And there we have it -- the low carb fanatics strike again with their psuedo science and unhealthy advice.
Jul 17, 4:51am
OK - so I clenched my fist - are those starchy carbs inside my fist? That would be very little
Or are they the amount that my clenched fist would occupy?
And are they cooked or uncooked - HUGE difference of course!
My clenched fist is about 400ml worth (just one way to try and figure out what that "portion control" thing means) - that is quitea lot!
Jul 17, 4:54am
Ah - but that doesn't say anything hestia! If I eat a portion of noodles, rice or couscous or a portion of cucumber salad - don't you think that makes a difference? So what is that "portion" that is not fattening? Remember we are talking about rice and couscous here.
Jul 17, 5:39am
A small portion of common sense is sorely needed in post #54.
Jul 17, 1:47pm
Forget it Ellie, common sense left that lot long ago. I think it is the lack of carbs clouding the thinking process.
Jul 17, 1:53pm
OP, calories in 1 cup cooked white rice (186g) is 242. In the same weight of cooked couscous, it's 208kcal. So theoretically, eating the same weigh of rice is potentially more "fattening" than the same weight of couscous. Of course, if you are taking in less calories than you use in a day, they will not be stored as fat.
Jul 17, 2:10pm
Agree with what knowsley has said in this particular subject and to add to that maybe a few folks on here need to look up what de nova lipogeisis is about :)... Might give a little more insight in to things...
Yes, Wildflower, whats happening to the world today, we all seem to be at each others throats over such minor topics.Bit like timetable said, it puts you off these sites................
Jul 17, 11:53pm
Ha!elliehen, yeah, a bit of light heartedness needed around here. You gave me a good chuckle with that site, talk about internet trolls......
Nov 24, 8:07pm
If you want to read a bunch of psuedo sciencerubbish
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