Need a new bbq, and sick of the ones that never heat up enough to cook a good steak. prefer a castiron plate. have been happy with a massport. but they now have stainless plates and only one model with a castiron plate. The harvey norman shop say that beefeater is there biggest seller as to the hotest bbq.,. WHAT DO YOU THINK!
Dec 11, 10:34am
begining to think that nobody has one of these things,are they new to New Zealand!
slow down the cooking process and go for the real deal, WEBER kettle :)
Dec 11, 8:09pm
This is a problem I have been up against for 10 years and it all started with the introduction of stainless steel burners. I have tried 4 different and expensive SS burner BBQ,s and all have been useless for searing a steak quickly, I even tried lowering the cooking area to get closer to the heat. The Beefeater we tried in Australia 4 years ago was of the same ilk and was a disappointment. Harvey Norman would only sell the SS "burner" type as would most big box stores. In the end we bought a cast iron burner BBQ from the BBQFactory (closed down now I think) and that is fantastic for heat if a little retro looking. We bought a SS burner BBQ from Harvey Norman for $3000 and now only use it for rotisserie as it has no intense heat contrary to what the sales rep said. The answer is cast iron burners if you can find them.
Dec 11, 9:53pm
Look at the very latest consumer mag as they have just tested BBQ's.
Dec 11, 9:54pm
We've just bought this one - seems to do the job pretty well with steak, chicken kebabs, sausages, etc.
Thanks sarahb.That's a good price I must say.Does it have a flat cast iron plate as well as a grill!
Dec 11, 10:56pm
Consumer's top recommendation, Broil King Sovereign, costs $2799.That's rather more than I feel like paying.
Dec 11, 11:24pm
Yes it does - I also like the cupboard and shelf underneath for all the utensils, etc. that otherwise my hubby would leave variously placed all over the garden .
Dec 11, 11:44pm
This is the one I have (maybe slightly updated features now), working great so far for 3 years plus.
Use the Rotisserie a lot plus purchased an extra flat hotplate. All hotplates are reversible and have had it up on maximum and was extremely too hot.
Now your talking Valentino.that's a real mans BBQlol.similar to my one.wok burner a plus. Got to have the 6 burner for roasting. using the outer burners.
Dec 12, 1:15am
And good space left in the middle where the burners are off to have great BBQ roasted veges going at the same time.
Oh, those diffusers or flametamers are excellent as well.
Dec 12, 1:27am
if you like the masport, harvey norman can order them from masport for you, it will cost you but this is what we did for ours.Beefeater are very good,if you like to get bbq really hot it is the megajoule rating on the burners you have to check out
Dec 12, 11:15am
I did buy a Beef Eater with cast iron plates, 4 burner with a hood from Harvey Normans and so far very pleased with it. I have cooked on it every night so far and its great. .I have just had a home kill done so waiting for some good steak to really give it thetest. Will let you know the results. Gona cook rolled bonless pork on it this weekend and if it passes those two last tasks I would be happy to reccomend it as affordable under $2000 BBQ
Dec 13, 7:10am
Up until 18mths ago I sold bbq's for 10 years (own business) during that time I stocked a few different brands, Weber (can't beat them for charcoal cooking) and their gas grills are also good. Ducane (not sure if still available in NZ) an American bbq for the gourmet cook. But hands down and still the only bbq I would ever want to own is a Broil King so not surprised to see they are consumers top recommendation. Biggest problem is people don't know how to cook on a hooded bbq and there is a big difference between a hood and a lid. A lidded bbq is essentially just a flat top with a hinged lid added but a hooded bbq has a grill with a deep oven type base so your food is actually a reasonable distance from the burners and the hood is also large to allow a thermo siphon effect to take place when you are roasting. The hardest thing for people to get their head around is you cook with the hood closed, the steaks won't steam in there like some people think, you don't need to turn them more than once and they will be cooked quickly, with beautiful colour and flavour. The roasts are just amazing.A good specialist store should have a "burn model" that you can try out for a weekend and they should have plenty of knowledge on how to use it correctly. You may pay a bit more but you will have a bbq that will last for years if you give it the care and maintenance that is required.
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