you know them bags that have foil on the inside , that they use to keep cooked chickens etc . hot.anyone know what the actual foil stuff is called , or where you can buy a large roll of it ! ta!
Aug 21, 7:39pm
Tinfoil is actually more effective they use paper with a foil coating because its more tear resistant. (works the same as a space blanket reflects radiant energy)
Aug 21, 8:01pm
those soft sided cooler/chiller bags are just as good. Just line with newspaper so you don't melt it:) This is what I do:)
Aug 21, 8:32pm
but ! but !i need a roll of it, i want to make a huge bag that will hold a whole cooked lamb or pig.--- any other ideas---- i want to keepit hot for a couple of hours.
Aug 21, 8:37pm
heat lamps!
Aug 21, 9:45pm
Wrap your meat in a bath towel,or two. Keeps hot.
Aug 21, 10:27pm
You can buy commercial tinfoil, comes in large rolls, wider than normal. You could wrap your car in it.
Aug 21, 11:21pm
Not for a couple of hours! heat lamps are designed for use for a few mins only, e.g on a pickup food service area, a real no no under health regulations. Thisle I think what you are referring to is something like the wraps used in first aid kits, but I would seek advice re keeping meat hot for a long period, maybe bettter to try to re-heat! Huge rolls of foil are available at Toops, Moore Wilsons, Davis trading etc.
Aug 22, 5:17am
you need a hot box, alto sham, or an oven on 50-60 degree
An insulation place supplies what you are looking for in various thicknesses.Find them under building suppliers yellow pages in your area.
Aug 22, 2:27pm
I have wrapped meat in thick tea towels and placed it in a chilly bin, and it stayed warm for a couple of hours, works well for keeping plates warm too.
Aug 22, 2:57pm
when we have family functions that call for a whole pig, we orgainse to pick it up from the place that roasts the whole pig just before serving time.all other foods we keep hot in those huge polystyrene bins they sell at fish shops, line them with lots of foil.Could you maybe quater the lamb or pig and fit it in!Or do you need to keep it whole!
Aug 22, 3:31pm
If you can find a way to keep the meat hot that would be far better in my opinion than allowing it to cool and then re-heating it.Moist protein foods should not be allowed to sit in the "danger zone" temperaturewise which from memory is something like 3 degrees to 63 degrees (but I could be slightly out on this - it's over 20 years since I did the food hygiene and safety course)for more than an hour.If meat is allowed to cool, it must be cooled quickly and then reheated thoroughly.I can see problems in allowing a large piece of meat to cool quickly and reheat quickly.Better to keep it hot if you can - my opinion only.Others may disagree (and I'm sure someone will!)
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