Which is less fattening rice or cous cous? I have decided I really need to lose weight, I eat a lot of meat but do trim fat off, but I love boiled rice, but I wonder maybe I am eating too much of it. I can easily eat a large bowl of it.
Jul 15, 8:56pm
They are both fattening.Try eliminating both from your eating and see how you feel (and look) after a few weeks.
Jul 15, 9:00pm
Maybe its just the fact you are eating too much?, try cutting your portion size down. How often do you see a fat Indian or Asian person - hardly ever.
Life is too short to not eat what you love.
Jul 15, 9:20pm
Rice fattening ... bollocks. Have a look at a billion-plus chinese.
Rice and cous cous are both carbohydrates. Nothing is fattening if eaten in moderate quantites. Gimmick diets don't work, whatever you may eliminate because it's not sustained. You go back to eating "normally" and of course go back to being fatter.
You just have to adjust your intake of food to a smaller quantity. Forever.
Jul 15, 10:15pm
lol lythande1, I have a huge appetite for someone my size, it is terrible! I barely ever eat junk food, but you are right, I have to reduce my intake of food.
Jul 15, 10:37pm
Yes Chinese are slim and they also DO NOT remove any fat from their meat as well. Their duck and pork have incredible amounts of fat. So are you suggesting she stop trimming the fat off her meat, based on the Chinese paradigm?
If you want to be slim like the Chinese you should eat like the Chinese - just barely enough food to prevent starvation. Otherwise you will have to take a long look at what your Western diet is providing and make adjustments.
Jul 15, 10:43pm
It is true. Meat eating Indians are quite slim and can remain that way all their lives. Vegetarian Indians are slim until they reach middle age, when they grow quite fat, especially round their waists. I have seen plenty of fat Indians as they have a huge community not far from our area, and mostly older the women are quite fat.
Jul 15, 10:49pm
Please post proof backed up by scientific journals for this outrageous claim
An excess of calories is the only fattening thing. Anything eaten in excess of the calories you utilise each day will result in fat gain. And if you want to get down to the nitty-gritty science, carbs turning to fat in humans does not happen in any meaningful amount for the average person. The body ramps up the burning of carbs for fuel and stores more ingested fat as fat.
Jul 15, 11:07pm
Cous cous has a good amount of protein in it.I just discovered the stuff last summer and had a lot of fun adding vegies and herbs to it for salads.
Jul 15, 11:17pm
Poster #1 - if it's something that you find you can 'easily' overeat on, then it's a good idea to cut back as it may be making you crave more of it. Experiment on yourself and see.
Jul 15, 11:25pm
This claim is equally outrageous with no scientific proof either.
She asked, "how often do you see a fat Indian". Well there are many Indians living in my neck of the woods and I have seen many fat Indians and many slim Indians. What do you want me to prove? That there are Fat Indians or that there are slim Indians. Maybe you want me to produce scientfic proof that the fat middle aged Indians I see are actually fat or perhaps you would like me to provide the science to back up my claim that some are slim!!
Jul 15, 11:30pm
Following on from your demands ferita, ashanti, perhaps you should provide scientific proof that you are overweight. None of us should believe the evidence of our own eyes anymore. without scientific proof how do you know you are overweight. I wonder what scientific proof has been provided to the media who are currently calling Kate Middleton too thin. They can not really trust the evidence of their own eyes anymore, according to ferita.
Jul 15, 11:32pm
This is outrageous. Please provide the scientific proof, backed up by the journal it was published in, to prove that dietary fat makes you fat.
Jul 15, 11:37pm
Are you trying to say that ingested fat isn't stored at bodyfat?
Jul 15, 11:38pm
Gee thanks everyone for your input, seems I may ahve opened up an interesting debate. Yes I am definitely overweight, I am 5 feet 1inch tall and my average weight used to be 58kg, I am now (gulp) 75kg and do really need to slim down. I unfortunately have a really large appetite, which was fine when I was doing more here on the farm, now i am not doing anything really physical but unfortunately my appetite doesn't seem to have adjusted down.
Jul 15, 11:53pm
Personally ashanti I'd like to get away from the low carb/high carb high fat/lowfat debate for a bit. Either of those diets suits different people for very different reasons.
To answer your question - rice or cous cous are, or are not, fattening based on what you eat with them.
Jul 15, 11:55pm
Not trying to say anything knowsley. I am merely asking for scientific proof of the statement.
Jul 16, 12:05am
They (Asian people) are not as healthy as you think!
The fat has to go somewhere and internalised fat is far more damaging to the heart and liver than having a few extra kilograms on your belly or arse!
Better out than in! But then if you are super morbidly obese the fat is both internal and external!
ashanti, the portion size of rice or cous cous at your meal should be the size of your clenched fist.
Jul 16, 12:20am
I'm pretty sure any good nutrition book (one based on science, of course, not the ones you read) will prove this. Whether ingested fat gets utilised is dependent on your overall calorie intake - eat more calories than you use and ingested fat is stored.
Jul 16, 12:26am
I think there's a lot in this.If you can gain control over even one aspect of your eating you are well on the way to feeling empowered to change other aspects.
And by the way, you probably know this, but cous cous is made from wheat flour, the same as pasta, and has the same nutritional profile.
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