Another dumb pavlova question!

lillol, Dec 3, 5:27pm
I'm really not having much luck today and should probably just give up. If you don't have cornflour, can you just use flour!

kassie48, Dec 3, 5:33pm
NO! Wait till tomorrow.

shanf1, Dec 3, 5:33pm
Me again liliol
My recipe is follows:always a success
4 egg whites2 cups castor sugar2 tsp vinegar1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp boiling water
beat all together for 20 mins until large stiff peaks form
Oil paper and put on
bake 1/2 hr 300
1/2 hr 200Leave in oven to cool.
Hope this helps, no cornflour or flour.

kassie48, Dec 3, 5:34pm
That will be fine. Good luck.

lillol, Dec 3, 5:36pm
Thank you shanf1, I'm determined to make this blimmin Pavlova and the shops are miles away. I will try your recipe now :)

hobbitelf, Dec 18, 3:38am
I have used custard powder when I'm in the mixing stage and discovered there is no cornflour in the house.Colour was more yellow and had a lovely vanilla flavour to it. needs must lol.

susmar, Dec 18, 4:19am
You can't substitute cornflour with flour. You can use equivalent of arrowroot.

celosia, Dec 18, 1:52pm
shanf1 - does your pavolova have nice marshmallow inside andhard crust outside!I don't like the 'fluffy' bought pavlovas!

96tri, Dec 18, 1:59pm
This is the Alison Gofton recipe
6 egg whites, at room temperature
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons caster sugar
1 tsp cornflour
2 tsp vinegar
1 tsp vanilla essence

I haven't made one for years,& will give this a try,

pheebs1, Dec 18, 2:28pm
has anyone made nigellas chocolate pav!
there seem to be so many different versions of pav
which to do!
some say oven at 100 she says oven at 180 then turn down to 150
eggs arent so cheap that i want to make to many practice ones
any thoughts!

her choccie one sounds devine with peices of choc right thru it