Just suggesting that any busy cook who wants to keep sossie's thread for its useful hints and tips should save it to favourites (bookmark it) and then it can be retrieved quickly any time for perusal.
Sep 28, 8:20pm
love it and i thought i was the only one who says arsed! ooooh i miss paul henry
Sep 28, 8:29pm
whe i started reading this thread it made me laugh and laugh and now having kept reading i am cross buzzy ellie you spoil everything and should be banned from writing on theses threads if i were you ladies i would be so thoroughly ashamed of yourselves for ruining it for the rest of us i here i go i never never swear but really F^&*(K off out of here for good shame shame shame on you!
Sep 28, 8:30pm
ha ha ha! i cant believe i just said that! how liberating to say what your actually thinking
Sep 28, 8:33pm
on a lighter note i do the food in a min chicken pie with canned soup and sour cream mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is anyone hungry!
Sep 28, 8:49pm
Not any more.
Sep 28, 9:29pm
I got sauce for that pie! Pass a plate please.
Sep 28, 9:39pm
I'm sorry you feel that way ;(
pheebs1, let me assure you, I am a true blue unauthentic cook.I am not so sure that the other one is ;)
I brought that pizza bottom post here only because it was posted in a thread wherethe original poster was looking for a serious answer and might well have believed that Farrah wraps were being endorsed!
But, pheebs1, since this is your very first post, I am left wondering where your unauthentic recipe, hint or tip is!
Sep 28, 10:55pm
see what i mean! no one asked your opinion on what i put in my friggin pie now BUTT OUT!
Sep 28, 11:05pm
The Messageboards, this one included, are nothing but unsolicited opinions, pheebs ;)
It's also littered with exhortations like yours to various people to 'butt out', but it's an equal opportunity MB with moderation by the whole community.You'll have to get a bunch to vote me off if you feel so strongly.
Am slightly puzzled about this sudden raising of your blood pressure though.
Sep 28, 11:14pm
define true blue authentic cook
Sep 28, 11:19pm
Starving pheebs, you go girl!
Sep 28, 11:26pm
Can't do that.but can do what I said I am, 'True blue, UNauthentic'.
That is someone who can eat a scone dough pizza without mentioning Italy and who can post in a pavlova thread without feeling the need to say sniffily, 'None of my friends eat pavlova.'
Sep 28, 11:30pm
Oh ya did so tooLOLOLbut you are a google of knowledge ma'm
Sep 28, 11:33pm
.and I like your sense of humour, rainrain.mostly ;)
Sep 29, 10:39pm
I'm sorry you feel that way ;(
pheebs1, let me assure you, I am a true blue unauthentic cook.I am not so sure that the other one is ;)
I brought that pizza bottom post here only because it was posted in a thread wherethe original poster was looking for a serious answer and might well have believed that Farrah wraps were being endorsed!
But, pheebs1, since this is your very first post, I hope I can believe that you do really believe in your chicken pie!
You grate raw cauli and then cook it in a bit of butter until not quite soft. Serve like you would rice. I often do it to serve with a Thai curry. You can add some coconut flakes (toasted) as well.
Mar 31, 2:02am
whispers into the thread; I put peanut butter into my spaghettie bolognaise sauce simply 'cos I like the taste of it. I also grate any and all veggies I can hide into it.
Mar 31, 6:53am
now that everyone has confessed their dirty little secrets i think it is timely to remind you all that once on the net it will be there forever for generations to see and gasp at.oh the audacity .**imagines generations to come curling up in shame as they do their family tree only to find that grandma/pa 15 generations ago didnt cook from scratch**.OMG .how will they explain THAT to their children!
Apr 5, 2:02am
Great reminder usualsuspect! However I do not think that the internet will be around much longer than the next generation .
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