sugary b/f cereals, muffins, bread, biscuits and cakes from her native cuisine along with pasta and tomato sauce and pizza. I suppose she takes the skin off her chicken, if she eats it at all, doesn't like duck or pork and wouldn't dream of eating a single vegetable. Yes! Because from your postings you claim that my interpretation of Asian food (obviously Cambodians aren't Asian in your opinion so Beaker's information can be discarded) being vegetable, meat, fat and non-sugary carbohydrate in the form of mostly rice with small quantities of wheat and no bakery items at all, is incorrect.
I find it laughable that my version of Chinese food is all I could find to eat in China, unless I went to a Western Style restaurant - e.g. hotel, seaman's club, Maccas, etc. Did they change their whole cuisine to fool me while I was there. Did the Asians I have had come to stay also fool me when they taught me some of their favourite dishes!
Dec 16, 12:54am
What an idiotic post.
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